Lawmakers and the Debt


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
Voters on both sides are alarmed about the runaway debt, however our representatives still spend hand over fist. The shutdown made me wonder what a president could do about it. Either you sign a horrible bloated bill, or a shutdown occurs and then you are still forced to sign a horrible bill. Every time it comes for a new budget, it seems like lawmakers slap together something horrible at the last minute. Lawmakers don't even know what is in the awful thing when it is voted on. Why does this keep happening? This isn't a Democrat vs Republican thing. This is a branch of government failing. Lindsey Graham was asked about the horrible spending in the last bill, and he basically shook his head and gave an odd comment on appropriators. He said appropriators aren't like you or me, and that they spend on ridiculous things. To be honest, I don't know anything about appropriators, and I though the entire Congress was responsible for budgetary issues. This is all pretty messed up. The people we vote for never represent people in either party on their bone headed spending. We can't vote them out, because they all do it, and we can't force them into a balanced budget amendment. I have even heard that lawmakers on either side don't care about the debt, which seems obvious. I don't know what their argument is. Had to vent folks, this bothers me.
So the question bad is the debt problem really?

Dems have always said it is a "concern" but one we can deal with.

Republicans swing from SCREAMING about it as if it's the end of the spending and adding to the debt like drunken sailors (if it means tax cuts for the rich or spending they happen to like)
Voters on both sides are alarmed about the runaway debt, however our representatives still spend hand over fist. The shutdown made me wonder what a president could do about it. Either you sign a horrible bloated bill, or a shutdown occurs and then you are still forced to sign a horrible bill. Every time it comes for a new budget, it seems like lawmakers slap together something horrible at the last minute. Lawmakers don't even know what is in the awful thing when it is voted on. Why does this keep happening? This isn't a Democrat vs Republican thing. This is a branch of government failing. Lindsey Graham was asked about the horrible spending in the last bill, and he basically shook his head and gave an odd comment on appropriators. He said appropriators aren't like you or me, and that they spend on ridiculous things. To be honest, I don't know anything about appropriators, and I though the entire Congress was responsible for budgetary issues. This is all pretty messed up. The people we vote for never represent people in either party on their bone headed spending. We can't vote them out, because they all do it, and we can't force them into a balanced budget amendment. I have even heard that lawmakers on either side don't care about the debt, which seems obvious. I don't know what their argument is. Had to vent folks, this bothers me.

If you look back to the presidents since Reagan, you will see that our debt has been increasing at a very high rate. Our deficit was eliminated by Clinton and he wrote balanced budgets. Clinton stopped robbing from social security and was paying back the money Reagan/bush stole from it. He was paying on the debt and left a plan to have the Reagan/bush nation debt paid off by 2010. The deficit was slashed by nearly a trillion by Obama.

When Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2007. she instituted the "pay as you go" policy for spending bills. The republicans didn't like that. So when they regained control of the House of Reps, they repealed that rule.

Every republican president has slashed taxes for the rich and business without a way to pay for the loss of revenue. Democrats increased taxes on the rich to try to pay off the debt that republicans force on us and the spending they do.

If we can keep democrats in control of the House we will be able to have more spending bills paid for instead of putting it on the nation's credit card.

If you want the debt paid and deficit eliminated don't elect a republican. They spend like there's no tomorrow and give out big tax cuts to the rich. That's a prescription for disaster and every time they do it, our economy and people suffer.
Voters on both sides are alarmed about the runaway debt, however our representatives still spend hand over fist. The shutdown made me wonder what a president could do about it. Either you sign a horrible bloated bill, or a shutdown occurs and then you are still forced to sign a horrible bill. Every time it comes for a new budget, it seems like lawmakers slap together something horrible at the last minute. Lawmakers don't even know what is in the awful thing when it is voted on. Why does this keep happening? This isn't a Democrat vs Republican thing. This is a branch of government failing. Lindsey Graham was asked about the horrible spending in the last bill, and he basically shook his head and gave an odd comment on appropriators. He said appropriators aren't like you or me, and that they spend on ridiculous things. To be honest, I don't know anything about appropriators, and I though the entire Congress was responsible for budgetary issues. This is all pretty messed up. The people we vote for never represent people in either party on their bone headed spending. We can't vote them out, because they all do it, and we can't force them into a balanced budget amendment. I have even heard that lawmakers on either side don't care about the debt, which seems obvious. I don't know what their argument is. Had to vent folks, this bothers me.

