LaVoy Finicum, armed with a handgun, reached for his waistband just before he was shot

Nope. Its more than obvious than you're a delusional liar. His right arm was reaching low on his hip. For well over a second. With a pistol found in the very pocket he was reaching for.

This after Lavoy ran a police blockade, resisted arrest and lead the police on a high speed chase.

You're so completely fucked. As you're just burning credibility. Proving, over and over, that militia morons are delusional. And can't be trusted. We can watch the video and see that your account is nonsense.

It was a text book justifiable shooting.

fuck you you racist scum bag

I'll sleep like a baby knowing that the Trooper who pulled the trigger is safe. My sympathies to the Trooper and his family. Its unfair that he should have to deal with the burden of taking a life because some shit kicking criminal piece of filth like Lavoy Finicum wanted to 'suicide by cop'.

From beginning to end, these selfish Miltia fucks thought of nobody but themselves. I hope they rot in their concrete boxes. And Lavoy in his wooden one.

what a minute now that wasnt the tune you played

when Ferguson was burning down


I agree the shooting should be investigated like the other cop shootings. And I strangely agree with you people seem a little hypocritical. I do however think the FBI will be cleared based on the video and witnesses. Based on what he had said and his actions up to the shooting I see no reason anyone should doubt he went for his gun.

there are always a first

tif he was going for his gun why did he use the wrong hand

he is a lefty according to friends and family for example

The cops can't be expected to know if he is a lefty or a righty. From his words and actions they should have expected him to be dangerous. If they are telling him to keep his hands up and he goes reaching for something it's his own fault for being shot.
Nope. Its more than obvious than you're a delusional liar. His right arm was reaching low on his hip. For well over a second. With a pistol found in the very pocket he was reaching for.

This after Lavoy ran a police blockade, resisted arrest and lead the police on a high speed chase.

You're so completely fucked. As you're just burning credibility. Proving, over and over, that militia morons are delusional. And can't be trusted. We can watch the video and see that your account is nonsense.

It was a text book justifiable shooting.

fuck you you racist scum bag

I'll sleep like a baby knowing that the Trooper who pulled the trigger is safe. My sympathies to the Trooper and his family. Its unfair that he should have to deal with the burden of taking a life because some shit kicking criminal piece of filth like Lavoy Finicum wanted to 'suicide by cop'.

From beginning to end, these selfish Miltia fucks thought of nobody but themselves. I hope they rot in their concrete boxes. And Lavoy in his wooden one.

what a minute now that wasnt the tune you played

when Ferguson was burning down


I agree the shooting should be investigated like the other cop shootings. And I strangely agree with you people seem a little hypocritical. I do however think the FBI will be cleared based on the video and witnesses. Based on what he had said and his actions up to the shooting I see no reason anyone should doubt he went for his gun.

Ah, but're not quite gettting the depth of Jonny's hapless batshit.

He insists there was no gun. That the FBI is lying about it. That its a conspiracy.

Still 'agreeing'?

I find it unlikely he didn't have a gun. But if we are going to start a huge investigation after a thug who just robbed a store gets killed by a cop, we should do the same here.
Finicum planned to go out in a blaze of glory in a shootout with the cops

Why else would he have come out of the car armed? You are surrounded by cops with guns ....what do you think you are going to do with your gun?
MSNBC had interviewed this guy early in the occupation, he was sitting under a tarp with a gun on his lap, and he even stated that he was ready to die, he'd rather be shot than spend time in prison.

Guess he got what he was looking for. Now watch the conservatives try to portray this idiot as a martyr.
He's not a martyr, but what is it about Democrat administrations not being able to end a constitutional protest without murdering the protestors? This is just like Janet Reno's method for ending Waco by killing Americans.
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Hands up, don't shoot!

The Po-leece should shoot everyone adjusting their pants, awesome standard
The man saw injustice and he stood up to tyranny. He gave his life for freedom and against oppression. He is a hero.
what injustice? what tyranny? what oppression?

he was an idiot with an idiot's cause

If you ever spent one second learning anything about a subject before you spoke on it, you would have the answers, but you don't. You simply regurgitate what others tell you without knowing anything. You are just a blithering moron.
you can't answer the question, can you? what injustice? what tyranny?

talk about regurgitation. I'm asking you to give ne something more than the bumper sticker and you've so far failed.
fuck you you racist scum bag

I'll sleep like a baby knowing that the Trooper who pulled the trigger is safe. My sympathies to the Trooper and his family. Its unfair that he should have to deal with the burden of taking a life because some shit kicking criminal piece of filth like Lavoy Finicum wanted to 'suicide by cop'.

From beginning to end, these selfish Miltia fucks thought of nobody but themselves. I hope they rot in their concrete boxes. And Lavoy in his wooden one.

what a minute now that wasnt the tune you played

when Ferguson was burning down


I agree the shooting should be investigated like the other cop shootings. And I strangely agree with you people seem a little hypocritical. I do however think the FBI will be cleared based on the video and witnesses. Based on what he had said and his actions up to the shooting I see no reason anyone should doubt he went for his gun.

