Law to allow illegals to have drivers licenses stopped in Oregon

LOL Its the Beevis and Butthead show.

No wonder "you people" don't get it.

Yes, we have four borders. Parts of those borders have no controls on them at all.

Have you ever been out of the country? When you came back into the US, you had to go through customs and you had to have a passport.

Thanks to President Obama, we have fewer illegals and more Border Patrol -

Oh screw it. Believe whatever lushbo tells you to believe.
Gotta love it.
People come into this country illegally....
Then the Libs get mad when the illegals are denied privileges such as driving.

There should be a price for breaking the law.
If the illegals find our laws too strict they can leave at any time.
"...Brainless dingbats say 'round them up and send them packing' and yet, the same dingbats are dead set against identifying them."
Yep, those are the brainless opponents of granting Shamnesty, alright...

The ones WITH a brain, opposed to granting Shamnesty, say...

1. make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job

2. make it illegal to sell or rent or otherwise provide housing to an Illegal Alien

3. make it illegal to sell or rent a car to an Illegal Alien

4. make it illegal to provide schooling and other educational services to Illegal Aliens...

5. make it illegal to provide medical care to Illegals (except for emergency life-saving)...

6. make it illegal to provide banking or financial or wire-transfer services to Illegals...

7. make it illegal for Illegal Aliens to own real estate or other tangible property in the US.

8. make it illegal for Illegal Aliens to receive food stamps, welfare or other social services

...and a few other provisions, and put some real teeth in those laws, directed against violators... heavy fines... jail-time... whatever it takes...

...and Illegal Aliens will fall all over themselves in a mad scramble for the borders; especially if we give them a 90-day or 180-day heads-up that it is coming.

No round-up needed, and not a dime spent on deportation expenses.

The 'identity' issue will take care of itself, in fairly short order.

Identity cards (drivers' licenses, etc.) are merely a first step along the path to legitimization and accommodation (Shamnesty), and protestations to the contrary are well-known in the present day for what they truly are... smokescreen rubbish.

No sale...

Time to stop accommodating...

Time to dig-in our heels and stop this bullshit...

Way-to-go, People of Oregon... :clap2:
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Gotta love it.
People come into this country illegally....
Then the Libs get mad when the illegals are denied privileges such as driving.

There should be a price for breaking the law.
If the illegals find our laws too strict they can leave at any time.

Yeah, cuz they won't drive if they don't have driver's license.

I'm curious ..

If this were called a "photo ID", would rw's be in favor of it?

Are rw's smart enough to figure it out that a photo id would tell us the names and addresses of many MANY illegals?

Naw, I doubt it. If they don't even know the US has four borders, a photo id to identify illegals is gonna be way over their heads.
And, there are FOUR BORDERS.


only FOUR ?? name them ?

i see many more than FOUR how many Hawaiian islands are there ? how many sea coasts are there ? then we have one Northern land border and one Southern land border.., those add up to be far more than FOUR.
And, there are FOUR BORDERS.


only FOUR ?? name them ?

i see many more than FOUR how many Hawaiian islands are there ? how many sea coasts are there ? then we have one Northern land border and one Southern land border.., those add up to be far more than FOUR.

I was trying to keep it simple enough for rw's to understand but yes, to some extent, that's correct.

For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south. They also don't understand the circumstances under which they came to be illegal.

And, I'll never understand why rw's don't want illegals identified and kept track of. IMO, that is just plain stupid but your YMMV.
"...the only illegals in this country came from the south..."

But if that's where 90% of them are coming from, that border gets 90% of our attention.

The rest is background noise by comparison.

And will NOT be allowed to be used as a distraction and diversion from the REAL (90% of the) problem.

"...They also don't understand the circumstances under which they came to be illegal..."

Sure they do.

It's just that this does not describe the lion's share... and the lion's share is what must be addressed successfully, first, before we can even be bothered with all the rest.

"...I'll never understand why rw's don't want illegals identified..."

Because that is the first step along the path to Legitimizing and Accommodating...

You know it, I know it, and so does everybody else...

No sense pretending otherwise...

And, opponents of Illegal Aliens do NOT want to see us take that first step...

And rightfully so...

Oh, and...

