Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

Here are a few beneficial changes that would be made under a Christian United States government. So many problems would vanish overnight with this legislation. Many more would reduce over time. There could be more. These were just a few things I thought of initially. Really common sense stuff, basically a return to 1950s television, an era when families were stronger and children became independent earlier, and societal norms opposed sex outside marriage. A time when top shows were Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. A time when it was the norm to attend church, there were the most priests and sisters and Catholic schools in history.

This could be a reality, folks, if enough of us think about it, work towards it, and pray hard. They never though Roe v Wade would fall, and now look what is happening, so it CAN be done!

In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.
Racist CRT banned.
Prominent Americans returned to the history books. Lives of the greatest canonized saints would be added in order to inspire children.
Christian schools would be strengthened.
All leftwing/ Marxist propaganda removed from schools and universities. Overt Marxists teachers would either reform or be dismissed.
No alcohol allowed in university dorms which house underaged students. (You might be amazed this is allowed in many or most freshman dorms).

In movies and television:

  • Nudity is banned.
  • Depictions of sex outside marriage banned
  • Foul language banned
  • Graphic physical harm depictions banned
  • Only nuclear family depictions: Parents married.
  • Depictions of cohabitation banned.
  • Gay sex acts are banned.
In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching. Abortion, rioting, extra rights for gays or trans, pitting women against men may not be advocated. Basically any promotion of the issues Marxist atheists use to divide and undermine the country will be banned.

In commerce and law:
Pornography banned.
Abortion mills illegal.
Mexico City Policy made permanent.
Most government domestic programs will be shut down, and a private sharing program would be established where people send funds directly to those designated in need. This would eliminate large piles of money. This will be the topic of another thread. It is based on charity, rather than coercion. It would also remove power from leftwing politicians
Government photo and/or fingerprint or retinal ID would be used for all voting. No drop boxes. Only verified mail-in voting. Very limited early voting.
Illegal immigration would be stopped cold. Legal immigration requirements would be relaxed for countries for which they are onerous.
Recreational drugs once again illegalized.

It was better then but not because of any one church. America was mostly Protestant who basically invited but did not demand. America got enough of that under the kings and queens. Catholics get too radical aka Inquisitions and Crusades,no thanks.
The first massacre in Americas was commited by the Catholics against the French Protestant Huguenots near Jacksonville Fl..

It's just best to keep religion to oneself.

1565: The Massacre Of The Huguenots By The Spanish In Florida​

The early history of Florida, was a time of turmoil, as the race to establish colonies in the New World began to take place. Coinciding with the religious wars of by the Catholic Church that were taking place in Europe, the scene was set for religious conflict and bloodshed. However, it was far from the shores of Europe, in the unlikely destination of St. Augustine, Florida, that one of the most brutal massacres of the time took place. In fact, Fort Matanzas, just south of St. Augustine, earned its name from the killings that took place here, as ‘Mantanzas’, translates to ‘Slaughter’ from Spanish.
To truly understand the history surrounding the massacre of the Huguenot by the Spanish in Florida, it’s important to have a little bit of backstory to what was happening in Europe at the time. In April 1517, Martin Luther, a young lecturer of biblical studies, witnessed a representative of the Pope selling absolutions from sin to the locals in a small German market town. Outraged by what he saw, Luther drafted a list of ninety-five reasons that this practice went against the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He sent a letter to his archbishop outlining his views and soon other protestors, or Protestants, began supporting Martin Luther and his views. What followed was the Protestant Reformation, a period of decades of religious conflict.
French Huguenots Settle In Fort Caroline
In the 1560s the French Protestants, also known as Huguenots, were seeking out a lo
If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. No one’s forcing anyone to do anything.
The Same Was Done With White Working-Class Rock & Roll, Although the Christo-Fascists Were Against That, Too.

We can't avoid it. There is no such thing as a free market in entertainment. A dominant Cancel Culture banned the values-shows long ago. The public didn't reject them. Don't change channels; change the degenerate ownership. Who are they to order us on what to do if we don't like it?
George also said. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

That is not in conflict with Washington’s preference for “the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age,” as opposed to Christianity’s historical record of religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society."

