Lawmakers condemn Pentagon effort to recover enlistment bonuses from California veterans

can anuone tell me why these particular soldiers deserve to keep their unearned bonuses while others would have to pay them.back?

Can you tell me how they were unearned if the bonus was offered to reenlist?
can anuone tell me why these particular soldiers deserve to keep their unearned bonuses while others would have to pay them.back?

Can you tell me how they were unearned if the bonus was offered to reenlist?
they didn't meet all the criteria. many had too many years.

i don't know the situation for all, but they did not meet the criteria for the bonuses
what about paying every small business owner who had to shut down because of the Obama Collapse of 2009? they never got a check for 400,000 to compensate their lost dream!
can anuone tell me why these particular soldiers deserve to keep their unearned bonuses while others would have to pay them.back?

Can you tell me how they were unearned if the bonus was offered to reenlist?
they didn't meet all the criteria. many had too many years.

i don't know the situation for all, but they did not meet the criteria for the bonuses

If I am offered a bonus, and the person who offered the bonus, gives it, it is the offering party that needs to qualify me, not the other way around.

As I said earlier, take the bonus back, but then pay the soldier the difference in pay from what they earned, and what they could have earned in the private sector during that same period.

I'm thinking $15k per year works.
"Obama isn't the one who authorized the bonuses. The authorization happened during Jr.'s admin."

You're right. day 1 of his administration obama should have audited the ca national guard because... something.
can anuone tell me why these particular soldiers deserve to keep their unearned bonuses while others would have to pay them.back?

Can you tell me how they were unearned if the bonus was offered to reenlist?
they didn't meet all the criteria. many had too many years.

i don't know the situation for all, but they did not meet the criteria for the bonuses

If I am offered a bonus, and the person who offered the bonus, gives it, it is the offering party that needs to qualify me, not the other way around.

As I said earlier, take the bonus back, but then pay the soldier the difference in pay from what they earned, and what they could have earned in the private sector during that same period.

I'm thinking $15k per year works.
guard soldiers. they dont miss out on the private sector
You know, if you really want to blame someone, blame those who wrote the regs at the time, as well as the Commanding Officers who signed the authorization to give them the money.

Don't blame the vets, they were told they were eligible.

Incidentally, don't blame Obama either, this program was conceived under Jr.

What do you mean 'don't blame the Vet's?' They were told $15K and by mistake received $25K, shouldn't they be made to pay it back? They're ripping off taxpayers!

This is another steaming pile left behind by Bush and Cheney, these bonuses were approved in 2006 because Bush had the illegitimate war in Iraq that he started and needed fresh bodies.

One wonders if Cindy Sheehan received a notice to pay back any bonus her son received under Bush. Republicans crap on servicemen again.
45 years ago just out of high school I got experience listening to a military recruiter or 2 that became a valuable lesson 4 years later after finishing college. And that lesson was how to deal with used car dealers.
Lawmakers on Sunday condemned a Pentagon effort to recoup enlistment bonuses improperly paid to thousands of California National Guard soldiers a decade ago, saying the overpayments were not the soldiers’ fault and calling on the Pentagon or Congress to waive their debts.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy pledged a House investigation of the problem, calling the Pentagon demands for repayment of bonuses from combat veterans “disgraceful."

McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) said the House would demand a briefing from the National Guard Bureau, the Pentagon agency that oversees the California branch of the Guard.

The Times reported that the Pentagon was demanding repayment of enlistment bonuses — which often reached $15,000 or more — from about 9,700 California Guard soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lawmakers condemn Pentagon effort to recover enlistment bonuses from California veterans

And why was this even thought of as a good idea?
14 billion dollar air craft carriers are in need...
You know, if you really want to blame someone, blame those who wrote the regs at the time, as well as the Commanding Officers who signed the authorization to give them the money.

Don't blame the vets, they were told they were eligible.

Incidentally, don't blame Obama either, this program was conceived under Jr.

What do you mean 'don't blame the Vet's?' They were told $15K and by mistake received $25K, shouldn't they be made to pay it back? They're ripping off taxpayers!

Several things here.....................

First, you're stupid, because you obviously haven't read up much on this.

Second, you're woefully ignorant about the military.

Third............the 15,000 was the BASIC BONUS. If you had specialties that they needed at the time, the bonuses were bigger because they would pay extra for that specialty.

Kinda the same reason for different bonuses in the military. Some might only get 2,000 to reenlist, some might get as much as 30,000 (various computer technical rates). Just depends on what your job is at the time.

And, another thing that I found out that was interesting. When I was in the military ('82 to '02), reenlistment bonuses were calculated for the whole amount awarded for the amount of years the member enlisted. A person who reenlisted for 4 years gets less of a bonus than someone who reenlists for 6 years in the same specialty.

That bonus was then divided by two, and half of the calculated bonus was paid at the time of reenlistment, with the other half being divided up evenly by the number of years remaining, and that payment was made on the anniversary of reenlistment.

For this program to get soldiers to reenlist and go back to the ME? They were paid the full amount up front, not half and then the remainder on the anniversary date of reenlistment.

Whoever wrote the rules for these bonuses is the one that screwed up. Not the admin offices that processed the bonuses (they were following the regs) nor the soldiers who got the bonuses (they were told they were eligible for the amount they were awarded).
Trump supporter Jason Alsheen:

"I swear I'm not racist! I swear on the bible!

But when you go to the VA, it's nothing but black folks workin there and they don't give a shit about you!

I just wait, and they jabber about home and bullshit like that, and they got an attitude."
Californian's are dumb asses.
For being the first to have an audit to find the discrepancies? Now they are finding the same in other states....but because of the audits, CA found them first.

Note: I believe that Congress should find a way to get repayment waived.....not the soldiers' fault.
Californian's are dumb asses.
For being the first to have an audit to find the discrepancies? Now they are finding the same in other states....but because of the audits, CA found them first.

Note: I believe that Congress should find a way to get repayment waived.....not the soldiers' fault.
missouri has been through an audit. no problems here.

an e8 at state was able to both put in for and pay out the bonuses. she's in jail now.

do you think she was just doing it for random people?
Politicians are just worried that if the government starts going after people wh have been over-paid THEY wil be forced to return BILLIONS! :p

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