Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

If the people really wanted all these restrictions and censorship, they could elect legislators into office to enact them without declaring any official religion.

The fact is the vast majority of Americans, including most Christians, don’t want such laws.
Do u understand that that the chances of that are extremely remote?
Of course I understand that right now it would difficult. But I am here to put the idea in people's heads. That's the beginning of enacting change.
Boy, these people don't want to give up their atheist stranglehold on the government
22JAN30-POST#0174 wrote:

NFBW wrote: I accept the political punditry on both sides who say the “ONLY” way Biden (a Catholic) won the 2020 election was the boost from the large turnout of black voters who vote overwhelmingly Democrat. That Is not an atheist stranglehold on the government. - - - If you wish to call it anything of a religious victory or stranglehold on government Mashmont , it has to be a black CHRISTIAN church victory per the following data

. . . . . an overwhelming majority of members of the AME Church (92%) identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, while just 4% say they favor the Republican Party (an 88-point gap).
Similarly, 87% of members of the National Baptist Convention and 75% of members of the Church of God in Christ (another historically black denomination) identify as Democrats​

So Mashmont I am not a Christian or an atheist at all but I vote with my fellow Americans who attend the black churches and I appreciate and respect what those black Christians bring to the Democratic Party. So yes “us people” do not want to give up hard won political power that truly has absolutely nothing to do with atheists having a stranglehold on us or the derp dark government.

Can you fill us in why you don’t recognize the significance of the role of black Christian churches and Latino Catholics on the side of Democrats in the political conflict. All your focus is on political atheists which is absurd if you think about it.

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That’s why politics doesn’t need religion. Both do enough damage without each other.
What do you have against widows and orphans?


NFBW wrote: I accept the political punditry on both sides who say the “ONLY” way Biden (a Catholic) won the 2020 election was the boost from the large turnout of black voters who vote overwhelmingly Democrat. That Is not an atheist stranglehold on the government. - - - If you wish to call it anything of a religious victory or stranglehold on government Mashmont , it has to be a black church victory per the following data

. . . . . an overwhelming majority of members of the AME Church (92%) identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, while just 4% say they favor the Republican Party (an 88-point gap). Similarly, 87% of members of the National Baptist Convention and 75% of members of the Church of God in Christ (another historically black denomination) identify as Democrats​

So Mashmont I am not a Christian or an atheist at all but I vote with my fellow Americans who attend the black churches and I appreciate and respect what those black Christians bring to the Democratic Party. So yes “us people” do not want to give up hard won political power that truly has absolutely nothing to do with atheists having a stranglehold on us.

Can you fill us in why you don’t recognize the significance of the role of black Christian churches and Latino Catholics on the side of Democrats in the political conflict. All your focus is on political atheists which is absurd if you think about it.

First off all, the senile buffoon Biden didn't win the 2020 election. Millions of his votes were fraudulent. Many were untraced, unverified absentee or drop box ballots. Many were from illegals.

Now that we've corrected that little misstep, let me say what your post has absolutely nothing to do with fact that atheism is the language of our laws since religion is banned from government.
Of course I understand that right now it would difficult. But I am here to put the idea in people's heads. That's the beginning of enacting change.
Reflect on this quote: Which way are the people going? I must join them for I am their leader.

You seem to have the idea if the leaders are good, the people will follow. I am a proponent of the opposite. If the people are good and holy, their leaders will follow suit.

Leaders and those in authority are dangerous, as Milgram's experiment showed those many years ago. It showed sixty-five percent will follow those in authority, even when they see it physically hurts others. So, when those in authority tell the nation that divorce is okay, abortion is okay, (fill in the blank) is okay, they automatically get the majority to follow along.

It doesn't take many to convince those in authority to bend the rules, which is how the minority becomes the majority. Judaism, Christianity, Muslims, Democracies, Republics, Kings, and Dictators have all been brought down by this. This has gone on since ancient times.

It is the people, every individual, who must learn principles, who must lead the way. We must be the people that have government officials (whoever they might be) saying, "Where are the people going? I must join them for I am their leader."
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First off all, the senile buffoon Biden didn't win the 2020 election. Millions of his votes were fraudulent. Many were untraced, unverified absentee or drop box ballots. Many were from illegals.
That has never been proven. What has been proven is that billionaires contributed millions to the Democrat Party to push mail-in ballots and Democrat party campaigners to "help" the elderly and others fill out ballots that favor the Democrat party. It has been proven that the various media withheld stories that would favor the Republican candidate. It has been proven that the news about the successful Covid vaccine was withheld until after the election so that the Republican candidate would not benefit by this news.

If we wish to make corrections, we need to find out where faults/weaknesses in our election system truly are--not try to fix the things that weren't broken.
That has never been proven. What has been proven is that billionaires contributed millions to the Democrat Party to push mail-in ballots and Democrat party campaigners to "help" the elderly and others fill out ballots that favor the Democrat party. It has been proven that the various media withheld stories that would favor the Republican candidate. It has been proven that the news about the successful Covid vaccine was withheld until after the election so that the Republican candidate would not benefit by this news.