It’s Christianity that was historically divisive and repulsive.

it is yet another absurdity that you think the WASHINGTON quote you cited regarding national morality limits Washington to divisive Christianity as the only religious principle that existed at the time.

Washington spoke of “the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age,” which certainly could include the attractiveness of Deism and rational religion to many of our founding fathers.

It makes no sense that Washington was referring to divisive Christianity as a model for our national morality


Where do you perceive that I by posting this thread is an attempt to subvert religion

. It's what you post in the thread. Don't be a pussy about it. Own it. Be proud of your subversion.

What is the specific content that I have posted in this thread that subverts religion?

NFBW wrote: ding is here potentially to defend @Mashmont’s drive to put belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the existence of a Holy Ghost, Mary was a virgin who gave birth to the Son of God and Vatican laws must be part of The US Constitution Constitution and our laws must be called Christian laws are based on? Whatever that means. And if you believe that Jesus is your savior you are therefore in tune with the only true religious belief which is endorsed by the federal government. And Mashmont Considers the founding fathers including the first five presidents and Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine to have established a constitution that is sympathetic to the atheists that controlled the world and have been subverting Christianity ever since. So we were not founded as a Christian nation according to what Mashmont has announced so far

Above is an exchange which it shows ding Objecting to any criticism of historic Christianity by an American citizen is subversive. And that includes siding yet exact words of the first three presidents the second and third of which were extremely critical of Christianity their entire lives and specifically the church of Rome Christianity. 22JAN31-POST#0224
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It was better then but not because of any one church. America was mostly Protestant who basically invited but did not demand. America got enough of that under the kings and queens. Catholics get too radical aka Inquisitions and Crusades,no thanks.
The first massacre in Americas was commited by the Catholics against the French Protestant Huguenots near Jacksonville Fl..

It's just best to keep religion to oneself.

1565: The Massacre Of The Huguenots By The Spanish In Florida​

The early history of Florida, was a time of turmoil, as the race to establish colonies in the New World began to take place. Coinciding with the religious wars of by the Catholic Church that were taking place in Europe, the scene was set for religious conflict and bloodshed. However, it was far from the shores of Europe, in the unlikely destination of St. Augustine, Florida, that one of the most brutal massacres of the time took place. In fact, Fort Matanzas, just south of St. Augustine, earned its name from the killings that took place here, as ‘Mantanzas’, translates to ‘Slaughter’ from Spanish.
To truly understand the history surrounding the massacre of the Huguenot by the Spanish in Florida, it’s important to have a little bit of backstory to what was happening in Europe at the time. In April 1517, Martin Luther, a young lecturer of biblical studies, witnessed a representative of the Pope selling absolutions from sin to the locals in a small German market town. Outraged by what he saw, Luther drafted a list of ninety-five reasons that this practice went against the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He sent a letter to his archbishop outlining his views and soon other protestors, or Protestants, began supporting Martin Luther and his views. What followed was the Protestant Reformation, a period of decades of religious conflict.
French Huguenots Settle In Fort Caroline
In the 1560s the French Protestants, also known as Huguenots, were seeking out a lo
But if we don't do anything, then we allow religion of atheism to rule which is far more violent than any other religion. Is that what you want?
I've been saying this for 800 posts, between two threads, yet people continue to miss the point.
Reflect on this quote: Which way are the people going? I must join them for I am their leader.

You seem to have the idea if the leaders are good, the people will follow. I am a proponent of the opposite. If the people are good and holy, their leaders will follow suit.

Leaders and those in authority are dangerous, as Milgram's experiment showed those many years ago. It showed sixty-five percent will follow those in authority, even when they see it physically hurts others. So, when those in authority tell the nation that divorce is okay, abortion is okay, (fill in the blank) is okay, they automatically get the majority to follow along.