there are always a first

tif he was going for his gun why did he use the wrong hand

he is a lefty according to friends and family for example

The cops can't be expected to know if he is a lefty or a righty. From his words and actions they should have expected him to be dangerous. If they are telling him to keep his hands up and he goes reaching for something it's his own fault for being shot.
Photo's and video's of LeVoy "Slow Draw Festus" confirm he was right handed, so the "lefty" crap is a lie. The cops would have known he was known to carry a weapon in a shoulder holster under his left arm.
© Gosia Wozniacka/AP Photo Residents protest the occupation of a national refuge Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016 in southeastern Oregon.
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wrong hand he was left handed

if you review the footage

it appears

he had his hands up

when he was first shot in the gut

he reached for the spot where he was hit

then the other cop just mowed him down

for now that is just the way it looks

witnesses say the cops shot him in cold blood and was not armed

we will see what the cop cams and car cams have to show

where is your hands up dont shoot mentality now
Here is an actual case of "hands up, don't shoot"
wrong hand he was left handed

if you review the footage

it appears

he had his hands up

when he was first shot in the gut

he reached for the spot where he was hit

then the other cop just mowed him down

for now that is just the way it looks

witnesses say the cops shot him in cold blood and was not armed

we will see what the cop cams and car cams have to show

where is your hands up dont shoot mentality now
Here is an actual case of "hands up, don't shoot"
Prove it. Many people viewing the same video you are basing your opinion on say otherwise. His family will have a chance to take legal action after the autopsy and other evidence becomes available. Until then your opinion is a subjective evaluation.
In order to help the Right wing nut bags tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate Police behavior here is an example of Inappropriate Police behavior..

had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes....those cops need to be in prison immediately.....
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down

Watch the video below,

and then ask yourself why so many people, both innocent and guilty, so often run from police. Derrick Price was a threat to no one. He wasn’t ‘armed,’ ‘reaching for his waistband,’ ‘charging at the officers,’ ‘making threatening movements,’ ‘resisting,’ or any of the other bogus excuses used by police when doling out brutal beat downs.

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of this Rodney King-style beating of Derrick Price is the fact that had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes. What’s more, even in spite of this video, there is most likely a large sect of society who still believe they are.

Here is an actual case of "hands up, don't shoot"
Creeps like you support the murder of 12 year old Tamir Rice in Cleveland..

Finnicum was a criminal law breaker who was heavily armed and who had vowed to resist any attempts to stop him with the weapons he displayed ....he had vowed to die before going to jail....
Prove it. Many people viewing the same video you are basing your opinion on say otherwise. His family will have a chance to take legal action after the autopsy and other evidence becomes available. Until then your opinion is a subjective evaluation.
The proof is in the video. I can see when Obama declares martial law and start rounding up conservatives whose side you'll be on.
I can see when Obama declares martial law and start rounding up conservatives whose side you'll be on.
Yeah Obama is going to do that .....Unnnnnnnbelievable ...get the tin foil and duct tape.....Remember the tragedy in Texas from Jade Helms when Obama forced cowboys to gay marry Muslim terrorists ...all that wing nut stuff....Moron Obama has less than 12 months to pull his Coup....
In order to help the Right wing nut bags tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate Police behavior here is an example of Inappropriate Police behavior..

had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes....those cops need to be in prison immediately.....
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down

Watch the video below,

and then ask yourself why so many people, both innocent and guilty, so often run from police. Derrick Price was a threat to no one. He wasn’t ‘armed,’ ‘reaching for his waistband,’ ‘charging at the officers,’ ‘making threatening movements,’ ‘resisting,’ or any of the other bogus excuses used by police when doling out brutal beat downs.

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of this Rodney King-style beating of Derrick Price is the fact that had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes. What’s more, even in spite of this video, there is most likely a large sect of society who still believe they are.

. He was resisting. You can hear the police yelling that fact. Don't obey and you get pummeled until you do. The guy must have been on super drugs in order to run fast enough to require the cops to chase him in a car. Some Drugs like PCP make you super human in strength.
In order to help the Right wing nut bags tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate Police behavior here is an example of Inappropriate Police behavior..

had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes....those cops need to be in prison immediately.....
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down

Watch the video below,

and then ask yourself why so many people, both innocent and guilty, so often run from police. Derrick Price was a threat to no one. He wasn’t ‘armed,’ ‘reaching for his waistband,’ ‘charging at the officers,’ ‘making threatening movements,’ ‘resisting,’ or any of the other bogus excuses used by police when doling out brutal beat downs.

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of this Rodney King-style beating of Derrick Price is the fact that had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes. What’s more, even in spite of this video, there is most likely a large sect of society who still believe they are.

. He was resisting. You can hear the police yelling that fact. Don't obey and you get pummeled until you do. The guy must have been on super drugs in order to run fast enough to require the cops to chase him in a car. Some Drugs like PCP make you super human in strength.

Fuck you asshole

Finnicum dead for resisting arrest with violence
In order to help the Right wing nut bags tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate Police behavior here is an example of Inappropriate Police behavior..

had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes....those cops need to be in prison immediately.....
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down

Watch the video below,

and then ask yourself why so many people, both innocent and guilty, so often run from police. Derrick Price was a threat to no one. He wasn’t ‘armed,’ ‘reaching for his waistband,’ ‘charging at the officers,’ ‘making threatening movements,’ ‘resisting,’ or any of the other bogus excuses used by police when doling out brutal beat downs.

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of this Rodney King-style beating of Derrick Price is the fact that had the cameras not caught these officers in their brutal display, the world would all still believe they are heroes. What’s more, even in spite of this video, there is most likely a large sect of society who still believe they are.

. He was resisting. You can hear the police yelling that fact. Don't obey and you get pummeled until you do. The guy must have been on super drugs in order to run fast enough to require the cops to chase him in a car. Some Drugs like PCP make you super human in strength.

You seem to not see things or see things in video's that other disagree with. Basically you are telling us you have special skills at viewing videos's that no one else has.

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