Law Professor: Loretta Lynch did not violate legal ethics in meeting with Bill Clinton

Let's start with this: Obama hates Hillary.

Obama's reason for living is his insatiable arrogance and narcissism. He believes he's smarter, more insightful and better qualified than any underling or any prior president. Which is why he's surrounded by ass kissing sycophants like Valerie Jarrett. No one, not Michelle, not Uncle Joe, not Hillary, not even the dignity of the Office of the President is more important than the chain-to-his-wrist, "guard this with your life" priority of his legacy. Uber alles.

Obama hates Hillary with a hard blue flame. He held he beneath contempt during the 2008 primary, and bought her off, as is common among the Chicago organized crime circle, with those you wish to keep under your thumb until such time as, etc.

He hated her throughout her term as Sec Of State, as witnessed by his damning with faint praise throughout, and his documented (thus far) attempts to marginalize her Neocon warmongering influence, witness Libya, Afghanistan, Russia/Crimea/Ukraine, and Syria. And ISIS.

He hates her now, for being such a senile ditz over her handling of documents critical to the national security including tens of his own emails, let's not forget, which were announced to be in there by the State Department, because they had to explain the presidential privilege reason for not releasing them.

For the third time in this post, Obama hates Hillary, she threatens his legacy, and she puts him in actual legal jeopardy himself.

Only thing I don't get is why he endorsed her.

had to-----party custom

He doesn't care about anything but himself. He used party only as a tool to get what he wants and they're happy to give it to him. I think by endorsing her, he's just protecting himself, or buying time to eliminate potential threats. They have dirt on each other and holding each other hostage. As long one is afloat, the other one is afloat too.

At this point there could not be two more potent enemies the Obama and Hillary. They hate each other with occasional flames of rage. Obama knew at the time, and its not necessary to endow him with insight, that Hillary would be disaster at Foggy Bottom. It was, by large margin, the worst possible cabinet job for her persona. Everyone in DC, well everyone in the US known for decades that she's unpersonable, ill-informed, combative, rigid, and emotionally retarded. Something you really want in the nation's top diplomat. Knowing that, I think because of exactly that, Obongo set her up to fail.
The meeting between the Attorney General and former President was not an accident or error in was calculated for effect, they are trying to run out the clock.
This "chance" meeting simply further widens the gap on the level of trust the American People have with Hillary Clinton. She is leading Trump and positioned to win the Election, but that does not mean she is trustworthy.
This "chance" meeting simply further widens the gap on the level of trust the American People have with Hillary Clinton. She is leading Trump and positioned to win the Election, but that does not mean she is trustworthy.

its getting worse and worse for Hellary-----the chat on TV regarding the "airplane chance encounter" is turning into a circus
This "chance" meeting simply further widens the gap on the level of trust the American People have with Hillary Clinton. She is leading Trump and positioned to win the Election, but that does not mean she is trustworthy.

its getting worse and worse for Hellary-----the chat on TV regarding the "airplane chance encounter" is turning into a circus

More people also believe that Trump will be stronger on terrorism. People are tired of policies of appeasement and getting finger wagged about "tolerance" when we are dealing with mindsets that do not even acknowledge the word.
This "chance" meeting simply further widens the gap on the level of trust the American People have with Hillary Clinton. She is leading Trump and positioned to win the Election, but that does not mean she is trustworthy.

its getting worse and worse for Hellary-----the chat on TV regarding the "airplane chance encounter" is turning into a circus

More people also believe that Trump will be stronger on terrorism. People are tired of policies of appeasement and getting finger wagged about "tolerance" when we are dealing with mindsets that do not even acknowledge the word.
No, you're wrong about that. Trump is fucking dummy, he doesn't believe in anything, he doesn't stand for anything, he doesn't know anything. He's just a sleazy salesman and a reality TV show star, and not a real candidate for President.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

She violated the DOJ's own rules fool. Its astonishing you people even try to spin this there's no wiggle room at all.


What if DOJ is looking to save itself and to save Obongo from the FBI findings and giving Bubba heads up on things to come? Find everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and imagine they are all implicated.

I think there is enough evidence on her server about Clinton Foundation to bring many people down. Benghazi and email scandal is nothing in comparison to Clinton Foundation dirt that came out only when FBI retrieved information from server drives that were "wiped out". In search for Benghazi truth they uncovered more than they asked for.

There are rumors that she had SAP level program on her server, and it that's true many, not just here in US but abroad wont be happy.
I saw Lynch on TV this morning, saying it was a few sentences typical of seeing your neighbor on the way to work. I still don't understand why that brief chat required a half hour in Lynch's taxpayer funded plane...
Not to mention that people in those positions do not meet by 'chance.' It simply does not happen - that meeting was planned and initiated by one of the parties (more than likely Bill) and there is no way around that.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

It still looks really freaking shady, but of course that only matters if the people involved have any scruples.
There you go. I actually believe Lynch when she said nothing improper was discussed, simply because I'm sure she does know and actually respect ethics - and I really disagree with her policies - but nothing has shown she's any more dishonest than ... Antonio Gonzalez or Janet Reno - neither of whom were truly dishonest people but rather political appointees.

But what you really have is Bill Clinton who really seems to believe that rules don't apply to him. HRC too, and I think the same can be said for Trump. It's a damn cynical election.
Why believe her? The meeting itself shows that she does not care about ethics at all considering that is the first ethical violation that took place.

There is no way that Bill Clinton went through the trouble to get on her plane to say hi and avoided the massive elephant in the room - that is simply nonsensical.
C'mon folks.

We're talking about a Democrat appointee here.

Please keep that in mind and just shut up about ethics. For those elite the word does not apply. It has no meaning so your shouting it simply proves to them that you're a danger to yourself and others so must be kept off airplanes, disarmed and, if you persist, be put in a car along with a crazed gun that'll quiet you down all by itself.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

Do you think today they are complaining about

Pence was told Flynn didn't discuss sanctions, aides say

Pence said in a Jan. 15 appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that Flynn’s conversations with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were “strictly coincidental” and had nothing to do with the Obama administration’s decision to punish Russia for meddling in the November election, which U.S. intelligence agencies agree was intended to help boost Trump's prospects. “They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia,” Pence told CBS.

Do Republicans believe that?
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

Do you think today they are complaining about

Pence was told Flynn didn't discuss sanctions, aides say

Pence said in a Jan. 15 appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that Flynn’s conversations with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were “strictly coincidental” and had nothing to do with the Obama administration’s decision to punish Russia for meddling in the November election, which U.S. intelligence agencies agree was intended to help boost Trump's prospects. “They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia,” Pence told CBS.

Do Republicans believe that?
Not at all. Your point?

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