It doesn't take many to convince those in authority to bend the rules, which is how the minority becomes the majority. Judaism, Christianity, Muslims, Democracies, Republics, Kings, and Dictators have all been brought down by this. This has gone on since ancient times.

It is the people, every individual, who must learn principles, who must lead the way. We must be the people that have government officials (whoever they might be) saying, "Where are the people going? I must join them for I am their leader."
The Framers' Sacred Cow Needs to Be Butchered

Your propagandized solution can't happen under the elitist tyranny of the Constitution. We, the people, can only be free and in control of our own destiny by violating that anti-democratic manifesto and having national referendums on all important issues. Laws are too important to be left up to a tiny group of lawmakers. So we're stuck, because both fake sides think they have the right and the mental superiority to boss us around.
Fetus Fetish Turned Into a Bribe to the Clergy to Get Us to Vote for Right-Wing Economics

There's no way a prescient God would have omitted abortion from His Thou Shalt Not list. So it's not a sin.

In fact, what kind of cruel deity would want an unwanted child to be born? Take it to Limbo if the fetus had a soul, which it doesn't. What kind of Creator would have given us such a strong sex drive and make us suffer the consequences of unwanted pregnancy if He didn't also give us the ability to get out of that trap?
That's rich. Out of sixteen septillion stars, mankind doesn't even know how to travel to the nearest planet, yet you people presume to tell the God who created it all what He should do.
It was better then but not because of any one church. America was mostly Protestant who basically invited but did not demand. America got enough of that under the kings and queens. Catholics get too radical aka Inquisitions and Crusades,no thanks.
The first massacre in Americas was commited by the Catholics against the French Protestant Huguenots near Jacksonville Fl..

It's just best to keep religion to oneself.

1565: The Massacre Of The Huguenots By The Spanish In Florida​

The early history of Florida, was a time of turmoil, as the race to establish colonies in the New World began to take place. Coinciding with the religious wars of by the Catholic Church that were taking place in Europe, the scene was set for religious conflict and bloodshed. However, it was far from the shores of Europe, in the unlikely destination of St. Augustine, Florida, that one of the most brutal massacres of the time took place. In fact, Fort Matanzas, just south of St. Augustine, earned its name from the killings that took place here, as ‘Mantanzas’, translates to ‘Slaughter’ from Spanish.
To truly understand the history surrounding the massacre of the Huguenot by the Spanish in Florida, it’s important to have a little bit of backstory to what was happening in Europe at the time. In April 1517, Martin Luther, a young lecturer of biblical studies, witnessed a representative of the Pope selling absolutions from sin to the locals in a small German market town. Outraged by what he saw, Luther drafted a list of ninety-five reasons that this practice went against the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He sent a letter to his archbishop outlining his views and soon other protestors, or Protestants, began supporting Martin Luther and his views. What followed was the Protestant Reformation, a period of decades of religious conflict.
French Huguenots Settle In Fort Caroline
In the 1560s the French Protestants, also known as Huguenots, were seeking out a lo
You will be a subversive under @Mashmont’s mind control regime
22JAN30-POST#0189 above

NFBW wrote: All fifty states certified their elections on or before December 14 which means Biden won even if all your unproven claims of massive amounts of election fraud are proven without practical and scientific forensic doubt. Something like satellite camera footage of a Chinese NAVY Submarine surfacing off the coast of Arizona and loading cases of bamboo ballots marked for Biden loaded into a caravan of white vans driven by last summer’s BLM rioters to be delivered to the Maricopa County warehouse facility for insertion into the Hugo Chavez voting machines and the Trump ballots removed. The same vans now seen painted black containing Trump ballots, are then dumped in the desert where the Jewish owned outer space laser guns disintegrated them with no trace left behind. - - - prove all that and constitutionally Biden still won. December 14 is the deadline the atheist sympathizing founders wrote into the no Jesus Constitution. Sorry Mashmont Trump still lost - The cyber ninjas didn’t find any bamboo fibers in the Biden ballots. 22JAN31-POST#0206
Think about the things that have to be true for Biden to have gotten 81 million votes.
You're talking about the dementia Joe, arguably the worst candidate in the past century. Every statement he makes has a gaffe in it. He shuffles around like a nursing home patient going to the bathroom. He was lucky to draw 100 people at his election 'rallies'. He stayed in his basement nearly the entirety of the campaign season. So you're saying he got 16 million MORE votes than 0bama, (supposedly the most charismatic candidate) ever got, though the US population only rose by 15 million between 2012 and 2020.

