Laughing at the faux outrage by the over Trump's 2nd Am comments.

They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

The Trump campaign barely gets over cleaning up a Trump mess.
And then he creates another....

Hillary staffers might not collect a paycheck here...
Trump is doing their work for them....

Hillary is ready and waiting to discuss policies just as soon as Trump stops opening his mouth to exchange feet....

I say Hillary might start discussing policy on Nov 10th...
Charles Krauthammer came out and stated that he never took Trump's 2nd Amendment comments the way the left is trying to twist Trump's words.

But hey, it's ok with the left for their hero, Obama to say, "if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

It's hilarious seeing the left cry their fake tears, trying anything in hopes of ensuring America-hating communist, Hillary Clinton the presidency. I guess they have no more confidence in the polls than the right does. Seriously, we're seeing the globalist leftists pull out everything - from the NY Times blaming Trump for biased news coverage. Even the Los Angeles times stated the media has lost objectivity in their attacks on Trump.

Then we have desperate anti-America globalists in the GOP like Susan Collins and some others who are so desperate to preserve the globalist status quo, they hope they're Trump hate can derail him.

Keep it up lefties, your desperate acts and closet globalist leftists like Susan Collins aren't fulling anyone.

Your only hope is to have the SEIU rig voting machines like they did for Harry Reid to get his current senate term. Oh, and of course there is a real obvious reasons Democrats want no voter Richard Daley said: vote early, vote often
That you and other blind partisan Trump supporters don’t get it comes as no surprise, and further illustrates why Trump has no business being president.

Clayton you're pro "Choice", a hilarious bullshit follow your left leaders like a good Nazi have no business voting for president.
They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

The Trump campaign barely gets over cleaning up a Trump mess.
And then he creates another....

Hillary staffers might not collect a paycheck here...
Trump is doing their work for them....

Hillary is ready and waiting to discuss policies just as soon as Trump stops opening his mouth to exchange feet....

I say Hillary might start discussing policy on Nov 10th...

We know her policies, free yes...
Tax the rich...except my buddies, we'll give them special exemptions wink, wink
start more stupid conflicts and create more refugees we'll take in..
convert all of our power to windmills, but they can't block the views of her and her liberal friends.
Abort any baby possible.
lets just start with that
Any dipshit can say fuck yeah and punch somebody....

Not with true authority and the gusto to be convincing.

The leader of our land needs to be smarter than that. They need to be somebody who all citizens young and old can look up to and depend on.
Speaking in wonk word salads does not require intelligence, just a good memory and an army of 'experts' to feed you the lines to say.

With Hillary you have the wonkish brain that is good at memorizing long reams of boring data, but little common sense or ability to think outside the box. A standard professional politician who has never had a real job after college.

With Trump you have a different kind of intelligence and experience. He has a knack for solving real world problems, not abstract problems so much. And his talent for picking good people he can delegate responsibility to is one of his long suits. He wont be micromanaging the White House tennis court schedule. And he has enough real world experience to know that a well placed 'Fuck!' can get people moving their asses to ge a job done.

Our problems are brought to us by the wonks and it will take a man of Herculean real world accomplishment to clean all the shit out of these DC lobbyist firms.

Let me give you it in your language...

That was one dogshit post... Even the dog wouldn't claim that post, he would look at the other dogs and try and pin it on them...
Any dipshit can say fuck yeah and punch somebody....

Not with true authority and the gusto to be convincing.

The leader of our land needs to be smarter than that. They need to be somebody who all citizens young and old can look up to and depend on.
Speaking in wonk word salads does not require intelligence, just a good memory and an army of 'experts' to feed you the lines to say.

With Hillary you have the wonkish brain that is good at memorizing long reams of boring data, but little common sense or ability to think outside the box. A standard professional politician who has never had a real job after college.

With Trump you have a different kind of intelligence and experience. He has a knack for solving real world problems, not abstract problems so much. And his talent for picking good people he can delegate responsibility to is one of his long suits. He wont be micromanaging the White House tennis court schedule. And he has enough real world experience to know that a well placed 'Fuck!' can get people moving their asses to ge a job done.

Our problems are brought to us by the wonks and it will take a man of Herculean real world accomplishment to clean all the shit out of these DC lobbyist firms.

Let me give you it in your language...

That was one dogshit post... Even the dog wouldn't claim that post, he would look at the other dogs and try and pin it on them...

Way to add, another liberal tactic, derail the topic and avoid a logical argument, you just can't win for you commies.
And I am sick of the sick minds like yours advocating violence. That you are personally a failure is your problem. The rest of us desire a stable and Constitutionly legal environment. Not one where any nutball with a gun gets a pass to assassinate a major figure by a Presidential candidate. Both you and Trump are really stupid and dangerous assholes.

