Lawmaker fears ruling backing Ariz. law may push migrants to Utah


May 25, 2011
SALT LAKE CITY - A state representative is calling for swift passage of a law that penalizes businesses for hiring workers in the country illegally.
Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, a Republican, said he fears more undocumented workers will come to Utah as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision last week to uphold a 2007 Arizona law intended to stop the hiring of illegal immigrants.

"It's imperative now that Utah act," he told the Deseret News of Salt Lake City. "Utah is one of their states of choice."

He said he has requested the drafting of a bill that would mirror the Arizona law, which requires all businesses to use the federal E-Verify system to check that workers aren't illegal immigrants.

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Arizona can punish employers who are found guilty of knowingly hiring illegal immigrants.

In a 5-3 decision, the justices rejected arguments by the business community, Hispanic-rights organizations and the Obama administration that Arizona's 2007 law infringes on the exclusive right of the federal government to regulate immigration.

"We hold that Arizona's licensing law falls well within the confines of the authority Congress chose to leave to the states and therefore is not expressly pre-empted," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.

Read more:
Hiring-sanctions law sought in Utah


Already the other US states are seeing the effect of being nice to our enemies. Each illegal is like a bullet in the back of the law abiding America. Latino groups have organized to extract as many tax dollars as they can from helping poor Americans. They are trying to commit a genocide of the American race by attacking the poor and removing them from the lines of legitimate charities built to help them.

The evil LA RAZA is only concerned with feeding Latin America yet Americans have yet to see them as the racists that they are.
And why would Utah be an illegal aliens' "state of choice"? Would it be linked to the benefits available there? Naw!

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