Lawless Democrat Pigs Strike Again

Please point out the Ought to be Held Accountable to a Higher Authority clause.....
To quote William Penn:

"Those who refuse to restrain themselves through Morality, must be Ruled by Tyrants."

This is The Heart of Socialism.

Socialism is the Rejection of a Supreme Moral Code and a Supreme Creator and Substituting Society as The Supreme and Final Authority on all matters.

There is No Morality if there is No Moral God who set the Universe in Motion and Established it's laws.

The Heart of Mathematics, Physics and Hard Science is nothing but an exploration of The Laws of Nature and The Laws of The Universe as designed by The Universal Law Giver.

Without that recognition that there is something greater than ourselves superior to our own authority, then a Human Being can be defined as a Soul-Less Blob that can be exterminated at Will in a Planned Parenthood Extermination Camp, or people can be treated like Property as was done in The Slave Holding Democrat Controlled Confederacy.

People then become less than special. They become commodities to be bought, sold and traded or disposed of at will.

If The Law we live by is "Do What Thou Wilt" that makes each person a God unto themselves, and there is no reason then for me to restrain myself from violating every right you think you once had. What I see I then take, no matter what it may be, including someone's life, wife, or property.

I meant in the real world, in the Constitution.
You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

Take you own advice:

"Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

"YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it."
I'm not the one claiming that we do not have Unalienable Rights Endowed by Our Creator.

If you don't support gun controls, you damn well are one of those who do not support Jefferson's statement on Life, Liberty and Happiness. All three were taken when monsters were able to buy legally, or on the black market guns used to kill or maim innocents.
"...That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....."

Not from a King appointed by some supernatural.

"but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

Never trust a Religionist.
Take that Cracker Jack Box you just emptied, Place Your Law Degree in it, Mail it back to Cracker Jacks, and tell them it doesn't work.

"No Religious Test" means:

You have freedom of religion and cannot be discriminated against because of your faith or lack of faith. That is a right and not a privilege and therefore it is Unalienable and was granted you by Your Creator.

"Consent of the Governed" means :

That We Have The RIGHT, ENDOWED by Our CREATOR to Self Government and NO GOVERNMENT of MEN can Revoke that Right, as it is not a privilege granted by Mere Men. This right is endowed by Our Creator and is Unalienable.

Liberals Literally Want to Kill God in American Society, because if they can accomplish that, They Can reduce our Rights to Mere Privileges which can be granted or denied at will, BY THEM.

In other words:

Those who refuse to restrain themselves through morality must be ruled by tyrants.

William Penn.


Without a Moral God, there is No Moral Code.

Without a Moral Code you have No Rights.

Without Rights you are Not A Human Being.

Without being a Human Being, you are a Disposable Commodity to be bought, sold, or disposed of at will.

This is Liberalism. This is what Tyranny is.

Liberals seek to Devolve The United States in to something else, by "Fundamentally Transforming America" in to a Godless Socialist Tyranny.

In the Name of Freedom, they offer Oppression.


The DOI is the when we denounced the monarch system.

I meant in the real world, in the Constitution.
You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

I'm just saying you're making shit up that isn't in the Constitution. That's just what Religionist do.
what did he make up that isn't in there? creator isn't used?

"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."
did he say it was in the constitution or quoting someone else? hmmmm

It was in post #77. If he quoted someone else he didn't make a note of it.
Take that Cracker Jack Box you just emptied, Place Your Law Degree in it, Mail it back to Cracker Jacks, and tell them it doesn't work.

"No Religious Test" means:

You have freedom of religion and cannot be discriminated against because of your faith or lack of faith. That is a right and not a privilege and therefore it is Unalienable and was granted you by Your Creator.

"Consent of the Governed" means :

That We Have The RIGHT, ENDOWED by Our CREATOR to Self Government and NO GOVERNMENT of MEN can Revoke that Right, as it is not a privilege granted by Mere Men. This right is endowed by Our Creator and is Unalienable.

