Lawless Democrat Pigs Strike Again

I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??
So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.
Hot Water or Cold?

Do you know people can go in shock if you pour cold water on them on a hot day?

It's an act of aggression, and obstruction of official police business, an assault, and an act of prejudice and bigotry, simply based on what a person does as their profession.

What if it were White Guys in a small mob surrounding and inundating a Black Cop with Water?

That would be all over The Leftist Fake News and be played over and over again as an act of Racism.

Quit looking for an easy way out of this.

It's wrong, stop doing it, stop targeting Conservatives and Law Enforcement.

An act of prejudice and bigotry? That's retarded.

Anyway, you're embellishing on the simple act of pouring water on someone.
You may want to look up the definition of assault.

Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

So now your trying to tell us that throwing water at a cop is all fun and games?

No, I'm saying that water throwing as a felony is a bit heavy handed.
I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed.
But so is hiring thugs to beat up people attending political rallies, like Clinton did.
So is ramping up Leftis Rhetoric to incite a Sanders supporter to gun down GOP Congressmen at Softball Practice, heavy handed.
Calling All Conservatives Racists, and Doxing ICE, Doxing People who make political contributions, standing outside their house making death threats is Heavy Handed.

But you people think its all fun and games in your Win at All Cost Jihad for political power.

I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed."

I see.

throwing water is ASSAULT and the ASAULTERS deserve extreme punishments.

Now tell me how you felt about Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzales?

or this....

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia

The 2014 Bundy standoff was an ARMED confrontation between supporters of cattle rancher .... Bundy was at first praised by some Republican politicians and conservative personalities. ..... The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that tensions reached a "critical level" during the standoff, "with rifles pointing toward each side.

with rifles pointing toward each side.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die but conservatives can threaten to actually KILL police and you have no problem.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die? WTF, did you just pull that out of your ass?
Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

So now your trying to tell us that throwing water at a cop is all fun and games?

No, I'm saying that water throwing as a felony is a bit heavy handed.
I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed.
But so is hiring thugs to beat up people attending political rallies, like Clinton did.
So is ramping up Leftis Rhetoric to incite a Sanders supporter to gun down GOP Congressmen at Softball Practice, heavy handed.
Calling All Conservatives Racists, and Doxing ICE, Doxing People who make political contributions, standing outside their house making death threats is Heavy Handed.

But you people think its all fun and games in your Win at All Cost Jihad for political power.

I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed."

I see.

throwing water is ASSAULT and the ASAULTERS deserve extreme punishments.

Now tell me how you felt about Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzales?

or this....

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia

The 2014 Bundy standoff was an ARMED confrontation between supporters of cattle rancher .... Bundy was at first praised by some Republican politicians and conservative personalities. ..... The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that tensions reached a "critical level" during the standoff, "with rifles pointing toward each side.

with rifles pointing toward each side.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die but conservatives can threaten to actually KILL police and you have no problem.....

I reported your response for trolling. No one is talking about killing people throwing water, urine or hot coffee on cops. We are talking about arresting them and making them accountable.

That's rich, you've gone off topic as well in this thread.
Let's start a pool, On what day one of these cops blows away some NYC asshole for throwing a rock at him. Instead of water.

.....when that happens, the marches and violence against cops will flair up even more. What, is throwing water st cops supposed to be seen as freedom of expression?

so you would kill people for throwing water at police?

Here’s a thought.... How about complying with the police and not initiating assault with them? If I throw anything be it a rock, water, fist at the police I expect there is a risk that I may be shot. Further, since you are willing to have water thrown at the police as being acceptable, what is to say that it won’t be water but say acid or chemicals?
I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.

I deal in facts, not your insane imagination.

"New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony" = FACT

Do you denounce them, or do you side with their contempt for law enforcement? Simple question

If you were really truly concerned about the police you'd want the ban on assault weapons passed and so would the republicans, if you were really concerned about the life of the police.

so save you fake caring.

LOL, is that your idea of negotiation, ban assault weapons or else you continue throwing things at cops. How about stop throwing things or else get your sorry ass locked up for 5 days.

5 days is light compared to 4 years.