It's NOT just so-called Right-Wingers...

It's Conservatives...

It's most Centrists...

And even some sizable minority percentage of Liberals...

Americans all, who see this plague of locusts lowering wages (by low-balling / undercutting US workers) in a number of industries and sectors, after they, and their fathers, and their grandfathers, worked so long and hard, to make gains for Labor against Big Business...
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And, there are FOUR BORDERS.


only FOUR ?? name them ?

i see many more than FOUR how many Hawaiian islands are there ? how many sea coasts are there ? then we have one Northern land border and one Southern land border.., those add up to be far more than FOUR.

I was trying to keep it simple enough for rw's to understand but yes, to some extent, that's correct.

For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south. They also don't understand the circumstances under which they came to be illegal.

And, I'll never understand why rw's don't want illegals identified and kept track of. IMO, that is just plain stupid but your YMMV.

For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south.

Heh heh hhe
My hard drive is overflowing from all those stories of Canadians coming across the border
and slitting peoples throats while they slept.

Hey why don't we let them vote,put them on welfare,send them to college and give them free health care while we are at it. :confused:
Do you eat with that mouth? Why don't people realize that juvenile potty mouth just makes them look as dumb as they are?

If lib-rules only wanted to protect illegals, why has President Obama deported more than any other president? Why has he gone against George Bush's amnesty plan and opted instead for a two year moratorium on a very select few?

You're just embarrassed because some dumb ass R didn't think of it.

Do a little reading and you'll learn what I mean.

And, there are FOUR BORDERS.

Go on then, tell me.
One between the USA and Canada.
One between the USA and Mexico.
The other two?

The ones where terrorists have come into the country.

Atlantic and Pacific.

You give "DUH" a whole new meaning.

Ok, dozy fuck.
You now consider a coastline to be a border?
You can't fucking count.
The USA has literally dozens of sea borders with foreign nations you thick twat.

If you are going to argue pointless semantics to avoid the topic in question, at least be accurate.
We are talking illegal immigrants, not terrorists, you idiot.

Isn't it the liberal mantra that only Americans are terrorists.
The tea party and bush.
And, there are FOUR BORDERS.


only FOUR ?? name them ?

i see many more than FOUR how many Hawaiian islands are there ? how many sea coasts are there ? then we have one Northern land border and one Southern land border.., those add up to be far more than FOUR.

I was trying to keep it simple enough for rw's to understand but yes, to some extent, that's correct.

For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south. They also don't understand the circumstances under which they came to be illegal.

And, I'll never understand why rw's don't want illegals identified and kept track of. IMO, that is just plain stupid but your YMMV.

No one believes they only come from the south, idiot.
About 80% cross the southern border.

2% cross the Canadian border illegally.

The rest are visa or i94 overstays.
You dope.
Do you ever notice that every post you make is critically analyzed and shredded by those very people you consider subhuman?

And, there are FOUR BORDERS.


only FOUR ?? name them ?

i see many more than FOUR how many Hawaiian islands are there ? how many sea coasts are there ? then we have one Northern land border and one Southern land border.., those add up to be far more than FOUR.

Sea borders too, with the Dominican republic, the UK, Russia, I could make an exhaustive list, it's pointless.
I don't give a Shit how illegals get in .

The purpose of driving licenses is not to act as a census for criminals.
Us citizens with active warrants have their licenses suspended.
No licenses.
No census.
Just gather them up and throw them out!
Build a wall, a minefield and a fence across the two land borders.

Stop rewarding criminals.
Gotta love it.
People come into this country illegally....
Then the Libs get mad when the illegals are denied privileges such as driving.

There should be a price for breaking the law.
If the illegals find our laws too strict they can leave at any time.

Yeah, cuz they won't drive if they don't have driver's license.

I'm curious ..

If this were called a "photo ID", would rw's be in favor of it?

Are rw's smart enough to figure it out that a photo id would tell us the names and addresses of many MANY illegals?

Naw, I doubt it. If they don't even know the US has four borders, a photo id to identify illegals is gonna be way over their heads.

So illegals would gladly register as illegals?
You idiot!!

Throw them out.
Let's not worry about it here.
Obama is going to fix this next.
He already "fixed" the economy....
He already "fixed" healthcare...