Liberals Literally Want to Kill God in American Society, because if they can accomplish that, They Can reduce our Rights to Mere Privileges which can be granted or denied at will, BY THEM.

In other words:

Those who refuse to restrain themselves through morality must be ruled by tyrants.

William Penn.


Without a Moral God, there is No Moral Code.

Without a Moral Code you have No Rights.

Without Rights you are Not A Human Being.

Without being a Human Being, you are a Disposable Commodity to be bought, sold, or disposed of at will.

This is Liberalism. This is what Tyranny is.

Liberals seek to Devolve The United States in to something else, by "Fundamentally Transforming America" in to a Godless Socialist Tyranny.

In the Name of Freedom, they offer Oppression.


The DOI is the when we denounced the monarch system.

You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

I'm just saying you're making shit up that isn't in the Constitution. That's just what Religionist do.
what did he make up that isn't in there? creator isn't used?

"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."
did he say it was in the constitution or quoting someone else? hmmmm

It was in post #77. If he quoted someone else he didn't make a note of it.
I quoted myself Numb Nuts.

I was explaining to you the general concepts of The Constitution and the reason why we have Unalienable Rights Endowed by Our Creator as opposed to Privileges Granted or Denied on a Whim by some Socialist Demagogue.

i'm beating your ass with both hands tied behind my back.

You know why?

Because it takes a Socialist Village to raise a Useful Idiot, and I did not go to the substandard school you went to, and I did not have the substandard education you had, and I did not get average or below average grades that you got.

I graduated Suma with a 4.0 and two degrees.

You don't have a clue how and why this country was formed, let alone even understand the founding documents, founding fathers, and the concepts and paradigms that are the foundation to this Republic.

You only know that you feel like you have to tear them down to establish your Socialist Tyranny of Equivalent Misery.

That makes you a sad example of an American, if you are an American at all.
A Naturalized Citizen having just earned his citizenship knows more about The Founding Documents, Founding Fathers, and Our Constitution than you do.

You should be ashamed, but you aren't.


"Ignorance Is Strength"
Orwell, 1984

Right, Dummy?
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Take that Cracker Jack Box you just emptied, Place Your Law Degree in it, Mail it back to Cracker Jacks, and tell them it doesn't work.

"No Religious Test" means:

You have freedom of religion and cannot be discriminated against because of your faith or lack of faith. That is a right and not a privilege and therefore it is Unalienable and was granted you by Your Creator.

"Consent of the Governed" means :

That We Have The RIGHT, ENDOWED by Our CREATOR to Self Government and NO GOVERNMENT of MEN can Revoke that Right, as it is not a privilege granted by Mere Men. This right is endowed by Our Creator and is Unalienable.

Liberals Literally Want to Kill God in American Society, because if they can accomplish that, They Can reduce our Rights to Mere Privileges which can be granted or denied at will, BY THEM.

In other words:

Those who refuse to restrain themselves through morality must be ruled by tyrants.

William Penn.


Without a Moral God, there is No Moral Code.

Without a Moral Code you have No Rights.

Without Rights you are Not A Human Being.

Without being a Human Being, you are a Disposable Commodity to be bought, sold, or disposed of at will.

This is Liberalism. This is what Tyranny is.

Liberals seek to Devolve The United States in to something else, by "Fundamentally Transforming America" in to a Godless Socialist Tyranny.

In the Name of Freedom, they offer Oppression.


The DOI is the when we denounced the monarch system.

You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

I'm just saying you're making shit up that isn't in the Constitution. That's just what Religionist do.
what did he make up that isn't in there? creator isn't used?

"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."
did he say it was in the constitution or quoting someone else? hmmmm

It was in post #77. If he quoted someone else he didn't make a note of it.
but he didn't say that line came from the constitution. right?
Please point out the Ought to be Held Accountable to a Higher Authority clause.....
To quote William Penn:

"Those who refuse to restrain themselves through Morality, must be Ruled by Tyrants."

This is The Heart of Socialism.

Socialism is the Rejection of a Supreme Moral Code and a Supreme Creator and Substituting Society as The Supreme and Final Authority on all matters.