What's amusing about all of this is the total lack of ability among liberals to figure out when someone's being sarcastic. Trump says sarcastic things CONSTANTLY and each time he does the left goes APESHIT! I thought you guys were supposed to be the smart ones? How come you're the only ones in the room that don't get the joke!
I don't think there is any claim that he was being serious... However a president or candidate shouldn't be making jokes about stuff like that. There are too many impressionable nutballs out there.

The impressionable nutballs seem to work at CNN and MSNBC. Anyone with a brain knows this is more main stream media diversion from Hillary's scandals.
And I am sick of the sick minds like yours advocating violence. That you are personally a failure is your problem. The rest of us desire a stable and Constitutionly legal environment. Not one where any nutball with a gun gets a pass to assassinate a major figure by a Presidential candidate. Both you and Trump are really stupid and dangerous assholes.

What's amusing about all of this is the total lack of ability among liberals to figure out when someone's being sarcastic. Trump says sarcastic things CONSTANTLY and each time he does the left goes APESHIT! I thought you guys were supposed to be the smart ones? How come you're the only ones in the room that don't get the joke!
I don't think there is any claim that he was being serious... However a president or candidate shouldn't be making jokes about stuff like that. There are too many impressionable nutballs out there.

The impressionable nutballs seem to work at CNN and MSNBC. Anyone with a brain knows this is more main stream media diversion from Hillary's scandals.

No kidding...pretty soon their gonna spend a whole week on how Trump plagiarized Hello........just so they don't have to talk about Hillary.
You really think Donald Trump has authority and gusto?? You realize we are talking about Donald Trump right?? The reality TV guy? You're Fired? He is a clown, an entertainer...
IF you can look at all the things Trump has accomplished in his life, all the buildings he has built, projects he has come in and rescued, the books and yes, the TV stardom, which is much more difficult than you seem to realize, dumbass, simply proves that YOU are the clown, not Trump, shit4brains.

Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight
Gotta love the polls, especially when they show that Trump supporters are majorly uneducated white males. Spot on!

I'm more educated than you. You think Lincoln was a democrat.
Yeah, I have a hie ejumakashun 2!

lol, isnt it hilarious how these erudite fellows need to give us their internet credentials in place of presenting facts and reason to demonstrate their intelligence?
Erudite?? Haha, wow you must be smart. I stand corrected
You really think Donald Trump has authority and gusto?? You realize we are talking about Donald Trump right?? The reality TV guy? You're Fired? He is a clown, an entertainer...
IF you can look at all the things Trump has accomplished in his life, all the buildings he has built, projects he has come in and rescued, the books and yes, the TV stardom, which is much more difficult than you seem to realize, dumbass, simply proves that YOU are the clown, not Trump, shit4brains.

Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight
Gotta love the polls, especially when they show that Trump supporters are majorly uneducated white males. Spot on!

I'm more educated than you. You think Lincoln was a democrat.
Yeah, I have a hie ejumakashun 2!

lol, isnt it hilarious how these erudite fellows need to give us their internet credentials in place of presenting facts and reason to demonstrate their intelligence?

Low information democrats that don't know politics, history, and science calling me stupid is very hilarious.
You earned it
Any dipshit can say fuck yeah and punch somebody....

Not with true authority and the gusto to be convincing.

The leader of our land needs to be smarter than that. They need to be somebody who all citizens young and old can look up to and depend on.
Speaking in wonk word salads does not require intelligence, just a good memory and an army of 'experts' to feed you the lines to say.

With Hillary you have the wonkish brain that is good at memorizing long reams of boring data, but little common sense or ability to think outside the box. A standard professional politician who has never had a real job after college.

With Trump you have a different kind of intelligence and experience. He has a knack for solving real world problems, not abstract problems so much. And his talent for picking good people he can delegate responsibility to is one of his long suits. He wont be micromanaging the White House tennis court schedule. And he has enough real world experience to know that a well placed 'Fuck!' can get people moving their asses to ge a job done.

Our problems are brought to us by the wonks and it will take a man of Herculean real world accomplishment to clean all the shit out of these DC lobbyist firms.

Let me give you it in your language...

That was one dogshit post... Even the dog wouldn't claim that post, he would look at the other dogs and try and pin it on them...

I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)
IF you can look at all the things Trump has accomplished in his life, all the buildings he has built, projects he has come in and rescued, the books and yes, the TV stardom, which is much more difficult than you seem to realize, dumbass, simply proves that YOU are the clown, not Trump, shit4brains.

Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight
Gotta love the polls, especially when they show that Trump supporters are majorly uneducated white males. Spot on!