If you look back to the presidents since Reagan, you will see that our debt has been increasing at a very high rate. Our deficit was eliminated by Clinton and he wrote balanced budgets. Clinton stopped robbing from social security and was paying back the money Reagan/bush stole from it. He was paying on the debt and left a plan to have the Reagan/bush nation debt paid off by 2010. The deficit was slashed by nearly a trillion by Obama.

When Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2007. she instituted the "pay as you go" policy for spending bills. The republicans didn't like that. So when they regained control of the House of Reps, they repealed that rule.

Every republican president has slashed taxes for the rich and business without a way to pay for the loss of revenue. Democrats increased taxes on the rich to try to pay off the debt that republicans force on us and the spending they do.

If we can keep democrats in control of the House we will be able to have more spending bills paid for instead of putting it on the nation's credit card.

If you want the debt paid and deficit eliminated don't elect a republican. They spend like there's no tomorrow and give out big tax cuts to the rich. That's a prescription for disaster and every time they do it, our economy and people suffer.

Our deficit was eliminated by Clinton and he wrote balanced budgets.

Clinton didn't 'write' those budgets, the Republican Congress did.

Clinton worked WITH them for those balanced budgets
Voters on both sides are alarmed about the runaway debt, however our representatives still spend hand over fist. The shutdown made me wonder what a president could do about it. Either you sign a horrible bloated bill, or a shutdown occurs and then you are still forced to sign a horrible bill. Every time it comes for a new budget, it seems like lawmakers slap together something horrible at the last minute. Lawmakers don't even know what is in the awful thing when it is voted on. Why does this keep happening? This isn't a Democrat vs Republican thing. This is a branch of government failing. Lindsey Graham was asked about the horrible spending in the last bill, and he basically shook his head and gave an odd comment on appropriators. He said appropriators aren't like you or me, and that they spend on ridiculous things. To be honest, I don't know anything about appropriators, and I though the entire Congress was responsible for budgetary issues. This is all pretty messed up. The people we vote for never represent people in either party on their bone headed spending. We can't vote them out, because they all do it, and we can't force them into a balanced budget amendment. I have even heard that lawmakers on either side don't care about the debt, which seems obvious. I don't know what their argument is. Had to vent folks, this bothers me.

The US is one of the largest debtor nations on planet Earth.
The US has one of the highest levels of public debt of any nation on planet Earth.
Only a very few nations have higher public debt levels.
The fiscal standard of the US is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.
At some point in the future people will have to pay a very high price for all of this fraud.
The United States of Fraud.
Jus' sayin'
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It isn't a problem and the left doesn't care about the debt at all. It is a red herring trying to drive a wedge between internal factions of the GOP. Most of our debt is domestically held and the government's largest creditor is itself. In effect, we are debasing the dollar, but beyond that, there is no reason we can't keep doing it.
Voters on both sides are alarmed about the runaway debt, however our representatives still spend hand over fist. The shutdown made me wonder what a president could do about it. Either you sign a horrible bloated bill, or a shutdown occurs and then you are still forced to sign a horrible bill. Every time it comes for a new budget, it seems like lawmakers slap together something horrible at the last minute. Lawmakers don't even know what is in the awful thing when it is voted on. Why does this keep happening? This isn't a Democrat vs Republican thing. This is a branch of government failing. Lindsey Graham was asked about the horrible spending in the last bill, and he basically shook his head and gave an odd comment on appropriators. He said appropriators aren't like you or me, and that they spend on ridiculous things. To be honest, I don't know anything about appropriators, and I though the entire Congress was responsible for budgetary issues. This is all pretty messed up. The people we vote for never represent people in either party on their bone headed spending. We can't vote them out, because they all do it, and we can't force them into a balanced budget amendment. I have even heard that lawmakers on either side don't care about the debt, which seems obvious. I don't know what their argument is. Had to vent folks, this bothers me.
You get what you pay for. We expect congressional candidates to raise millions of dollars to get elected so they do. They go where the money is, corporations. Are corporations altruistic or do they expect to get a return on their "investment"? I bet most laws nowadays are written by lobbyists in their clients interests not in the interests of the country.

