Laughing at the faux outrage by the over Trump's 2nd Am comments.

I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)

yeah, but you're a whackjob living in the 18th century. Hate to spill it to you Sparky, but women and all men now have the vote. Slavery no longer exists. Things change. Get over it.

No shit, the civil rights era is over....time to move on
But the past has lots of lessons to learn, get to studying.
I loved that post....gave it the highest ranking possible. You want to debate me, ass wipe? Bring it. Let's have a debate about what is really going on in this country and what has for the last 40 plus years....hell, we can go all the way back to 1783...makes no difference to me because I KNOW what has happened. You think you have some knowledge to lay out? I say that you are fucking moron so allow me to prove it. (snicker)

yeah, but you're a whackjob living in the 18th century. Hate to spill it to you Sparky, but women and all men now have the vote. Slavery no longer exists. Things change. Get over it.

All men and women are created equal but slavery does exist and if you have a birth certificate, you are a debt slave that was made surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. You have never been paid for your labor in anything other than a fiat paper currency with no intrinsic value. You do not even own your home or car unless you pay the property taxes or keep your vehicle up to code under the UCC. Allodial rights to property no longer exists...debate me on this, douchebag because I will knock your ass in the dirt.
Oh you mean talking about the events of yesterday and you posting a meaningless bunch of quotes and twitter posts. not related to the topic...thank you for proving my point!

And I have to get rid of that your mouth, I know you liberals love the scat play.

You asked. You received. Stop whining.
All men and women are created equal but slavery does exist and if you have a birth certificate, you are a debt slave that was made surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. You have never been paid for your labor in anything other than a fiat paper currency with no intrinsic value. You do not even own your home or car unless you pay the property taxes or keep your vehicle up to code under the UCC. Allodial rights to property no longer exists...debate me on this, douchebag because I will knock your ass in the dirt.
You really should have the words "conspiracy theorist" under your name. If should be a fair warning so us normal folk don't have to engage with whackos like you.
They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

Okay.....let's be rational here.
The problem seems to be a press that thinks they can get away with any lie......not that Trump says stupid things.

For God's sake.....Hillary bragged about wanting to hammer us with higher taxes and then had a terrorist's father sit behind her in her rally yesterday. Get some motherfucking perspective.
Donald Trump has been a daily, non-stop string of cartoonish hyperbole, childish attacks, petulant behavior and embarrassing remarks that his own people have to walk back.

Hillary Clinton lies even more than the average politician.

The two are just not comparable.
They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

If anyone expects Trump to be a liberal Democrat PC pussy they're going to be disappointed..
No one expects anything from him other than embarrassing comments and childish behavior.
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They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

There was not one damned thing stupid about that statement.

Normal people dont talk like wonks and preface everything with qualifiers and implicits deniability.

THE MEDIA is creating another distraction from Hillary Clintons crimes, corruption and despicableness.

'Hillary didnt do any.....Oh, look at this shiny shit over here folks!'
There was nothing wrong with the words within the comment.

The issue (for me, at least) is that he clearly doesn't possess the intellectual capacity to (a) realize he's throwing the Democrats a big, delightful chew toy, and (b) recognize when he's swerving somewhere near a conversation about guns and his opponent. Such nuance clearly doesn't register with this man. Not even close. And nuance is kind of important when you're President of the United States, Commander in Chief and Leader of the Free World.

I wonder what the excuses would be if he pissed off our enemies with one of his flippant, sophomoric comments and either caused deaths or had to walk them back on the world stage - a likely scenario.

This is like having a 12-year old boy running for President.
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They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

The Trump campaign barely gets over cleaning up a Trump mess.
And then he creates another....

Hillary staffers might not collect a paycheck here...
Trump is doing their work for them....
Yep. Just stand back and let him go.

She could take a few days off whenever she wants.
They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

if you want to know if it's "faux", ask yourself what the wing nut brigade would be doing if it were hillary.
The same thing, of course. Partisans have no credibility.

But she doesn't give them these kinds of opportunities.
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All men and women are created equal but slavery does exist and if you have a birth certificate, you are a debt slave that was made surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. You have never been paid for your labor in anything other than a fiat paper currency with no intrinsic value. You do not even own your home or car unless you pay the property taxes or keep your vehicle up to code under the UCC. Allodial rights to property no longer exists...debate me on this, douchebag because I will knock your ass in the dirt.
You really should have the words "conspiracy theorist" under your name. If should be a fair warning so us normal folk don't have to engage with whackos like you.
So, you still thinking its a vast right wing conspiracy along with your hitlery? :lol:
It's definitely faux outrage, the left and their media is taking complete advantage of a poorly worded comment. Anyone in their right mind knows that a candidate for president isn't going to intentionally state that his opponent should be shot.