I'm more educated than you. You think Lincoln was a democrat.
Yeah, I have a hie ejumakashun 2!

lol, isnt it hilarious how these erudite fellows need to give us their internet credentials in place of presenting facts and reason to demonstrate their intelligence?

Low information democrats that don't know politics, history, and science calling me stupid is very hilarious.
You earned it

I did earn my feeling of moral and intellectual superiority....thank you!
Any dipshit can say fuck yeah and punch somebody....

Not with true authority and the gusto to be convincing.

The leader of our land needs to be smarter than that. They need to be somebody who all citizens young and old can look up to and depend on.
Speaking in wonk word salads does not require intelligence, just a good memory and an army of 'experts' to feed you the lines to say.

With Hillary you have the wonkish brain that is good at memorizing long reams of boring data, but little common sense or ability to think outside the box. A standard professional politician who has never had a real job after college.

With Trump you have a different kind of intelligence and experience. He has a knack for solving real world problems, not abstract problems so much. And his talent for picking good people he can delegate responsibility to is one of his long suits. He wont be micromanaging the White House tennis court schedule. And he has enough real world experience to know that a well placed 'Fuck!' can get people moving their asses to ge a job done.

Our problems are brought to us by the wonks and it will take a man of Herculean real world accomplishment to clean all the shit out of these DC lobbyist firms.

Let me give you it in your language...

That was one dogshit post... Even the dog wouldn't claim that post, he would look at the other dogs and try and pin it on them...

I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)

You might need to tell him why 1783, I doubt he knows.
What does this have to do with the moon landing?

As well as being full of shit you're the Deflection King, too? Who'd a thought!

Oh you mean talking about the events of yesterday and you posting a meaningless bunch of quotes and twitter posts. not related to the topic...thank you for proving my point!

And I have to get rid of that your mouth, I know you liberals love the scat play.
Any dipshit can say fuck yeah and punch somebody....

Not with true authority and the gusto to be convincing.

The leader of our land needs to be smarter than that. They need to be somebody who all citizens young and old can look up to and depend on.
Speaking in wonk word salads does not require intelligence, just a good memory and an army of 'experts' to feed you the lines to say.

With Hillary you have the wonkish brain that is good at memorizing long reams of boring data, but little common sense or ability to think outside the box. A standard professional politician who has never had a real job after college.

With Trump you have a different kind of intelligence and experience. He has a knack for solving real world problems, not abstract problems so much. And his talent for picking good people he can delegate responsibility to is one of his long suits. He wont be micromanaging the White House tennis court schedule. And he has enough real world experience to know that a well placed 'Fuck!' can get people moving their asses to ge a job done.

Our problems are brought to us by the wonks and it will take a man of Herculean real world accomplishment to clean all the shit out of these DC lobbyist firms.

Let me give you it in your language...

That was one dogshit post... Even the dog wouldn't claim that post, he would look at the other dogs and try and pin it on them...

I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)

You might need to tell him why 1783, I doubt he knows.

I have yet to come across a leftard that knows his or her ass from a hole in the ground which is why they bail on the opportunity to have a "one on one" discussion because they know they will get their asses handed to them.
Any dipshit can say fuck yeah and punch somebody....

Not with true authority and the gusto to be convincing.

The leader of our land needs to be smarter than that. They need to be somebody who all citizens young and old can look up to and depend on.
Speaking in wonk word salads does not require intelligence, just a good memory and an army of 'experts' to feed you the lines to say.

With Hillary you have the wonkish brain that is good at memorizing long reams of boring data, but little common sense or ability to think outside the box. A standard professional politician who has never had a real job after college.

With Trump you have a different kind of intelligence and experience. He has a knack for solving real world problems, not abstract problems so much. And his talent for picking good people he can delegate responsibility to is one of his long suits. He wont be micromanaging the White House tennis court schedule. And he has enough real world experience to know that a well placed 'Fuck!' can get people moving their asses to ge a job done.

Our problems are brought to us by the wonks and it will take a man of Herculean real world accomplishment to clean all the shit out of these DC lobbyist firms.

Let me give you it in your language...

That was one dogshit post... Even the dog wouldn't claim that post, he would look at the other dogs and try and pin it on them...

I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)

You might need to tell him why 1783, I doubt he knows.

I have yet to come across a leftard that knows his or her ass from a hole in the ground which is why they bail on the opportunity to have a "one on one" discussion because they know they will get their asses handed to them.

yep, I have crushed them on two of my favorite topics......Modern left and how it relates to the French Revolution, AND the southern strategy....I love it when they bring up's like slow pitched softball.
I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)

yeah, but you're a whackjob living in the 18th century. Hate to spill it to you Sparky, but women and all men now have the vote. Slavery no longer exists. Things change. Get over it.

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