This is the next shiny object that has his attention.Immigration reform..

I just love how the Libs frame this.

Coming into this country illegally is a harsh term.
They are now referred to as Immigrants.
Or better yet "undocumented visitors"... or some such nonsense.

Don't want to offend future Democrat party members.
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“It’s wrong to reward illegal activity,” he says. “Giving drivers licenses to people who are illegally here will not make our roads safer.”

What an idiot. does he really believe that not having a license would keep all illegals from driving.

rw's are just brain dead.

How do we know how many illegals are here and who they are?

We don't and we can't.

BUT, if they have driver's licenses ... Voila.

We would have a census of illegals living in the US.


SO, are they going to print "No Work Visa", "Illegal Alien", or something else on the card moron? Illegals still drive dummy, that's how we know they are illegals when/if they are stopped, FAKE DLs. If you give them valid DL, it only make it easier for them to stay here and suck off the legitimate taxpayer teat.
We don't have four borders and 3 are not wide open.
He is stretching.

But aren't the Atlantic and Pacific oceans countries ?

Ah, coastlines, he thinks a coastline is a border.
He thinks the coast guard are incompetent?

Way to criticise out great military, luddly traitor.

The Canadian border is wide open?
It's the largest land border and fewer illegals enter the country through it than the smaller southern border.
Stupid , empty arguments.
Not thought out or considered, just spoonfed from the Obamacult HQ.

If we are considering SEABORDERS YOU ARE STILL WRONG .

there is a big difference between Canada and Mexico.....if Mexico was on par with Canada and the US lifestyle wise, no one would be talking about those poor brownies coming in....
only FOUR ?? name them ?

i see many more than FOUR how many Hawaiian islands are there ? how many sea coasts are there ? then we have one Northern land border and one Southern land border.., those add up to be far more than FOUR.

I was trying to keep it simple enough for rw's to understand but yes, to some extent, that's correct.

For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south. They also don't understand the circumstances under which they came to be illegal.

And, I'll never understand why rw's don't want illegals identified and kept track of. IMO, that is just plain stupid but your YMMV.

For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south.

Heh heh hhe
My hard drive is overflowing from all those stories of Canadians coming across the border
and slitting peoples throats while they slept.

Hey why don't we let them vote,put them on welfare,send them to college and give them free health care while we are at it. :confused:

slitting peoples throats while they slept?......i live in a sea of these people....and i dont think i have heard of that yet.....committing crimes yes.....but slitting throats?...
According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are as follows (latest of 2009):

Country of origin - Raw number - Percent of total - Percent change 2000 to 2009

Mexico - 6,650,000 - 62% - +42% (south border)
El Salvador - 530,000 - 5% - +25% (south border)
Guatemala - 480,000 - 4% - +65% (south border)
Honduras - 320,000 - 3% - +95% (south border)
Philippines - 270,000 - 2% - +33%
India - 200,000 - 2% - +64%
Korea - 200,000 - 2% - +14%
Ecuador - 170,000 - 2% - +55% (south border)
Brazil - 150,000 - 1% - +49% (south border)
China - 120,000 - 1% - -37%
Other - 1,650,000 - 15% - -17%

The Urban Institute estimates "between 65,000 and 75,000 undocumented Canadians currently live in the United States."

Seventy-seven (77%) percent from countries across our SOUTHERN border.


The Pew Hispanic Center determined that according to an analysis of Census Bureau data about 8 percent of children born in the United States in 2008 — about 340,000 — were offspring of illegal immigrants. In total, 4 million U.S.-born children of illegal immigrant parents resided in this country in 2009 (alongside 1.1 million foreign-born children of illegal immigrant parents)...


The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 6–7 million illegal immigrants came to the United States via illegal entry, accounting for probably a little over half of the total population. There are an estimated half million illegal entries into the United States each year.

A common means of border crossing is to hire professionals who smuggle illegal immigrants across the border for pay. Those operating on the US-Mexico border are known informally as "coyotes".


< Visa over-stay >

According to Pew, between 4 and 5.5 million illegal immigrants entered the United States with a legal visa, accounting for between 33–50% of the total population.


Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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