30 days in the hole.

Let's start a pool, On what day one of these cops blows away some NYC asshole for throwing a rock at him. Instead of water.

.....when that happens, the marches and violence against cops will flair up even more. What, is throwing water st cops supposed to be seen as freedom of expression?

so you would kill people for throwing water at police?

Here’s a thought.... How about complying with the police and not initiating assault with them? If I throw anything be it a rock, water, fist at the police I expect there is a risk that I may be shot. Further, since you are willing to have water thrown at the police as being acceptable, what is to say that it won’t be water but say acid or chemicals?

Can you quote where anyone said throwing water at the police should be legal? Just one person.
Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

So now your trying to tell us that throwing water at a cop is all fun and games?

No, I'm saying that water throwing as a felony is a bit heavy handed.
I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed.
But so is hiring thugs to beat up people attending political rallies, like Clinton did.
So is ramping up Leftis Rhetoric to incite a Sanders supporter to gun down GOP Congressmen at Softball Practice, heavy handed.
Calling All Conservatives Racists, and Doxing ICE, Doxing People who make political contributions, standing outside their house making death threats is Heavy Handed.

But you people think its all fun and games in your Win at All Cost Jihad for political power.

I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed."

I see.

throwing water is ASSAULT and the ASAULTERS deserve extreme punishments.

Now tell me how you felt about Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzales?

or this....

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia

The 2014 Bundy standoff was an ARMED confrontation between supporters of cattle rancher .... Bundy was at first praised by some Republican politicians and conservative personalities. ..... The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that tensions reached a "critical level" during the standoff, "with rifles pointing toward each side.

with rifles pointing toward each side.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die but conservatives can threaten to actually KILL police and you have no problem.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die? WTF, did you just pull that out of your ass?


just thinking back to all the times some deranged conservative has expressed his desire to enact extreme violence upon liberals for the slightest offense.

don't you put children in cages?

haven't conservatives stated that "a bounty on illegal aliens" seems like a good idea?

didn't rush limbaugh say "leave only SOME liberals left alive"?

didn't ann coulter say "we should shoot a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them"?
So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.
Hot Water or Cold?

Do you know people can go in shock if you pour cold water on them on a hot day?

It's an act of aggression, and obstruction of official police business, an assault, and an act of prejudice and bigotry, simply based on what a person does as their profession.

What if it were White Guys in a small mob surrounding and inundating a Black Cop with Water?

That would be all over The Leftist Fake News and be played over and over again as an act of Racism.

Quit looking for an easy way out of this.

It's wrong, stop doing it, stop targeting Conservatives and Law Enforcement.

An act of prejudice and bigotry? That's retarded.

Anyway, you're embellishing on the simple act of pouring water on someone.

Some People Did Something To Someone....

Talk about a lack of a Moral Rudder...

This is what you (I don't even want to call you people) do.

Your lack of ethics, and Pathological Excuse Making is Morally Reprehensible.

But the worst part of it is, is that you are so morally without an ethical standard, that you do not even know how depraved you are, nor are you even aware that you are completely absent a Moral Compass.

The Police are being targeted simply because they represent a class of people..... (Law Enforcement Officers)

That makes it not only Obstruction of Police Business, and an Assault, and Vandalism, but it makes it a Hate Crime.

Last edited:

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??

So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

I never said blood or urine, but if like I said you show fake concern for the cops if you do not want to ban assault weapons which makes you are pro the death of cops.
So now your trying to tell us that throwing water at a cop is all fun and games?

No, I'm saying that water throwing as a felony is a bit heavy handed.
I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed.
But so is hiring thugs to beat up people attending political rallies, like Clinton did.
So is ramping up Leftis Rhetoric to incite a Sanders supporter to gun down GOP Congressmen at Softball Practice, heavy handed.
Calling All Conservatives Racists, and Doxing ICE, Doxing People who make political contributions, standing outside their house making death threats is Heavy Handed.

But you people think its all fun and games in your Win at All Cost Jihad for political power.

I think assaulting police officers while on duty even with water to make political points is a bit heavy handed."

I see.

throwing water is ASSAULT and the ASAULTERS deserve extreme punishments.

