Laws for Thee, but not for Me. AOC Twitter Edition.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
What always cracks me up about partisans who come up with new rules to get their opponents, is how they never think past today, to when those rules will come back to bite them. When the Democrats lowered the threshold to vote for Judges in the Senate, they never believed they would be sitting there mute as the Republicans used the same power to confirm Judges.

Today, it’s the First Amendment, and AOC, and Twitter of all things. When Trump blocked some users from accessing his Twitter Feed, the offended ran to Court and got an Injunction based upon a Supreme Court Ruling that Twitter was akin to the Digital Age Town Square. And the Judge ruled that Trump could not block users, as he was a political figure, and people had legitimate rights under the First Amendment to read, and respond, to his comments.

Trump can't block users from his Twitter feed, federal judge rules

Now, that is the history, today we see AOC doing the same thing that Trump did. She’s blocking users, which means she is violating their First Amendment Rights.


Now, This guy may be an ass, from a RW News Rag, but as the Judge ruled regarding Trump, you can’t block people from your Twitter feed once you are a public figure. So AOC, stop breaking the law, and remove all the blocks. I am sure that someone is headed to court today with a motion to get a Judge to order AOC to remove the blocks, and I am just as certain that she will rant out about how wrong it is to endure the abuse.

But you see, we are a nation of laws, and the laws that apply to one, apply to all. When you come up with a new standard to get the bastard that you hate, you are just creating a new way to be gotten.

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