He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Here's yet another Trump "promise" on the deficit, made in early 2016

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly. ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."
Here's yet another Trump "promise" on the deficit, made in early 2016

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly. ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."

That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as all the other swamp critters in DC; actually worse.
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That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.
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That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' says after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.

WTF, you expect him to fix Obama's legacy?
That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' says after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.

WTF, you expect him to fix Obama's legacy?

Oh, what; like G W Bush fvcked off Clinton's fiscal legacy?
That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' says after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.

WTF, you expect him to fix Obama's legacy?

Oh, what; like G W Bush fvcked off Clinton's fiscal legacy?

No, Clinton fucked his own legacy.
That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' says after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.

WTF, you expect him to fix Obama's legacy?

Whatever Hannity tells morons to swallow......the above cultist spews.....

Voters on both sides are alarmed about the runaway debt, however our representatives still spend hand over fist. The shutdown made me wonder what a president could do about it. Either you sign a horrible bloated bill, or a shutdown occurs and then you are still forced to sign a horrible bill. Every time it comes for a new budget, it seems like lawmakers slap together something horrible at the last minute. Lawmakers don't even know what is in the awful thing when it is voted on. Why does this keep happening? This isn't a Democrat vs Republican thing. This is a branch of government failing. Lindsey Graham was asked about the horrible spending in the last bill, and he basically shook his head and gave an odd comment on appropriators. He said appropriators aren't like you or me, and that they spend on ridiculous things. To be honest, I don't know anything about appropriators, and I though the entire Congress was responsible for budgetary issues. This is all pretty messed up. The people we vote for never represent people in either party on their bone headed spending. We can't vote them out, because they all do it, and we can't force them into a balanced budget amendment. I have even heard that lawmakers on either side don't care about the debt, which seems obvious. I don't know what their argument is. Had to vent folks, this bothers me.
It's neither the role nor responsibly of a president to do anything about it.

And the GOP's bread and circuses dogma of governance clearly won't work; tax cuts only cause the debt to increase.
That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' says after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.

WTF, you expect him to fix Obama's legacy?

Whatever Hannity tells morons to swallow......the above cultist spews.....

The interest alone on the debt is rapidly growing larger with every year, and as the interests rise those interests will approach a trillion dollars a year in the not too distant future, according to some estimates. And it will continue to rise. That's a terrible thing to lay on future generations, but nobody in Washington seems to care. Lip service is about it, but nobody wants to lose their pet spending projects and programs. News flash to those who think raising taxes is the answer: you aren't going to get nearly enough revenue. Why? Because the rich people with the most money are quite capable of finding ways to avoid paying more taxes if you raise the rates. And in general, the economy takes a hit in investment capital and new business startups. The only way out is spending cuts, our gov't is going to have to get smaller and more efficient.
That was just Trump talking outta his ass which he always does.

Trump has helped to increase the debt at a higher rate per time than any other POTUS.

Trump is just as swampy as any other swamp critter in DC; actually worse.

Always remember what Trump told his "donors' says after he passed his tax scam...

"I just made you guys a LOT of money".......

Sure he did.......he increased the debt by $1.6 TRILLION to finance his tax scam AND has done NOTHING to decrease the deficit........

Only cultists still believe this clown.

WTF, you expect him to fix Obama's legacy?

Oh, what; like G W Bush fvcked off Clinton's fiscal legacy?

No, Clinton fucked his own legacy.

Above, why a moment of candor, said this

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' —

Donald Trump declares 'I love the poorly educated' as he storms to ...

“I love the poorly educated”—Read Donald Trump's full Nevada victory ...

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