Now tell me how you felt about Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzales?

or this....

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia

The 2014 Bundy standoff was an ARMED confrontation between supporters of cattle rancher .... Bundy was at first praised by some Republican politicians and conservative personalities. ..... The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that tensions reached a "critical level" during the standoff, "with rifles pointing toward each side.

with rifles pointing toward each side.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die but conservatives can threaten to actually KILL police and you have no problem.....

So liberals throw water at cops and they deserve to die? WTF, did you just pull that out of your ass?


just thinking back to all the times some deranged conservative has expressed his desire to enact extreme violence upon liberals for the slightest offense.

don't you put children in cages?

haven't conservatives stated that "a bounty on illegal aliens" seems like a good idea?

didn't rush limbaugh say "leave only SOME liberals left alive"?

didn't ann coulter say "we should shoot a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them"?

Are those children (in cages Obama built) liberals?

Yet it took liberals to make a move on killing conservatives.

Dunno, don't follow Limbaugh or coulter.
Here is your anti government weirdo's

Right wing groups. Enjoy! KILL COPS!
I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.

I deal in facts, not your insane imagination.

"New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony" = FACT

Do you denounce them, or do you side with their contempt for law enforcement? Simple question

Show us the vote, if you can, can Fox, or are they just tossing out propaganda like usual. A name comes to mine, Eric Gardner.

Whose Eric Gardner?

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

Your type of hate is completely irrational, pathological and sufficient to deny you the privilege to own, possess or to ever have in your custody and control a gun, a car or any tool able to inflict injury to another person.

Please find a good therapist before you hurt yourself or anyone else.
I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.

I deal in facts, not your insane imagination.

"New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony" = FACT

Do you denounce them, or do you side with their contempt for law enforcement? Simple question

If you were really truly concerned about the police you'd want the ban on assault weapons passed and so would the republicans, if you were really concerned about the life of the police.

so save you fake caring.

How about we just lock up criminals?
So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Ah no, it about assault.

Is it though? If I threw water on someone is it really assault? Assault is to intentionally cause injury. Throwing water on someone is decidedly not doing that. But hey, let's over react.

You may want to look up the definition of assault.

Have you ever thrown water on someone? Maybe as a joke, perhaps as a kid thrown a water balloon at an unsuspecting friend. Is that assault?

Totally different context.

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

I imagine a lot of Republicans voted no as well.
A proposed New York bill that would make throwing water and “other substances” on police officers a felony charge is not being well-received universally in the state legislature.
NY bill that would make throwing water on police a felony receives some Democratic pushback

by the way, show us who voted on it??

So shit bags, blood and urine are cool to throw on cops?

You are a Leftist ANTIFA Asshole.

Maybe you need hit in the head with an ANTIFA Concrete Milkshake to knock some sense in to you.

This isn't about blood and urine, this is about water. I think making a felony out of throwing water on the cops is a little too severe. How does that fit into your fake little chart?


Haha...”too severe”
How did all you disgusting fucks miss the teaching on accountability and cause and effect?

Whether its religion or the 2nd amendment or illegal aliens, Democrats have proven that they are lawless scum who have no respect for the Constitution or the law. So, this story comes as no surprise:

New York Dems block bill to make water attacks on cops a felony
NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice says officers should know they are going to have support.

Attracting police recruits is now more difficult and lack of respect & support from elected officials is the problem. Allowing and/or encouraging civil unrest is a Dem strategy for creating the victimhood that gets them votes.
Home - APDEA - Anchorage Police Department Employees Association, 500 W International Airport Rd, Anchorage, AK 99518, 500 W Intl Airport Rd, Anchorage, AK, 99518 - Property For Sale on but that's not their real location, because they have an office at 4001 Denali Street, Suite B, Anchorage, AK 99503

They're on Facebook, after kicking the rest of us off each and every one of their social(ist) media platforms.

International Union of Operating Engineers | Washington DC IUOE 302 4001 Denali Street, Suite A, Anchorage, AK 99503.

Democrat cops joined the railroad union at the other suite in the same building and they're still railroading us in court as usual.

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