Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

Claimed by the 'official' counters, of course.
Therefore do you agree that the extremely and openly devout conservative Christian Mike Pence was correct to congratulate Kamala Harris for winning the election after the official counters counted.
Therefore do you agree that the extremely and openly devout conservative Christian Mike Pence was correct to congratulate Kamala Harris for winning the election after the official counters counted.
Unfortunately, Pence was incorrect about that. Good people can be incorrect sometimes.
What Kind of God Would Create Humans Who Could Never Possibly Understand Him?

"Permanently beyond human intelligence" is also what Postclassical Quacks say about quantum physics. They're both trying to pull a fast one with that insult to human intelligence.

They admit that Aristotle, one of the most intelligent thinkers ever, could, if he had the explanations proving it, understand all modern science except quantum theory. Logically, that's proof that it is no better than a superstition.
When you think that there are 16 septillion stars in the universe, yet mankind is not even capable of traveling to the nearest planet, why would you think man has the capacity to understand the One who created all of it?
The six swing states were the only ones that had inexplicably different results than 2016. That alone is evidence of massive fraud in those states and a stolen election.

NFBW wrote: Perhaps you do not understand the concept of “swing” in “swing states“ . Different results inexplicable or not, cannot be construed to be evidence, specifically from the sore loser side. Arizona and Trump losers had the recount on their terms and the official results stood up. There is absolutely no reason to believe any of the other of the swing States. After December 14 when all the real electors were certified by all 50 states Trump began several plots to stay in power anyway. One Plot asks Mike Pence to throw out seven states due to dual sets of electors. 80 Republican officials and operatives from those seven swing states were in the plot create fake certificates of electors to replace the
Real ones on Jan6. That coordinated plot involving Trump’s lawyers and others was only foiled because Mike Pence refused to go along with It. - - - Tump’s attempt to overturn the election will go down in history as the only act of sedition carried out by a sitting President because people like youb will not be able to put a low life scum for Jesus like that in the White House again if real Christians put a stop to the current insanity. Whether they attend mass or not. it does not matter
The six swing states were the only ones that had inexplicably different results than 2016. That alone is evidence of massive fraud in those states and a stolen election.
We're on the Bottom Under the Big Top

More immigrants this election, and even more each election until the nation falls. Little Falluja, a Nazislami enclave near Detroit, got Biden his victory in Michigan. So voter fraud is a sideshow in the Netrix circus.

Immigrants who supported Bin Laden got Biden elected.
We're on the Bottom Under the Big Top

More immigrants this election, and even more each election until the nation falls. Little Falluja, a Nazislami enclave near Detroit, got Biden his victory in Michigan. So voter fraud is a sideshow in the Netrix circus.

Immigrants who supported Bin Laden got Biden elected.
NFBW wrote: Perhaps you do not understand the concept of “swing” in “swing states“ . Different results inexplicable or not, cannot be construed to be evidence, specifically from the sore loser side. Arizona and Trump losers had the recount on their terms and the official results stood up. There is absolutely no reason to believe any of the other of the swing States. After December 14 when all the real electors were certified by all 50 states Trump began several plots to stay in power anyway. One Plot asks Mike Pence to throw out seven states due to dual sets of electors. 80 Republican officials and operatives from those seven swing states were in the plot create fake certificates of electors to replace the
Real ones on Jan6. That coordinated plot involving Trump’s lawyers and others was only foiled because Mike Pence refused to go along with It. - - - Tump’s attempt to overturn the election will go down in history as the only act of sedition carried out by a sitting President because people like youb will not be able to put a low life scum for Jesus like that in the White House again if real Christians put a stop to the current insanity. Whether they attend mass or not. it does not matter
You do a lot of blabbing, but never answer the question. The results in only the swing states were significantly different from 2016. You can't explain that.
The results in only the swing states were significantly different from 2016. You can't explain that
Sure I can. There are several. How about this one? There was no Russian interference in 2020 like there was in 2016. because Putin wanted Biden to win. That’s because Putin needed Trump to set up the race war. He thought that if the Negro party got elected it’s going to cause much much more division in the country. Now we see the black universities being under bomb scares.

Or just a simple one. Biden appealed more to blue-collar workers in states like Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania and they went for Trump the first time around.

Sure I can. There are several. How about this one? There was no Russian interference in 2020 like there was in 2016. because Putin wanted Biden to win. That’s because Putin needed Trump to set up the race war. He thought that if the Negro party got elected it’s going to cause much much more division in the country. Now we see the black universities being under bomb scares.

Or just a simple one. Biden appealed more to blue-collar workers in states like Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania and they went for Trump the first time around.
And they voted only for president? None of the down ballot races? Sure.
Trump was more popular than ever with blue-collar workers in those states.
The election was stolen, plain and simple.
Trump was more popular than ever with blue-collar workers in those states.
The election was stolen, plain and simple
  • All in all, about 8% of Trump voters in 2016 swung to Biden, according to Edison Research
  • Biden was also able to grab 62% of people who voted for a third-party candidate four years ago.
  • He wasn’t afraid to discuss his own Catholic faith
  • The Biden campaign eagerly accepted support and endorsements from Republicans and conservatives.
  • While the incumbent won a majority of white men in Michigan (60%), Pennsylvania (60%) and Wisconsin (57%), his margins declined slightly compared with 2016,
  • These were voters, largely in Midwestern industrial states, many of them union members, who had been loyal Democrats for years, voting as recently as 2012 for Obama. But they had shifted in droves to Trump in 2016, attracted by his outsider persona, protectionist trade policies and hard-line stance on immigration.
  • He highlighted his role in rescuing the U.S. auto industry as vice president after the 2008 economic crash.