Having said that, Trump doesn't have the sense to know that he can't walk a fine line like this without ramifications.
It's like he doesn't get the fact that at the starting line 90% of the MSM is already against you.
They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

if you want to know if it's "faux", ask yourself what the wing nut brigade would be doing if it were hillary.
The same thing, of course. Partisans have no credibility.

But she doesn't give them these kinds of opportunities.

no. she gives them others. but truly nothing this stupid.
Once again I am going to say that Trump's "jokes" are only funny to horrible, mean people. Many of you accuse the left of not getting it or blowing things out of proportion but we are not voting for comedian in chief here. The guy is not taking this seriously and neither is his hardcore supporters. It is beginning to look like the unfunniest prank in the history of humor.
They're taking advantage of the fact that Trump just can't stop saying stupid things.

All they have to do is point at it and say "holy shit, look at that!"

Of course it's faux outrage, but it works. Because Trump is just so easy.

Okay.....let's be rational here.
The problem seems to be a press that thinks they can get away with any lie......not that Trump says stupid things.

For God's sake.....Hillary bragged about wanting to hammer us with higher taxes and then had a terrorist's father sit behind her in her rally yesterday. Get some motherfucking perspective.
Donald Trump has been a daily, non-stop string of cartoonish hyperbole, childish attacks, petulant behavior and embarrassing remarks that his own people have to walk back.

Hillary Clinton lies even more than the average politician.

The two are just not comparable.

I don't think she lies more. I think she's just scrutinized more.
You really think Donald Trump has authority and gusto?? You realize we are talking about Donald Trump right?? The reality TV guy? You're Fired? He is a clown, an entertainer...
IF you can look at all the things Trump has accomplished in his life, all the buildings he has built, projects he has come in and rescued, the books and yes, the TV stardom, which is much more difficult than you seem to realize, dumbass, simply proves that YOU are the clown, not Trump, shit4brains.

Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight
Gotta love the polls, especially when they show that Trump supporters are majorly uneducated white males. Spot on!

I'm more educated than you. You think Lincoln was a democrat.

You can be educated......... but you can be stupid at the same time.
Just another B.S. manufactured scam. Trump is Spot On. Clinton is a Gun Grabber. If you're a Gun Owner, you need to work very hard to keep her out of the White House. She's a very dangerous & corrupt Globalist Elite, who hates America and its Constitution. We just endured eight long years of that. We don't more of it.
It's definitely faux outrage, the left and their media is taking complete advantage of a poorly worded comment. Anyone in their right mind knows that a candidate for president isn't going to intentionally state that his opponent should be shot.

Having said that, Trump doesn't have the sense to know that he can't walk a fine line like this without ramifications.
It's like he doesn't get the fact that at the starting line 90% of the MSM is already against you.
The Left and their media? Turn on Fox today, I bet the majority of their shows lead with the Trump story... Outnumbered just spent the first 15 min on it.
Charles Krauthammer came out and stated that he never took Trump's 2nd Amendment comments the way the left is trying to twist Trump's words.

But hey, it's ok with the left for their hero, Obama to say, "if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

It's hilarious seeing the left cry their fake tears, trying anything in hopes of ensuring America-hating communist, Hillary Clinton the presidency. I guess they have no more confidence in the polls than the right does. Seriously, we're seeing the globalist leftists pull out everything - from the NY Times blaming Trump for biased news coverage. Even the Los Angeles times stated the media has lost objectivity in their attacks on Trump.

Then we have desperate anti-America globalists in the GOP like Susan Collins and some others who are so desperate to preserve the globalist status quo, they hope they're Trump hate can derail him.

Keep it up lefties, your desperate acts and closet globalist leftists like Susan Collins aren't fulling anyone.

Your only hope is to have the SEIU rig voting machines like they did for Harry Reid to get his current senate term. Oh, and of course there is a real obvious reasons Democrats want no voter Richard Daley said: vote early, vote often

They are desperate to cover up all the nasty stuff about Shrillary.

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