If we wish to make corrections, we need to find out where faults/weaknesses in our election system truly are--not try to fix the things that weren't broken.
Sorry, but I just don't believe a state like California goes from reliably Republican in 1980 to impenetrably Democrat 40 years later, corresponding with a huge influx of illegals during that period, without lots of illegal voting. It's not like the people are so overwhelmingly pleased with leftwing governance. The other border states are going blue for the same reason. And the same chicanery is happening all over the country with illegals.
atheism is the language of our laws since religion is banned from government.
22JAN30-POST#0189 above

NFBW wrote: “
Religion” does not vote. . . . “religious” . . . . people, the vast majority being Christians, vote for representation in Congress to make laws and pay bills. No law abiding religious person is banned from voting or serving in government. For over two centuries Christians have the edge to get elected. Atheists have never had a prayer to win an office in American government or bring appointed to courts or diplomatic service. Your crusade for Christian fascism is even more absurd than I first thought. 22JAN30-POST#0195
Sorry, but I just don't believe a state like California goes from reliably Republican in 1980 to impenetrably Democrat 40 years later, corresponding with a huge influx of illegals during that period, without lots of illegal voting. It's not like the people are so overwhelmingly pleased with leftwing governance. The other border states are going blue for the same reason. And the same chicanery is happening all over the country with illegals.
Unfortunately California has what is known as "Voter-nominated" candidates in their primaries (doesn't apply to national elections) where only the top candidates are listed on the November ballot. In other words, if Democrat Party turnout is large enough, it can knock out all other candidates in the State November elections and the choice is two Democrats. The argument is that the voters should be able to decide between the top Primary Vote tallies, not between parties.

Further, the metropolitan populations along the coast (a few blue counties) knock out the majority of red counties in the State. The city population controls the country populations--and we have no choice. The "Jungle Primaries" (survivor of the most votes not the top candidate for each party) insures California remain a Democrat Party strangle hold. It is why so much of California wants to recede and form a new State (often referred to as Jefferson). Doubtful this will happen.

If by any chance we ever could get a Republican majority in the State Assembly and Senate, we might be able to knock these "Jungle Primaries" aside and reinstate the top candidate in each primary gets a spot on the November ballot.

Meanwhile, it appears our State Assembly wants to push Cal-Care on us--socialized medical care for the entire state--including non-citizens and those here illegally.

How many miles to the gallon do your goalposts get?
Nice trolling. But I haven't moved goalposts at all. Most people, the vast majority, would be very pleased at the changes I would make.

In fact, let's say I developed AI or something and became the world's first quadrillionaire with unlimited power. Would I take over the US and the world and mold it into the Christian image? You bet I would. In a heartbeat. I could do no greater service for my fellow man. I would ban Marxism worldwide. I would free China, North Korea, Cuba...all the Communist countries. I would build churches all over the world I would mandate Christian moral teaching in all the schools. I would scrap the climate change crap. I would clean up the media, the movies. Everything. I would establish capitalism all over the world, I would eliminate state domestic spending and develop the volunteer charitable giving network. I would make the world a much better place.
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22JAN30-POST#0189 above

NFBW wrote: “
Religion” does not vote. . . . “religious” . . . . people, the vast majority being Christians, vote for representation in Congress to make laws and pay bills. No law abiding religious person is banned from voting or serving in government. For over two centuries Christians have the edge to get elected. Atheists have never had a prayer to win an office in American government or bring appointed to courts or diplomatic service. Your crusade for Christian fascism is even more absurd than I first thought. 22JAN30-POST#0195
Yeah, unfortunately the will of the Christian majority is subverted by the atheist few who have seized power.
Here are a few beneficial changes that would be made under a Christian United States government. So many problems would vanish overnight with this legislation. Many more would reduce over time. There could be more. These were just a few things I thought of initially. Really common sense stuff, basically a return to 1950s television, an era when families were stronger and children became independent earlier, and societal norms opposed sex outside marriage. A time when top shows were Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. A time when it was the norm to attend church, there were the most priests and sisters and Catholic schools in history.

This could be a reality, folks, if enough of us think about it, work towards it, and pray hard. They never though Roe v Wade would fall, and now look what is happening, so it CAN be done!

In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.
Racist CRT banned.
Prominent Americans returned to the history books. Lives of the greatest canonized saints would be added in order to inspire children.
Christian schools would be strengthened.
All leftwing/ Marxist propaganda removed from schools and universities. Overt Marxists teachers would either reform or be dismissed.
No alcohol allowed in university dorms which house underaged students. (You might be amazed this is allowed in many or most freshman dorms).

In movies and television:

  • Nudity is banned.
  • Depictions of sex outside marriage banned
  • Foul language banned
  • Graphic physical harm depictions banned
  • Only nuclear family depictions: Parents married.
  • Depictions of cohabitation banned.
  • Gay sex acts are banned.
In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching. Abortion, rioting, extra rights for gays or trans, pitting women against men may not be advocated. Basically any promotion of the issues Marxist atheists use to divide and undermine the country will be banned.

In commerce and law:
Pornography banned.

Abortion mills illegal.
Mexico City Policy made permanent.
Most government domestic programs will be shut down, and a private sharing program would be established where people send funds directly to those designated in need. This would eliminate large piles of money. This will be the topic of another thread. It is based on charity, rather than coercion. It would also remove power from leftwing politicians
Government photo and/or fingerprint or retinal ID would be used for all voting. No drop boxes. Only verified mail-in voting. Very limited early voting.
Illegal immigration would be stopped cold. Legal immigration requirements would be relaxed for countries for which they are onerous.
Recreational drugs once again illegalized.

Good luck trying to ban porn.

Do you know how Proxies and VPNs work?

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