Law Professor: Loretta Lynch did not violate legal ethics in meeting with Bill Clinton

Hillary must actually love Bill, hard as it is to believe, but she's had other people rubbed out for lesser offenses. (-:

Bill is her ticket. Someone said here yesterday that if it wasn't for bill , hill would be a night court traffic judge in suburban Chicago somewhere.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

It still looks really freaking shady, but of course that only matters if the people involved have any scruples.
There you go. I actually believe Lynch when she said nothing improper was discussed, simply because I'm sure she does know and actually respect ethics - and I really disagree with her policies - but nothing has shown she's any more dishonest than ... Antonio Gonzalez or Janet Reno - neither of whom were truly dishonest people but rather political appointees.

But what you really have is Bill Clinton who really seems to believe that rules don't apply to him. HRC too, and I think the same can be said for Trump. It's a damn cynical election.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries. is a major ethics violation........that this law professor allows his left wing nuttiness to cloud his judgment doesn't change that fact.... - Scalia won't recuse himself from Cheney case - Mar 18, 2004

Enough said... This was worse by a long way...

Lynch was never going against the FBI recommendation, I don't know what anyone is thinking.. Clinton's defense in the email case would be so quick and simple that it will never be prosecuted..
'I did what the previous number of Secretary of States did and unlike them I kept the emails and passed them to the government. I would ask under FOI that I can see Colin's Powell's Emails, I would also like to see the 5 million emails that the Bush Administration had on there private server.
I would like to ask how much money was in spent on the other far more serious infractions compare to my oversight'

Considering this administration didn't go after Bush Administration staff for lying and getting US into a War killing hundreds of thousands dead and trillions wasted and then burying the emails about it, I don't think Clinton has much to worry about...

That is not true...she did not do what the previous Secretaries of STate did, that is a lie. Email when Powell was in there could not leave the Justice Dept. so he requested a way to email outside while at work....he went through the State Dept. to do it....he never had a private email server, and Rice didn't either....they did not transmit Secret Documents over an unsecured server...which is a felony wether she knew they were secret or not.......

This is crime and she needs to be punished.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

all true. but it probably still wasn't the best idea in the world.

and the rightwingnut scum don't really need much to go on before they start foaming at the mouth.


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I don't buy that this was some innocent meeting. I don't think it was a spontaneous situation. But I think possibly there was some influence exercised by the former president. This just is no coincidence.

What they did was not illegal but it was very highly improper
We can be absolutely certain that McConnell and Paul BIZZARO Ryan won't do anything about Lynch, since both want Hillary to win...
IMHO if mrs. clinton is not indicted, the 240 year experiment in a Democratic Republic is toast. Whenever the lies over rules the truth the country is doomed.

There is absolutely ZERO chance she will be indicted. I guarantee it, and if she is indicted I will erase my account here. There is a small chance the FBI will recommend indictment.

If she gets indicted, don't erase your account. Especially then we'll need you here. :D

If the FBI does recommend indictment, I fully expect Lynch to either resign or get fired. No way BO wants her indicted, His fingerprints are all over those emails, he knew she had a private server and he is not going down over the pantsuit bulldyke. It won't happen, no way no how. And I would love to be wrong!
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

what was the "STERNER TONE"----with bill Clinton----in my view they are both responsible for that which BOTH DID

Nope, Bill Clinton is not a public servant, and therefore did nothing wrong. It's all on her and she should be fired or resign, and get violently raped by the press.

both are responsible----BILL is a public servant for LIFE

Really? Never heard that a past POTUS is still considered a public servant. He's not getting a paycheck from the US government, what are his duties? I think you're stretching.
IMHO if mrs. clinton is not indicted, the 240 year experiment in a Democratic Republic is toast. Whenever the lies over rules the truth the country is doomed.

There is absolutely ZERO chance she will be indicted. I guarantee it, and if she is indicted I will erase my account here. There is a small chance the FBI will recommend indictment.

If she gets indicted, don't erase your account. Especially then we'll need you here. :D

Ahh, that's sweet. I'm tearing up, thanks.
This admin makes the Nixon, Haldeman, Ehrlichman bunch look like choir boys.

It doesn't come close to the Iran Contra pardons.

Nor the pardon of Marc Rich.

You're saying that pardon was worse than the pardoning of Richard Nixon? lol

Nixon was pardoned for any crimes he might have committed. Rich was pardoned for crimes he did commit.

"In 1983 Rich and partner Pincus Green were indicted on 65 criminal counts, including income tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, and trading with Iran during the oil embargo (at a time when Iranian revolutionaries were still holding American citizens hostage). The charges would have led to a sentence of more than 300 years in prison had Rich been convicted on all counts. The indictment was filed by then-U.S. Federal Prosecutor (and future mayor of New York City) Rudolph Giuliani. At the time it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history."

Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

Oh whatever.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

what was the "STERNER TONE"----with bill Clinton----in my view they are both responsible for that which BOTH DID

Nope, Bill Clinton is not a public servant, and therefore did nothing wrong. It's all on her and she should be fired or resign, and get violently raped by the press.

both are responsible----BILL is a public servant for LIFE

Really? Never heard that a past POTUS is still considered a public servant. He's not getting a paycheck from the US government, what are his duties? I think you're stretching.

he certainly is getting LOTS including a life time pension---(I should be so lucky) and even some security stuff. I was a very minor officer in the US navy for a very short time----I am stuck with some aspects of military law for LIFE
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

what was the "STERNER TONE"----with bill Clinton----in my view they are both responsible for that which BOTH DID

Nope, Bill Clinton is not a public servant, and therefore did nothing wrong. It's all on her and she should be fired or resign, and get violently raped by the press.

both are responsible----BILL is a public servant for LIFE

Really? Never heard that a past POTUS is still considered a public servant. He's not getting a paycheck from the US government, what are his duties? I think you're stretching.

He gets a pension, and a pretty hefty one at that.

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