And so you have the senile guy running against the most accomplished charismatic successful president of all time, but who was hounded every day by the Marxist media, yet his polling was still in the 40s, in line with other incumbents from the past. A guy who routinely drew 20,000 to his rallies, with overflow audiences in thousands watching on screens outside. Then you have thousands of ballots counted during the night that were marked only Biden and no downballot races, where is rarely happened on the GOP side.

The math doesn't work out. There is no way in hell the idiot got 81 million votes. You can't explain how this is even possible. Nobody can.
But if we don't do anything, then we allow religion of atheism to rule which is far more violent than any other religion. Is that what you want?
I've been saying this for 800 posts, between two threads, yet people continue to miss the point.

Seems as though you were saying the catholic church made America great,lol .But it had little influence on our laws which were based on the Consitution. Not one of our founders were of the Catholic religion. I think a couple were actually agnostic.

I have a large family consisting of all religions races and beliefs including cathiolic. So not arguing about the religion just don't think it fits the American way of most understanding.
Plus I'm in the middle of cooking so not able to focus well.
Out of sixteen septillion stars, mankind doesn't even know how to travel to the nearest planet, yet you people presume to tell the God who created it all what He should do.
You seem to be channeling Ethan Allen who made the same cosmic point about Christians in the colonial period I presume to know what the God of the universe wanted. . .

Ethan Allen, who was just way more revolutionary and interesting than I had any idea from high school civics.
STEWART: Ethan Allen was convinced that every planet out there has its own intelligent extraterrestrials. And this, as you can imagine, is a radical, inspiring, but very unsettling, idea.
RATH: Wild enough that they would have the idea that there could be extraterrestrial civilizations, but for them, that led to the conclusion, well, how can there be just, you know, one Jesus if - just on this one planet? That kind of pulls things apart.

Founders Claimed A Subversive Right To 'Nature's God' July 13, 2014 9:51 AM ET
Heard on Weekend Edition Sunday

<iframe src="Founders Claimed A Subversive Right To 'Nature's God'" width="100%" height="290" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" title="NPR embedded audio player">
The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation, says historian Matthew Stewart. He tells NPR's Arun Rath about his book Nature's God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic.

