Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

Don't be a fool.

Lauren Boebert taking legal action over Dem PAC's 'false and disgusting claims' that she was 'paid escort'

So? Trumper cult high priests know just filing the lawsuit is good enough for the sheep.
Sounds like a shady claim to me.

However this is where we are...she has vowed to sue. Lets see if she does. If she does...I think that confirms its a shady claim. Because there is zero way she'd want to give this allegation (which sounds pretty shady) oxygen by giving the story legs.

So I think the claims are false. I hope she sues them. I hope she wins. We need less of this in our society--these types of allegations--not more.

Now, if she doesn't file suit... that is a different kettle of fish. Why not?
As I posted earlier, I hope Boebert take the Democrat PAC to court....why should Sandman and Rittenhouse be the only ones getting insanely rich from liberals who don't mind paying out the ass for spreading known false information / slandering people?!

There was an "accusatory" thread and a "defensive" thread on this news flash. Considering the perpetrators are the MUCKRAKERS PAC and the source claims it's business is "sex and celebrities" -- the results sit here in Conspiracy Theory forum until the MEMBERS sort this out.. McRib Ringtone

Good luck muckrakers!!!! :dev3: Get your hazmat suits on. Election is coming!!!!!
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It looks like they will have to prove these allegations since she's suing them for defamation of character.
It's not like hardcore wokester lefties would just make things up & totally lie....

No she has the burden. Discovery will be fun.

I predict there will be no actual suit.
She's trash, so it's probably true. She also worked as an escort.

The best part, however, was it was Ted Cruz who told her she should get into politics!!

From your "source":
"information about the abortions came from other sources with knowledge of the situation."

This is the same kind of anonymous BS we saw for years that was dumped on Trump. Here's the thing though, Boebert isn't demanding that abortion be "outlawed" and anyone making that assertion is either lying or stoopid...

She isn't trying to make abortion illegal for anyone. If she had abortions and she regrets them - she'd be in a lot of good company because huge numbers of women regret the choice later in life. Not all, and I don't advocate slandering or attacking ANY WOMAN who chooses abortion. The only ones that I reserve that for are the ones who have multiple abortions and do so as a means of birth control. I think of them as being willfully evil.

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