There is No Morality if there is No Moral God who set the Universe in Motion and Established it's laws.

The Heart of Mathematics, Physics and Hard Science is nothing but an exploration of The Laws of Nature and The Laws of The Universe as designed by The Universal Law Giver.

Without that recognition that there is something greater than ourselves superior to our own authority, then a Human Being can be defined as a Soul-Less Blob that can be exterminated at Will in a Planned Parenthood Extermination Camp, or people can be treated like Property as was done in The Slave Holding Democrat Controlled Confederacy.

People then become less than special. They become commodities to be bought, sold and traded or disposed of at will.

If The Law we live by is "Do What Thou Wilt" that makes each person a God unto themselves, and there is no reason then for me to restrain myself from violating every right you think you once had. What I see I then take, no matter what it may be, including someone's life, wife, or property.

I meant in the real world, in the Constitution.
You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

Take you own advice:

"Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

"YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it."
I'm not the one claiming that we do not have Unalienable Rights Endowed by Our Creator.

I don't think anyone is claiming that.

My claim is that We the People are tasked with enforcing those inherent rights because up to that point in History the so called creator hadn't been doing to good of a job of it. With the DOI we threw off the King. With the Constitution we became a government of the people.....
Let's start a pool, On what day one of these cops blows away some NYC asshole for throwing a rock at him. Instead of water.

.....when that happens, the marches and violence against cops will flair up even more. What, is throwing water st cops supposed to be seen as freedom of expression?

Honestly, I am shocked that those cops did not arrest them all. Surely that must have fell under some sort of assault law.
/—-/ NYC Mayor Deblazio ordered cops to just take it and not react.
To quote William Penn:

"Those who refuse to restrain themselves through Morality, must be Ruled by Tyrants."

This is The Heart of Socialism.

Socialism is the Rejection of a Supreme Moral Code and a Supreme Creator and Substituting Society as The Supreme and Final Authority on all matters.

There is No Morality if there is No Moral God who set the Universe in Motion and Established it's laws.

The Heart of Mathematics, Physics and Hard Science is nothing but an exploration of The Laws of Nature and The Laws of The Universe as designed by The Universal Law Giver.

Without that recognition that there is something greater than ourselves superior to our own authority, then a Human Being can be defined as a Soul-Less Blob that can be exterminated at Will in a Planned Parenthood Extermination Camp, or people can be treated like Property as was done in The Slave Holding Democrat Controlled Confederacy.

People then become less than special. They become commodities to be bought, sold and traded or disposed of at will.

If The Law we live by is "Do What Thou Wilt" that makes each person a God unto themselves, and there is no reason then for me to restrain myself from violating every right you think you once had. What I see I then take, no matter what it may be, including someone's life, wife, or property.

I meant in the real world, in the Constitution.
You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

Take you own advice:

"Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

"YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it."
I'm not the one claiming that we do not have Unalienable Rights Endowed by Our Creator.

I don't think anyone is claiming that.

My claim is that We the People are tasked with enforcing those inherent rights because up to that point in History the so called creator hadn't been doing to good of a job of it. With the DOI we threw off the King. With the Constitution we became a government of the people.....

Are you on another planet?

You were challenging right in this thread the concept that we had a Creator at all, and were arguing, things like "No Religious Test" which clearly you have no clue what that even really means.

Now you are back peddling?

Or maybe you are just confused.

You are all over the map.
The DOI is the when we denounced the monarch system.

I'm just saying you're making shit up that isn't in the Constitution. That's just what Religionist do.
what did he make up that isn't in there? creator isn't used?

"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."
did he say it was in the constitution or quoting someone else? hmmmm

It was in post #77. If he quoted someone else he didn't make a note of it.
but he didn't say that line came from the constitution. right?

"..and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic."

We the people formed our Republic when we created the Constitution.

Was life liberty and the pursuit of happiness really part of Christian Ethics back then?

what did he make up that isn't in there? creator isn't used?