ARUN RATH, HOST: There is a peculiar phrase up high in the Declaration of Independence that asserts the right of the American people to assume, quote, "the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them." What exactly is nature's God?
The founding fathers were all at least nominally Christian. And a lot of modern historians have run with the idea that the phrase nature's God is an indication that the founders were basing the country on Christian morality. But historian Matthew Stewart says that's totally wrong.
In his new book, "Nature's God: The Heretical Origins Of The American Republic," he argues that the founders' concept of God was as revolutionary as their ideas about self determination and democracy. Matthew Stewart joins us to explain. Hi, Matthew.
MATTHEW STEWART: Hi, Arun - great to be here.
RATH: So can you tell us - back in 1776, what did nature's God refer to?
STEWART: So nature's God is one - a deity that operates entirely through laws - natural laws - that are explicable. And we have to approach this god through the study of nature and also evidence and experience. So it's a dramatically different kind of deity from that you find in most revealed religions.
RATH: Not the God of Moses who literally gave the law, you know, from on high - revealed in that way.
STEWART: No, that's right. And it also turns out to have a very different genealogy, if I may say so. Nature's God really descends from an ancient Greek tradition that was passed along to the early modern philosophers. And these were quite radical thinkers who were really challenging the ways of thinking of their time and the established religion. Many of them ran into trouble, but it was from them that America's revolutionary philosophers picked up their ideas and, in particular, the idea of nature's God.
RATH: And nature's God is a phrase that specifically comes from a tradition known as deism.
STEWART: That's right. It's called deism. But that was kind of a superficial term. And it was actually kind of a term of abuse in those days because if it was used interchangeably with infidel and atheist.
RATH: An insult hurled at people like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. But weren't a lot of the deists regular churchgoers?
STEWART: Yes, they did go to church. Bear in mind that religion at the time was an incredibly complex thing, and there were people of all different stripes of Christianity. And there were a fair number of quite liberal churches. In fact, Unitarianism really originates in this period. And in addition to that, the society was such that you pretty much had to go to church in order to participate in it.
So, you know, George Washington participated as a vestryman in his local congregation, but that didn't really imply any particular kind of religious belief. This was necessary in order to participate in the society. But I think by virtue of that Christianity being so widespread, in the way, it was richer and more open, perhaps, then it would later become.
RATH: You know, Jefferson, for all of his radicalism, he still admired the moral code of Jesus. So is there any harm in thinking of nature's God as the Christian God?
STEWART: There's no harm at all because you can think of these things in any way you like. And, certainly, Jefferson, like all of America's founders, appreciated the tremendous value and richness of the Christian tradition and of other religious traditions. The important point, though, is that he understood that value to lie in the morality, and this morality was ultimately based on reason.
RATH: I think for me the biggest revelation in the book was about the founding father I knew the least about - Ethan Allen, who was just way more revolutionary and interesting than I had any idea from high school civics.
STEWART: Ethan Allen was convinced that every planet out there has its own intelligent extraterrestrials. And this, as you can imagine, is a radical, inspiring, but very unsettling, idea.
RATH: Wild enough that they would have the idea that there could be extraterrestrial civilizations, but for them, that led to the conclusion, well, how can there be just, you know, one Jesus if - just on this one planet? That kind of pulls things apart.

STEWART: Yes, well, that's why it's a very unsettling thought because it's a way of recognizing that all of our past, all of our traditions - as noble and interesting as they are - are very limited. We're just one rock surrounded by this immense universe. So it comes with it a kind of humility, but also a kind of boldness that says, well, we can make the world anew. I mean, we don't have to stick with our traditions. Let's take what's good in them and move on and try something new. Maybe we can emulate the space aliens.
And I should point out, by the way, that for them, the space aliens were these nice people. They were kind of like us but maybe a little bit better, actually. They weren't the sort of paranoid, you know, world-destroying people that we think of now.
RATH: It was "E.T.," not "Independence Day."
STEWART: That's right, exactly.
RATH: Matthew Stewart is the author of "Nature's God: The Heretical Origins Of The American Republic." Matthew, very interesting. Thank you.
STEWART: Thank you. It was a pleasure to be here.
Copyright © 2014 NPR. All rights reserved.
That's rich. Out of sixteen septillion stars, mankind doesn't even know how to travel to the nearest planet, yet you people presume to tell the God who created it all what He should do.
Banging the Bible Until It Is Knocked Senseless

He never told us that abortion is murder. In Leviticus, he made a long and specific list of what not to do but He did not include abortion. You pushy Christo-fascists are the ones who made that imaginary sin up.

Or rather, your power-hungry greedy clergy who were bribed to create an issue that would be used to get the common people to elect economic elitists. We all know perfectly well that the promiscuous secular owners of the Christian Right have always been able to locate and afford abortion doctors even when the practice was outlawed. Go sway and swag with Swaggart.
Do you believe the Founding Fathers meant 'mother and father'?

IMO the founders thought our religion is a right long as we keep it personal and don't try and spread it around. All people in the West now know about the Bible so we don't need to tell them about it is their choice to believe or not believe.
_Plus many Christians don't even know the Bible only what the pastor tells them. I don't think anyone has totally figured it out and seems God says they won't till the afterlife. Says our minds couldn't handle the knowledge.
Do you believe the Founding Fathers meant 'mother and father'?

