Law Professor Warren Not Just Another Goldwater Girl--or Harvard Law School, Obama(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
While in office, President Obama famously and often remarked that his candidacy and election were not about economics. He would remark--as a Democratic Liberal, from Harvard--that he really didn't know much about economics at any rate. He left office crowing about the success of the U. S. economy, subsequent the giant federal spending bailout.

The Republicans even blame the deficits bailout on President Barack Obama. Senator Sanders can run, by comparison, but cannot hide his affection for Socialism For The Rich. Federally funded college tuition means a two or four year subsidized vacation, and pay raises for the already prosperous faculty. President Reagan, at least, created funding for the already prosperous Defense Contractors.

Moses did this. Senator Warren has yet to so-state: That even Senator Barry Goldwater was also Jewish, and that Secretary Clinton had been completely on board. So as an aside, "Cluck, Cluck: Look at all the Democrats making Whoppi(?) with the rich. . .(Who is also Jewish(?)). And maybe not coincidentally. . .or something(?). Not all of it comes out in any translations, apparently.
Elizabeth Warren calls out Obama and Democrats for losing way on economy

So in Deuteronomy 23:19-20, then Moses set the planet on the course of usury, (interest-rate), economics. It is better explained, however, to be a subjugation form. More recently, President Trump can't recognize that even President Jackson was a slave-holding subjugator. To see the subjugation computing, there needs another 1500 years to New Testament, probably Greek, revelation.

Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "O'Christ," did the math in Matthew 25:14-30, but nobody quotes me(?), or even Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "Oh, Christ!" (The emphasis is mine.) The servants with the more talents got more from fixed percentage interest, applied. The servant with the one talent, clearly unable to keep up, got cast in the Foreclosure Crisis of the story. Even the Pythagorean Theorem, of the great deities of ancient Greece--(Now leaving us alone)--applies. People like Alan Greenspan, and Milton Friedman, were adjusting the mortgages rates. . . .also not so-stated.

And So Mohammed the Prophet expressed adoration only of the Jews. Adam Smith the Prophet expressed only adoration of the regulated interest rates. Karl Marx the Prophet bought a gun, and likely joined NRA. Keynes was gay, and likely is respected: "For he bade the people bend over, and await the public works!"

Most recently, Nancy Pelosi is awaiting some infrastructure spending money, from the Republicans.

The "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," was taken away by the Republicans: First order of business after they won the first midterms. The math goes back to the already mentioned Book of Matthew, Matt. 20:1-16. Instead of getting arithmetic computed. . . further and further behind. Even General Motors could get a bailout. . .which anyone notices, they did.

And so where is Senator Sanders or Secretary Clinton on any of this? Off to Arizona to campaign in Senator Goldwater's old home state?

People already know how Republicans really are!
(People already know the Democrats, clearly really are. . .and even in the Senate Leadership!)

There are actually people in the United States: Who even support the Law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Whatever became of indigenous, Great Spirit of Lands of Many Nations(?): "Seven Come Eleven!" in America?!!?)
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