Lauren Boebert: Professional Rake Stepper

Why? Why does it need to be a full time job?
What does that have to do with Lauren Boebert?

She went from being a teen mother on welfare to one of 435 U.S. Representatives.

Just admit that is a success story instead of twisting yourself into pretzels trying to attack her.

rightwinger is nothing but a hatefilled bigot. And a misogynist. He hates that Boebert chose NOT to abort her child...AND is a successful female politician. That undermines his message.

Are you cut from the same mold?
Only the small minded bigots.

A welfare queen lives and dies on welfare.

Nobody I know opposes welfare as a hand up...we oppose it as a way of life.

Why would anyone look at a story like Lauren Boebert's as anything less than A SUCCESS STORY?

Other than those who nothing but partisan hacks...

Given that you can only receive welfare benefits for 2 years in your life, being on welfare cannot possibly be a "way of life", but Republican lies about "welfare queens" persist 40 years after it was proven that Reagan was lying to you.

Bobert used campaign funds to pay the rent on her financially troubled business. Her Christmas card is straight out of the trailer park, and her stunning level of stupidity and ignorance is an indictment of your public education system.

It doesn't say much for the Republican Party that she was allowed to run in the first place, and it says even less about her constituents that she was re-elected.
I work with a lot of folks from the USDA and most were sent remote when COVID hit. There were a lot of bumps and problems at first as their system was not designed to handle that sort of traffic.
That is a possible explanation...but it's only speculation.
She went from being a teen mother on welfare to one of 435 U.S. Representatives.

Just admit that is a success story instead of twisting yourself into pretzels trying to attack her.

I assume I can find you giving this same praise to AOC who went from lowly bartender to one of 435 U.S. Representatives?
Given that you can only receive welfare benefits for 2 years in your life, being on welfare cannot possibly be a "way of life", but Republican lies about "welfare queens" persist 40 years after it was proven that Reagan was lying to you.

Bobert used campaign funds to pay the rent on her financially troubled business. Her Christmas card is straight out of the trailer park, and her stunning level of stupidity and ignorance is an indictment of your public education system.

It doesn't say much for the Republican Party that she was allowed to run in the first place, and it says even less about her constituents that she was re-elected.
No part of this post is true.

Just as an example...

TANF limits some cash payments to five years...but there are several exceptions and exemptions.
I assume I can find you giving this same praise to AOC who went from lowly bartender to one of 435 U.S. Representatives?
I actually thought I had posted something about this...but I can't find it.

Yes ... I 100% think it is wonderful to have a bartender elected to Congress.

That IS a success story.

We need MORE bartenders and plumbers and truck drivers and soldiers and less lawyers, hedge fund managers and did I mention less lawyers?
Yes ... I 100% think it is wonderful to have a bartender elected to Congress.

That IS a success story.

We need MORE bartenders and plumbers and truck drivers and soldiers and less lawyers, hedge fund managers and did I mention less lawyers?

I cannot argue with this.
trump failed in ALL aspects of COVID.
Which ones did Joey succeed in? Nothing Biden ever said or did worked out or saved lives. If I had any criticism of Trump, I wish he would have just had at least one or two fireside chats with the country over the summer giving the country a heads up on what he knew and what we should expect.

Tell us 3 things trump excelled at during the pandemic.
Sure, if you can name three things Biden excelled at!
Which ones did Joey succeed in? Nothing Biden ever said or did worked out or saved lives. If I had any criticism of Trump, I wish he would have just had at least one or two fireside chats with the country over the summer giving the country a heads up on what he knew and what we should expect.

Sure, if you can name three things Biden excelled at!
I'm NOT a biden fan.
I hope another (D) will run in 2024.
Biden is just too old, so is trump.

You did deflect nicely. NOTED.
She just keeps stepping in it...

Once again, you can't make this stuff up folks. You just can't.

Not stepping on a rake except in your imagination.

Bobo cited that 2020 document after repeatedly asking the director of the Office of Personnel for the percent of employees who were not logging on to there “remote jobs” at all. The director claimed not to know, but the Trump administration had provided the figures.

If it was 25% under Trump, no doubt it is much larger under Biden.
Biden is just too old, so is trump.

Funny, Trump has 10X the mental acuity of Biden, virtually unchanged from when he was in office!

It isn't Trump who fell three times climbing aboard Airforce One and it isn't Trump who falls down on stage.

Trump barely spent a couple precautionary days in the hospital having Covid. He's not hospitalized with shingles! He's not recuperating from falling over walking up to a podium!

If Trump is too old, what does that say about the Congress full of aging fossils?
Funny, Trump has 10X the mental acuity of Biden, virtually unchanged from when he was in office!

It isn't Trump who fell three times climbing aboard Airforce One and it isn't Trump who falls down on stage.

Trump barely spent a couple precautionary days in the hospital having Covid. He's not hospitalized with shingles! He's not recuperating from falling over walking up to a podium!

If Trump is too old, what does that say about the Congress full of aging fossils?
Term Limits.
I've advocated for this^^^^

No Congress, or POTUS, should be 80+

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