I would say the founding fathers (first five presidents plus Benjamin Franklin Thomas Paine and Ethan Allen) to name most of the dominant not Christian minds of the time believed in natures’s God as referenced in the declaration of independence. They didn’t assign a sex to nature’s god and would not presume to. There is the phrase “mother nature” that has been passed down through the ages; not sure if it originated with the founders though.
IMO the founders thought our religion is a right long as we keep it personal and don't try and spread it around. All people in the West now know about the Bible so we don't need to tell them about it is their choice to believe or not believe.
_Plus many Christians don't even know the Bible only what the pastor tells them. I don't think anyone has totally figured it out and seems God says they won't till the afterlife. Says our minds couldn't handle the knowledge.
Another point they were making is that there is a higher power than government. At the time, most would recognize that higher power as God. Today, some might prefer to profess that I, the individual, have certain higher powers/rights that no government can violate for any reason. I, the individual retain certain, inviolate powers over the government or any government/bureaucratic official. I am fine with "Creator" but today some atheists may prefer Individual rights/higher powers.
Another point they were making is that there is a higher power than government. At the time, most would recognize that higher power as God. Today, some might prefer to profess that I, the individual, have certain higher powers/rights that no government can violate for any reason. I, the individual retain certain, inviolate powers over the government or any government/bureaucratic official. I am fine with "Creator" but today some atheists may prefer Individual rights/higher powers.

I had planned on staying out of politics and religion, well I failed on both counts.
I tried to stay in the mellow forums but couldn't resist I guess,lol.
Have you studied the pyrimids? So much to know so little time to learn,huh?
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You can't explain how this is even possible. Nobody can.
2/3 of Americans deplore and justifiably hate the racist perverted dishonest divisive fascist incompetent failure of a president and grifter named Donald Trump. Thanks to that Donald Trump, Biden had a huge huge huge contingent of potential voters to draw from. Trump got his limit out of the 1/3 that are blind to truth, reality and the foundational love and basic decency that anti Trump Christian believers have - human decency. Period. It’s simple, plain as day, why sleepy Joe beat a fat fascist slob. He should’ve gotten 30 million more, if the ones that didn’t vote get off their butts and voted. But there was a pandemic so since Biden won I guess they can be excused. Joe is a decent man And his Christianity is easily recognizable by what he has done in his life. There is no Christianity recognizable in Donald Trump’s putrid life unless you recognize the ability to hold the Bible up without ever reading it in a photo app to promote using violence against protesters to be enough of a Christian for you.
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Remember back when bimbo AOC first proposed the Green New Deal that her Marxist handlers gave her? Everyone scoffed at the details, and not one Democrat supported it. Today, that piece of lunacy has been written into Democrat bills and supported by most Democrats. So if a horrible idea like that can gain traction after simply being introduced, imagine what traction a great idea like mine can gain. Simply from being introduced.
What I'm seeing here is that you're working for having the form of a Christian nation brought about and I'm trying to consider having the substance instead. The form is very different than the substance and we don't want to get them confused.
NFBW wrote: ding is here potentially to defend @Mashmont’s drive to put belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the existence of a Holy Ghost, Mary was a virgin who gave birth to the Son of God and Vatican laws must be part of The US Constitution Constitution and our laws must be called Christian laws are based on? Whatever that means. And if you believe that Jesus is your savior you are therefore in tune with the only true religious belief which is endorsed by the federal government. And Mashmont Considers the founding fathers including the first five presidents and Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine to have established a constitution that is sympathetic to the atheists that controlled the world and have been subverting Christianity ever since. So we were not founded as a Christian nation according to what Mashmont has announced so far

Above is an exchange which it shows ding Objecting to any criticism of historic Christianity by an American citizen is subversive. And that includes siding yet exact words of the first three presidents the second and third of which were extremely critical of Christianity their entire lives and specifically the church of Rome Christianity. 22JAN31-POST#0224
It's like I have my own personal narrator :rolleyes:

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