Lauren Boebert: Professional Rake Stepper


Boebert is definitely a rake stepper!
You honestly believe that "We, the People" elect Senators today? I thought I had a good one. Until I tried to make a company follow the law and then got a good view of a Senator on the take. The problem we have is there is just too much money to get elected for the Senate and way to much to stay in office. All of them have to sell their souls. This whole thing is completely dishonest. We might as well take it back to what it once was where it was less corrupt. We have more control at the Governor level.

Election campaigning in the USA has gotten completely out of hand. The fund raising for your next campaign starts the moment you're elected, and the campaigning is endless. Read the history of Rome. What corrupted the Senate was the need for Senators to have money to stage games at the Forum. That's made the Senate very corruptible, and Citizens United added to that.

$14.4 billion was spent on the 2020 elections. The country which cannot afford universal health care, or student debt loan forgiveness, or a good education system for poor children, can afford to spend $14.4 billion on elections every 4 years.

You don't need term limits, you need spending limits on elections. You need to define "election season", to limit the amount of time and money spent deciding who runs the country. Campaigns are lasting 2 years. 2024 has already begun. The American public is sick of it. Think of what that money could do for all of the things you "can't afford" for your people. Like quality child care for working families.

Our 2015 election was the longest in Canadian history. 78 days. 2 1/2 months from the day it was announced, until election day. Canadian election laws prevent any ads or campaigning prior to the day the writ is dropped (the election is announced). There are strict spending limits on every race, as well as strict donation limits. These endless campaigns are a waste of time and money - both of which would be better spent working on behalf of the American people.
I have concerns about the intelligence of any woman who votes Republican. I was just reading the court filings in the new law suit by Texas women against the state's abortion ban and the hell these women went through.

Nothing you type says that you are "intelligent".
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Given that you can only receive welfare benefits for 2 years in your life, being on welfare cannot possibly be a "way of life", but Republican lies about "welfare queens" persist 40 years after it was proven that Reagan was lying to you.

Bobert used campaign funds to pay the rent on her financially troubled business. Her Christmas card is straight out of the trailer park, and her stunning level of stupidity and ignorance is an indictment of your public education system.

It doesn't say much for the Republican Party that she was allowed to run in the first place, and it says even less about her constituents that she was re-elected.

You are a compulsive liar.

"Federal law affords states great flexibility in setting time-limit policies. The federal 60-month limit does not apply to state-funded benefits; also, states may use federal TANF funds to support up to 20 percent of the caseload beyond 60 months. Thus, states may set a 60-month time limit, a shorter limit, or no time limit, and they may choose to exempt families from time limits. Not surprisingly, time-limit policies vary dramatically from state to state. Other key findings from the study include:"

Not stepping on a rake except in your imagination.

Bobo cited that 2020 document after repeatedly asking the director of the Office of Personnel for the percent of employees who were not logging on to there “remote jobs” at all. The director claimed not to know, but the Trump administration had provided the figures.

If it was 25% under Trump, no doubt it is much larger under Biden.

Do you have evidence of that or did you just pull this out of your ass???? Your knee jerk reaction is to think poorly of Democrats, even though in statistic after statistic, it's the Republicans who are the incompetent boobs who can't run jack shit.
Do you have evidence of that
Well no . . . because Biden's director of OPM refused to give the number, remember?
or did you just pull this out of your ass???? Your knee jerk reaction is to think poorly of Democrats, even though in statistic after statistic, it's the Republicans who are the incompetent boobs who can't run jack shit.
Mmmm . . .
Public record, and the Boobllehead Boebert could have gotten it, if it is available of course. So what you actually mean is that you are making shit up. Much like the bobblehead did.
It isn't available because the Biden administration won't make it available.

When they hide something it is fair and prudent to assume the worst.

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