"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."
did he say it was in the constitution or quoting someone else? hmmmm

It was in post #77. If he quoted someone else he didn't make a note of it.
but he didn't say that line came from the constitution. right?

"..and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic."

We the people formed our Republic when we created the Constitution.

Was life liberty and the pursuit of happiness really part of Christian Ethics back then?
No Dummy

The Constitution was inspired by The Enlightenment and By Natural Law - Universal Law.
The Judeo-Christian Ethic is part of the foundation of that philosophy.

These concepts were already written about and well established in philosophical discussions among The Forefathers and before The Forefathers regarding Self Governance even before The Revolution. They were discussed for over 100 years before The Revolution.

Sir Isaac Newton's research was based upon The Enlightenment and Natural - Universal Law. So was Einstein's.

Like I said, it is pointless talking about the higher discussions of The Formation of the Republic with someone who is Ignorant about The Topic.

Note: The Liberalism Discussed in the Quote has nothing to do with A Leftist's Love of Hairy Man butt, nor Gender Dysphoria, nor Godless Socialism.

The Liberalism as defined and referenced during The Age of Reason or Enlightenment appears on the below "Freedom Scale" as it is intended to be. The Word Liberalism though in today's modern incantation has become completely corrupted and is useless for purposes of this discussion.


Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia

Some consider the publication of Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica (1687) as the first major enlightenment work. French historians traditionally date the Enlightenment from 1715 to 1789, from the beginning of the reign of Louis XV until the French Revolution. Most end it with the turn of the 19th century. Philosophers and scientists of the period widely circulated their ideas through meetings at scientific academies, Masonic lodges, literary salons, coffeehouses and in printed books, journals, and pamphlets. The ideas of the Enlightenment undermined the authority of the monarchy and the Church and paved the way for the political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. A variety of 19th-century movements, including liberalism and neoclassicism, trace their intellectual heritage to the Enlightenment.[4]
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The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Hating, Lies, Evil and Sin, is not a Vice, it is a virtue.

The Left does not have a Moral Code. In fact, their only code seems to be The Satanic Motto "Do What Thou Wilt" and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic.

Opposing such a lack of Moral Fortitude and Moral Compass on The Left, then is a duty to God, Country, and your Family.

Except our Constitution start off with "We the People.....

Absolutely nothing about any supreme or supernatural being, except as a placeholder in time.

You want a Christian Theocracy? Change the Constitution.
There is no Theocracy in America pertaining to the Structure of our Government and The Rule of Law.

Political Correctness is a Theocracy where Politics is God.

Islam is a Theocracy where Violence is God.

Atheism is a Theocracy where Man is God

Global Warming Philosophy is a Theocracy where The Earth is God.

There are examples of Theocracy.

America is not a Theocracy. We are a Representative Republic who derived our Moral Code from the Concept of a Moral God, but also, we chose not to define that Moral God, not make any prohibitions against anyone refusing to recognize a Moral God nor any God at all if they so choose.

Liberals and Their Anti-Moral Theocracy could not exist in a Theocratic Government. They'd be hunted down and eradicated like ISIS hunts down Infidels, Jews and Christians. The only Theocratic Government they could exist in, is in a Collective Made up Entirely of themselves in a Borg Like Existence, where all other dissenters are either absorbed or destroyed.

In America, you are free to express your faith, and are not prevented from pursuing your dreams nor discriminated against if you have no Faith at all, or believe in some Foreign God, and Idol, or you are an Earth Worshiper.

But Our Rights come from a Recognition that MAN IS NOT GOD and his Word is Not Final, and We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others.

Liberals are Gods Unto Themselves so they have No Problems denying Human Beings their Natural Rights or engaging in any Morally Reprehensible and Oppressive Acts against others.

Food for thought, PCP is still illegal.
I meant in the real world, in the Constitution.
You neither recognize morality or reality, so it is pointless to give a moral compass to a lost soul who refuses to recognize that a compass can exist at all.

I just gave you a doctoral level education in The Constitution and you failed the course.

How about you simply try to prove that "We The People" were not Endowed Unalienable Rights by Our Creator?

