Lawless Democrat Pigs Strike Again

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??

So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??

So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?

The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?
This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.

You may want to look up the definition of assault.

Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

Totally different context.

Point being that throwing water on someone isn't perceived as a violent act unto itself.

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??

So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.

Assault is an unconsented touching so it is certainly assault. Throwing water on police is specifically to humiliate them, attack them and destroy their electronic equipment.

What result if a group of whites stopped random blacks and threw water on them?
I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??
So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.

You may want to look up the definition of assault.

Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

Totally different context.

Point being that throwing water on someone isn't perceived as a violent act unto itself.

Nope, point being assaulting a cop is a crime punishable by prison time and a financial penalty.
I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??
So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.

You may want to look up the definition of assault.

Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

Totally different context.

Point being that throwing water on someone isn't perceived as a violent act unto itself.

It is when it's done with malicious intent.
Not to mention the potential damage done to the officers equipment.
So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

Y'all are some gender confused, angry people, who have to hide your shame behind masks, hoods and a keyboard.
This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
So now your trying to tell us that throwing water at a cop is all fun and games?

No, I'm saying that water throwing as a felony is a bit heavy handed.
I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed.
But so is hiring thugs to beat up people attending political rallies, like Clinton did.
So is ramping up Leftis Rhetoric to incite a Sanders supporter to gun down GOP Congressmen at Softball Practice, heavy handed.
Calling All Conservatives Racists, and Doxing ICE, Doxing People who make political contributions, standing outside their house making death threats is Heavy Handed.

But you people think its all fun and games in your Win at All Cost Jihad for political power.

I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed."

I see.

throwing water is ASSAULT and the ASAULTERS deserve extreme punishments.

Now tell me how you felt about Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzales?

or this....

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia

The 2014 Bundy standoff was an ARMED confrontation between supporters of cattle rancher .... Bundy was at first praised by some Republican politicians and conservative personalities. ..... The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that tensions reached a "critical level" during the standoff, "with rifles pointing toward each side.

with rifles pointing toward each side.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die but conservatives can threaten to actually KILL police and you have no problem.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die? WTF, did you just pull that out of your ass?


just thinking back to all the times some deranged conservative has expressed his desire to enact extreme violence upon liberals for the slightest offense.

don't you put children in cages?

haven't conservatives stated that "a bounty on illegal aliens" seems like a good idea?

didn't rush limbaugh say "leave only SOME liberals left alive"?

didn't ann coulter say "we should shoot a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them"?
Hmmmm, you should link those statements so we can look at the entire context.
Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Hating, Lies, Evil and Sin, is not a Vice, it is a virtue.

The Left does not have a Moral Code. In fact, their only code seems to be The Satanic Motto "Do What Thou Wilt" and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic.

Opposing such a lack of Moral Fortitude and Moral Compass on The Left, then is a duty to God, Country, and your Family.
"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Hating, Lies, Evil and Sin, is not a Vice, it is a virtue.

The Left does not have a Moral Code. In fact, their only code seems to be The Satanic Motto "Do What Thou Wilt" and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic.

Opposing such a lack of Moral Fortitude and Moral Compass on The Left, then is a duty to God, Country, and your Family.

Except our Constitution start off with "We the People.....

Absolutely nothing about any supreme or supernatural being, except as a placeholder in time.

You want a Christian Theocracy? Change the Constitution.
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Hating, Lies, Evil and Sin, is not a Vice, it is a virtue.

The Left does not have a Moral Code. In fact, their only code seems to be The Satanic Motto "Do What Thou Wilt" and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic.

Opposing such a lack of Moral Fortitude and Moral Compass on The Left, then is a duty to God, Country, and your Family.

Except our Constitution start off with "We the People.....

Absolutely nothing about any supreme or supernatural being, except as a placeholder in time.

You want a Christian Theocracy? Change the Constitution.

It's a simple moral code.
No religion necessary.
"the teaching on accountability and cause and effect" was this some sort class you took at kkklown school?
The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Hating, Lies, Evil and Sin, is not a Vice, it is a virtue.

The Left does not have a Moral Code. In fact, their only code seems to be The Satanic Motto "Do What Thou Wilt" and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic.

Opposing such a lack of Moral Fortitude and Moral Compass on The Left, then is a duty to God, Country, and your Family.

YOU'RE INSANE! That is becoming very clear.

For the Record, in direct contrast to your bullshit above:


"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

The Democrats do not Teach Ethics at their KKK Clown School, Dunce. They also don't teach Ethics at their ANTIFA Clown School.
They do teach feelings and gender dysphoria. Did you graduate from that school?

The klan teaches gender dysphoria? Really? Do tell me what the klans views are on gender and how yours differ.
Your Party Teaches Gender Dysphoria, but any bunch of gay guys in a bunch of hoods, is just the same as a bunch of gay guys in all black wearing masks.

ANTIFA like THE KKK was formed by The Democrat Party to create Social Upheavel, and to Intimidate and Commit Acts of Violence against Conservatives, or anyone who steps out of line of The Leftist Borg Society.

I wonder what school you attended, the one which taught you to hate?

"I hate everything and anything that has to do with liberals, liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, globalism, climate warming fascist dogma!

"Don't make me hate you more, because chances are, I already hate you a lot."

Quote taken from the OT's Information Page.

Can we all agree, the OT is one very sick puppy?
Hating, Lies, Evil and Sin, is not a Vice, it is a virtue.

The Left does not have a Moral Code. In fact, their only code seems to be The Satanic Motto "Do What Thou Wilt" and they oppose anything that deals with The Judeo-Christian Ethic which formed our Republic.

Opposing such a lack of Moral Fortitude and Moral Compass on The Left, then is a duty to God, Country, and your Family.

Except our Constitution start off with "We the People.....

Absolutely nothing about any supreme or supernatural being, except as a placeholder in time.

You want a Christian Theocracy? Change the Constitution.
There is no Theocracy in America pertaining to the Structure of our Government and The Rule of Law.

Political Correctness is a Theocracy where Politics is God.

Islam is a Theocracy where Violence is God.

Atheism is a Theocracy where Man is God

Global Warming Philosophy is a Theocracy where The Earth is God.

There are examples of Theocracy.

America is not a Theocracy. We are a Representative Republic who derived our Moral Code from the Concept of a Moral God, but also, we chose not to define that Moral God, not make any prohibitions against anyone refusing to recognize a Moral God nor any God at all if they so choose.

Liberals and Their Anti-Moral Theocracy could not exist in a Theocratic Government. They'd be hunted down and eradicated like ISIS hunts down Infidels, Jews and Christians. The only Theocratic Government they could exist in, is in a Collective Made up Entirely of themselves in a Borg Like Existence, where all other dissenters are either absorbed or destroyed.

In America, you are free to express your faith, and are not prevented from pursuing your dreams nor discriminated against if you have no Faith at all, or believe in some Foreign God, and Idol, or you are an Earth Worshiper.

But Our Rights come from a Recognition that MAN IS NOT GOD and his Word is Not Final, and We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others.

Liberals are Gods Unto Themselves so they have No Problems denying Human Beings their Natural Rights or engaging in any Morally Reprehensible and Oppressive Acts against others.
Last edited:
But Our Rights come from a Recognition that MAN IS NOT GOD and his Word is Not Final, and We The People ought to be held accountable to a higher authority than ourselves so that we are cognizant not to violate the rights of others.

I think you're reading more into our founding document than is there.

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

Pretty arcane and senseless. Throwing water at a cop a FELONY? What next, felony rubber band attacks? Felony spit wads? Haven't we locked enough people up in prison in this country yet over bullshit?

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