Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

If religion is part of politics then it’s inherently about compelling religious dogma through force of law.
Yet I made it clear that is not my vision. What you may be doing is setting forth your own fear of what might happen if religion was given even a voice. A legitimate fear, but I think with proper checks that could be blocked.
The Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

In other words, there is a power above government. Our first two Presidents:

In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," while Adams claimed that statesmen "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."

Religion should be able to speak out on the morality of laws under consideration. In other words, religion should have a voice. The power to pass the law remains as is.

I also believe that beginning in middle school, any and all religion should be an elective.
Being religious does not make someone moral.
I see no need for it in politics
Religion is an ongoing part of one's life--it cannot be amputated from any portion of one's being. It may not be a good idea to advocate that people who adhere to religion should not be allowed to take part in politics.
There aren't any verses telling me to make a woodworking shop out of my shed, either. Does that mean I shouldn't?
It means you shouldn't say such a decision is based on Christianity or what is printed in the bible.
Religion is an ongoing part of one's life--it cannot be amputated from any portion of one's being. It may not be a good idea to advocate that people who adhere to religion should not be allowed to take part in politics.
As long as their religious beliefs don’t interfere with political career.
Religion is an ongoing part of one's life--it cannot be amputated from any portion of one's being. It may not be a good idea to advocate that people who adhere to religion should not be allowed to take part in politics.
I agree. Let 'em vote, for all the good it'll do. Oddly enough I'm a Devout Agnostic, and I don't vote. I'll cast a ballot and scribble something in the write in section inane or vulgar, depending on my mood.

If religion is part of politics then it’s inherently about compelling religious dogma through force of law.
That's exactly what we are doing with atheism controlling law in our country. Christianity is far better for people than atheism. That's why I want to replace our atheist laws with Christian laws.
It means you shouldn't say such a decision is based on Christianity or what is printed in the bible.
I don't believe Jesus stopped teaching 2000 years ago. There are new situations that arise and need to be addressed. That's why the need for the Magisterium of the Catholic Church aka the Church Jesus founded.
Religion is the bane to sound, responsible governance.
Boy, these people don't want to give up their atheist stranglehold on the government.

Besides, atheism is a religion according to the Supreme Court. So it shouldn't be allowed anyway.
That's exactly what we are doing with atheism controlling law in our country. Christianity is far better for people than atheism. That's why I want to replace our atheist laws with Christian laws.
How is Atheism controlling law? By not having religion in politics in no way makes political issues related to Atheism.
How is Atheism controlling law? By not having religion in politics in no way makes political issues related to Atheism.
Untrue. Banning religion from the law makes atheism the de facto 'religion'
Check out my thread on this matter.
How is Atheism controlling law? By not having religion in politics in no way makes political issues related to Atheism.
Untrue. When religion is removed from government, then atheism fills the void and becomes the de facto 'religion'.
Check out my OP on the matter:
I don't believe Jesus stopped teaching 2000 years ago. There are new situations that arise and need to be addressed. That's why the need for the Magisterium of the Catholic Church aka the Church Jesus founded.
Let me guess. The Magisterium of the Catholic Church said that Jesus' Kingdom will be established on Earth as soon as everyone bows down to you.
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That's exactly what we are doing with atheism controlling law in our country. Christianity is far better for people than atheism. That's why I want to replace our atheist laws with Christian laws.
The very purpose of religion is to divide, to exclude, to create factions and foment conflict and discord – it has no business in politics.
Untrue. Banning religion from the law makes atheism the de facto 'religion'
Check out my thread on this matter.

Untrue. When religion is removed from government, then atheism fills the void and becomes the de facto 'religion'.
Check out my OP on the matter:
Since Atheism is not a religion, this is untrue.

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