Law to allow illegals to have drivers licenses stopped in Oregon


Data source: Jeffrey Passel and D’Vera Cohn “A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States” Pew Hispanic Center, April 14, 2009.

How many illegal immigrants live in the United States and where do they come from? | Roy Germano, Ph.D.



Source: Pew Hispanic Center
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Gotta love it.
People come into this country illegally....
Then the Libs get mad when the illegals are denied privileges such as driving.

There should be a price for breaking the law.
If the illegals find our laws too strict they can leave at any time.

Yeah, cuz they won't drive if they don't have driver's license.

I'm curious ..

If this were called a "photo ID", would rw's be in favor of it?

Are rw's smart enough to figure it out that a photo id would tell us the names and addresses of many MANY illegals?

Naw, I doubt it. If they don't even know the US has four borders, a photo id to identify illegals is gonna be way over their heads.

First off when people think "borders" they are not thinking coastlines. Why you are wasting time arguing this is beyond me, when you know as well as anyone that our illegal problem comes almost exclusively from our southern border.

Second, it always amazes me how American liberals will always find excuses to enable illegal immigration.
If we give them licenses, we'll have a running tally on how many illegals are here, if we allow photo ID, we'll know who they are, where they live, blah blah blah.

That is not the way to enforce our immigration laws. If we know they are illegal at the time of signing up for the license, how about we simply deport them right then and there ?
No, you guys are a broken record. You have no more respect of our borders than the illegals who sneek in here.
Go on then, tell me.
One between the USA and Canada.
One between the USA and Mexico.
The other two?

The ones where terrorists have come into the country.

Atlantic and Pacific.

You give "DUH" a whole new meaning.

Ok, dozy fuck.
You now consider a coastline to be a border?
You can't fucking count.
The USA has literally dozens of sea borders with foreign nations you thick twat.

If you are going to argue pointless semantics to avoid the topic in question, at least be accurate.
We are talking illegal immigrants, not terrorists, you idiot.

Isn't it the liberal mantra that only Americans are terrorists.
The tea party and bush.

Exactly, he's just being a dick in order to trash the thread up. Anyone with any brain matter at all knows that our primary problem considering illegal immigration is our southern border.
But aren't the Atlantic and Pacific oceans countries ?

lots of people come in at the big ports on the 2 coasts...just sayin....

Very few without the proper paperwork.

Though many Irish on visa waiver/I94s do overstay the 90 days allowed.

The ones luddly says people pretend don't come in illegally.

overstaying the visa is actually better than jumping the fence - from the standpoint of possibility of legalization, since it establishes the beginning of the immigration process - coming to the country on a legal basis.
But even the fence jumpers can legalize under CURRENT law - if they are willing to.
The problem is - a lot of immigrants are greedy and do not want to spend a dime on immigration legalization. For some reason they think "amnesty" if it ever would happen will come for free. Boy are they going to be surprised by a price tag :lol:
lots of people come in at the big ports on the 2 coasts...just sayin....

Very few without the proper paperwork.

Though many Irish on visa waiver/I94s do overstay the 90 days allowed.

The ones luddly says people pretend don't come in illegally.

overstaying the visa is actually better than jumping the fence - from the standpoint of possibility of legalization, since it establishes the beginning of the immigration process - coming to the country on a legal basis.
But even the fence jumpers can legalize under CURRENT law - if they are willing to.
The problem is - a lot of immigrants are greedy and do not want to spend a dime on immigration legalization. For some reason they think "amnesty" if it ever would happen will come for free. Boy are they going to be surprised by a price tag :lol:

I think most of them believe that if enough of them can sneak in here, they know they'll overwhelm the system to the point that the only solution is to just give them amnesty. They also know that the American Dimocrat party is their friend and will help them every step of the way.
Very few without the proper paperwork.

Though many Irish on visa waiver/I94s do overstay the 90 days allowed.

The ones luddly says people pretend don't come in illegally.

overstaying the visa is actually better than jumping the fence - from the standpoint of possibility of legalization, since it establishes the beginning of the immigration process - coming to the country on a legal basis.
But even the fence jumpers can legalize under CURRENT law - if they are willing to.
The problem is - a lot of immigrants are greedy and do not want to spend a dime on immigration legalization. For some reason they think "amnesty" if it ever would happen will come for free. Boy are they going to be surprised by a price tag :lol:

I think most of them believe that if enough of them can sneak in here, they know they'll overwhelm the system to the point that the only solution is to just give them amnesty. They also know that the American Dimocrat party is their friend and will help them every step of the way.

that is what they THINK.
they don't know that amnesty is actually contemplated not because they overwhelm the system or the system is suddenly humane, but the system simply knows - the vast majority of settled here are quite well off - and the system wants to milk them - plain and simple. Not that anybody will ever name it as it is - but the price for getting amnesty is going to be costlier than the current one for legalization involving current prices :D
For some reason, rw's seem to believe that the only illegals in this country came from the south.

Pew hasn’t done a deep data dive on the 2011 data, but its in-depth analysis of 2010 numbers showed that Mexicans made up 58 percent of the undocumented population. Individuals from other Latin American nations account for another 23 percent, and Asians for 11 percent.

By the numbers: How America tallies its 11.1 million undocumented immigrants - NBC Politics

So, according to Pew, at least in 2010, 81% of illegal immigrants in the United States came form the South. And THAT is why we seem to believe what we believe.

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