Lauren Boebert’s New Proposal Would Expose What Dems Hide in Bills – And They Hate It

That might be the first time anyone from either party has called Boebert honest.

This is the bitch that crashed her car and left her injured sister in law and kid in the car and walked away

A real Ted Kennedy type eh? All this denigration of High School dropouts just illustrates the pent-up mean-ness of Dems. All ya need to know is that she's RUN 3 RACES and WON ALL OF THEM DECIDELY.

I doubt we want mandatory IQ tests for Congress. Their popularity rating is LOW ENOUGH now.

The OPost is ABOUT the total hypocrisy and lying in politics. Problems like passing bills as tho they are scanning groceries at a check-out stand is what the TWO INEPT, CORRUPT parties have brought us. FOUR people RUNNING Congress -- the rest are there to PUSH VOTING BUTTONS.

Who needs a HS diploma for that sad demeaning job?

Congress will NEVER be reformed into the deliberative body of INDIVIDUALS it was supposed to be -- as long as folks keep voting for the 2 parties.
She is a flippin High School dropout. No college degree, and sickened hundreds of people through food poisoning at her restaurant. I mean I could find homeless drunks on the streets more qualified than this ****.
and yet she's making a common sense proposal that self proclaimed smart people are for some reason against?
Threads like this one show you how our country is just doomed. When people cant agree on something so basic because of political affiliation you know we are fucked. You know the decades long campaign by both sides to divide the nation has WORKED.

How can anyone NOT WANT the bills voted on to be read aloud to the nation? How can you allow your political leanings to cause you to be against this? I fucking HATE NANCY PELOSI with all that is in me.....but if she put this forward I would support it. (we know the crooked bitch would never do that......but I digress).

A republican wants HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY and leftists here decide its more important to attack her education status rather than support a push for HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY.

fucking morons.
No need for a bill

Members of Congress can just make it clear they will vote NO on any bill they haven’t had time to read

The average Congressional Bill has around 1500 words, about 22 pages. More comprehensive bills regularly have over 1,000 pages.

In 2019, nearly 9,000 bills were introduced into Congress.

I submit that each Congressperson could not possibly read them all and would need a much larger staff than they currently have to condense these bills down for each Congressperson.
The average Congressional Bill has around 1500 words, about 22 pages. More comprehensive bills regularly have over 1,000 pages.

In 2019, nearly 9,000 bills were introduced into Congress.

I submit that each Congressperson could not possibly read them all and would need a much larger staff than they currently have to condense these bills down for each Congressperson.

I submit that given an extra week, most Congress members would not spend the time to read a thousand page bill and would rely on a summary or condensed version
Especially Boebert
The average Congressional Bill has around 1500 words, about 22 pages. More comprehensive bills regularly have over 1,000 pages.

In 2019, nearly 9,000 bills were introduced into Congress.

I submit that each Congressperson could not possibly read them all and would need a much larger staff than they currently have to condense these bills down for each Congressperson.
I submit that Boebert should volunteer to read each and every one in full personally
I submit that Boebert should volunteer to read each and every one in full personally

Like most Republicans, Boebert does not need to read bills
If it is a Republican bill, she votes yes
If it is a Democratic bill, she votes no
We all know there are plenty of things hidden in these bills because they are packed with different agendas. Some of them or more come back to bit us in the ass in the future. Some are more direct. The Patriot Act is a harbinger of tyranny. And it has been strengthened over the years. Merrick Garland is using it as a NAZI plank for his agendas. Jeff Sessions was invisible and neutered. And not by Trump.
We all know there are plenty of things hidden in these bills because they are packed with different agendas. Some of them or more come back to bit us in the ass in the future. Some are more direct. The Patriot Act is a harbinger of tyranny. And it has been strengthened over the years. Merrick Garland is using it as a NAZI plank for his agendas. Jeff Sessions was invisible and neutered. And not by Trump.
The Patriot Act was Republican legislation . We told you fuckers that once enacted that it could turn out to be fucked up but since it was liberals telling you this you just shrugged and said fuck always
Boebert is posturing for her base

Pretending that she would actually read a thousand page bill……if only she had the time
Most bills that cross their desk will be given to staffers to summarize and point out any concerns
Mostly, they will vote the party line.

Lets call this bill what it is…..
An attempt to delay legislation
Every time a bill is modified, Republicans will demand five more days…..then five more days….then five more days
The Patriot Act was Republican legislation . We told you fuckers that once enacted that it could turn out to be fucked up but since it was liberals telling you this you just shrugged and said fuck always
Learning in life is a process. Remember.....two options. D or R. And I do not believe that Progs were raising cain during that time period. Progs had a chance to remove the Patriot Act a few times since then. When they were voted out in 2010, the months from November of that year to the January swearing in of the Repub majority they actually voted to increase the Patriot Act powers. Freedom can only be increased with the defanging of the Security and Policing powers of our central government. There is a shadow on the Land now. And an indifference by many citizens.
Yea, Boebert will actually read thousands of pages of legislation

Boebert has said that her family depended on welfare when she was growing up.[13][14] She dropped out of high school during her senior year when she had a baby in 2004, and earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary.

Learning in life is a process. Remember.....two options. D or R. And I do not believe that Progs were raising cain during that time period.
You would think so but that's not the case. Ds WERE raising hell about the patriot act when republicans were trying to pass it and we told you idiots THEN that once enacted it would be abused and never go away.

But you simply refused to believe us ...based on "Ds and Rs". And that kneejerk reaction has only gotten WORSE
No need for a bill

Members of Congress can just make it clear they will vote NO on any bill they haven’t had time to read
haha good luck with that dems have a motto…you got to pass it to see what’s in it

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