But you can't because it is your Unalienable Right To Free Speech endowed by Your Creator that allows you to espouse all of your Nonsensical Ill Thought Out so called Arguments, Freely on a Message Board without The Fear of The Government Coming to Kill you for saying "Orange Man Bad".

Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it.

Take you own advice:

"Take a Hike you Ignorant Self Aggrandizing Loser.

"YOUR very presence here defeats your argument before you even attempt to start it."
I'm not the one claiming that we do not have Unalienable Rights Endowed by Our Creator.

I don't think anyone is claiming that.

My claim is that We the People are tasked with enforcing those inherent rights because up to that point in History the so called creator hadn't been doing to good of a job of it. With the DOI we threw off the King. With the Constitution we became a government of the people.....

Are you on another planet?

You were challenging right in this thread the concept that we had a Creator at all, and were arguing, things like "No Religious Test" which clearly you have no clue what that even really means.

Now you are back peddling?

Or maybe you are just confused.

You are all over the map.

Clearly at the time that line meant no test as to which brand of Christianity you belong too.

Times have changed, but for better or worse not the words of the Constitution.

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

Too bad they don’t care so much about police shooting unarmed black children.
If only they used water.
The DOI is the when we denounced the monarch system.

I'm just saying you're making shit up that isn't in the Constitution. That's just what Religionist do.
what did he make up that isn't in there? creator isn't used?

"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."
did he say it was in the constitution or quoting someone else? hmmmm

It was in post #77. If he quoted someone else he didn't make a note of it.
I quoted myself Numb Nuts.

I was explaining to you the general concepts of The Constitution and the reason why we have Unalienable Rights Endowed by Our Creator as opposed to Privileges Granted or Denied on a Whim by some Socialist Demagogue.

i'm eating your ass with both hands tied behind my back.

You know why?

Because it takes a Socialist Village to raise a Useful Idiot, and I did not go to the substandard school you went to, and I did not have the substandard education you had, and I did not get average or below average grades that you got.

I graduated Suma with a 4.0 and two degrees.

You don't have a clue how and why this country was formed, let alone even understand the founding documents, founding fathers, and the concepts and paradigms that are the foundation to this Republic.

You only know that you feel like you have to tear them down to establish your Socialist Tyranny of Equivalent Misery.

That makes you a sad example of an American, if you are an American at all.
A Naturalized Citizen having just earned his citizenship knows more about The Founding Documents, Founding Fathers, and Our Constitution than you do.

You should be ashamed, but you aren't.


"Ignorance Is Strength"
Orwell, 1984

Right, Dummy?

"I graduated Suma with a 4.0 and two degrees."

You did? Did you learn anything?

Your comments do not suggest you have.

The general concepts of COTUS are within the vision and mission statement in the Preamble, a foundation for Baron de Montesquieu's separation of powers into the three branches of our government, i.e. Art I, II and III.

These guiding principles soundly rejected an Authoritarian Executive, as also expressed within the DOI; yet we are living today under the budding fascism by the current executive with a complicit Senate and a divided Supreme Court.

It seems you don't have a clue how and why this country was formed; I must suppose you missed in all your alleged learning the year 1776 and who supported King George III, and those who sought independence, in the following years.

In 1787 James Madison wrote, The Vices of the Political System of the United States. Something to be considered today, given the current executive and the rules in the Senate that allow the Senate Leader to Control all member of both legislative bodies.

Founders Online: Vices of the Political System of the United States, April 1787
"We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others."


Since you are a pathological hater, you might not get passed the Pearly Gate. Confession and absolution are not considered a ticket for entry, when the Confession is insincere.
Since you are a pathological hater, you might not get passed the Pearly Gate.........

Oh, I will get there before you baby-killers and homosexual abominations do.

You see, like Trump, with me its all words. I vent my anger with words. BUT YOU ACTUALLY MURDER babies, even full grown ones, and you celebrate that which God has condemned - Sodomy.

Don't you dare even think about playing the "God Card" when your side is the manifestation of true evil in the world.

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