NFBW wrote: You are a sore loser - still
Losing READ IT and weep. it’s simple Biden focused on white working class in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania-


Last year, as Biden laid the groundwork for his campaign, advisers like his close friend and strategist Mike Donilon zeroed in on working-class white voters as a critical bloc.

These were voters, largely in Midwestern industrial states, many of them union members, who had been loyal Democrats for years, voting as recently as 2012 for Obama. But they had shifted in droves to Trump in 2016, attracted by his outsider persona, protectionist trade policies and hard-line stance on immigration.

Other Democrats believed chasing those voters was a waste of time, and that the party should devote its energy to expanding the electorate by mobilizing young people, voters of color and others who look like the country’s changing demographics.

But non-college-educated whites comprise a huge share of voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and thus are key to the hopes of anyone looking to be president. Born in blue-collar Scranton, Pennsylvania to a father who sometimes struggled to find steady employment, Biden had a connection to working people.

At campaign events, Biden frequently talked up the power of unions and how the working class, not Wall Street, had built the country. He highlighted his role in rescuing the U.S. auto industry as vice president after the 2008 economic crash. He wasn’t afraid to discuss his own Catholic faith or praise Republicans he had worked with during his decades as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. He honored veterans for their service and ended each speech with a prayer for American troops.

The Biden campaign eagerly accepted support and endorsements from Republicans and conservatives. The Democratic Party gave a prominent speaking slot to Republican John Kasich, the former Ohio governor, at its August convention.

The goal was to siphon just enough blue-collar and Republican support from Trump to carry the day. While the incumbent won a majority of white men in Michigan (60%), Pennsylvania (60%) and Wisconsin (57%), his margins declined slightly compared with 2016, according to exit polls conducted by Edison Research.

All in all, about 8% of Trump voters in 2016 swung to Biden, according to Edison Research. By contrast, 4% of voters who had chosen Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 switched to Trump. Biden was also able to grab 62% of people who voted for a third-party candidate four years ago.

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Speaking of the 2020 election, vis a vis your fetish for this so called "Christian Nation" which of the candidates, Biden or Trump would have furthered your aims?
  • All in all, about 8% of Trump voters in 2016 swung to Biden, according to Edison Research
  • Biden was also able to grab 62% of people who voted for a third-party candidate four years ago.
  • He wasn’t afraid to discuss his own Catholic faith
  • The Biden campaign eagerly accepted support and endorsements from Republicans and conservatives.
  • While the incumbent won a majority of white men in Michigan (60%), Pennsylvania (60%) and Wisconsin (57%), his margins declined slightly compared with 2016,
  • These were voters, largely in Midwestern industrial states, many of them union members, who had been loyal Democrats for years, voting as recently as 2012 for Obama. But they had shifted in droves to Trump in 2016, attracted by his outsider persona, protectionist trade policies and hard-line stance on immigration.
  • He highlighted his role in rescuing the U.S. auto industry as vice president after the 2008 economic crash.

NFBW wrote: You are a sore loser - still
Losing READ IT and weep. it’s simple Biden focused on white working class in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania-


Last year, as Biden laid the groundwork for his campaign, advisers like his close friend and strategist Mike Donilon zeroed in on working-class white voters as a critical bloc.

These were voters, largely in Midwestern industrial states, many of them union members, who had been loyal Democrats for years, voting as recently as 2012 for Obama. But they had shifted in droves to Trump in 2016, attracted by his outsider persona, protectionist trade policies and hard-line stance on immigration.

Other Democrats believed chasing those voters was a waste of time, and that the party should devote its energy to expanding the electorate by mobilizing young people, voters of color and others who look like the country’s changing demographics.

But non-college-educated whites comprise a huge share of voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and thus are key to the hopes of anyone looking to be president. Born in blue-collar Scranton, Pennsylvania to a father who sometimes struggled to find steady employment, Biden had a connection to working people.

At campaign events, Biden frequently talked up the power of unions and how the working class, not Wall Street, had built the country. He highlighted his role in rescuing the U.S. auto industry as vice president after the 2008 economic crash. He wasn’t afraid to discuss his own Catholic faith or praise Republicans he had worked with during his decades as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. He honored veterans for their service and ended each speech with a prayer for American troops.

The Biden campaign eagerly accepted support and endorsements from Republicans and conservatives. The Democratic Party gave a prominent speaking slot to Republican John Kasich, the former Ohio governor, at its August convention.

The goal was to siphon just enough blue-collar and Republican support from Trump to carry the day. While the incumbent won a majority of white men in Michigan (60%), Pennsylvania (60%) and Wisconsin (57%), his margins declined slightly compared with 2016, according to exit polls conducted by Edison Research.

All in all, about 8% of Trump voters in 2016 swung to Biden, according to Edison Research. By contrast, 4% of voters who had chosen Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 switched to Trump. Biden was also able to grab 62% of people who voted for a third-party candidate four years ago.

And again, a lot of words, but you never answered the question.
And again, a lot of words
Yes. A lot of explanation why it is so easy to see why Biden won the three rust belt states. Never Trumpers, no third party, Catholic vote, Obama Dems came home, Trump sucked on economy and pandemic /
Yes. A lot of explanation why it is so easy to see why Biden won the three rust belt states. Never Trumpers, no third party, Catholic vote, Obama Dems came home, Trump sucked on economy and pandemic /
Except Biden didn't win the three rust belt states. He was down, and then magically 'won' we are told. No serious person believes the 81 million total.

So let's sum up:
1) The worst candidate in history got 16 million more votes than the supposed most charismatic candidate in history (obama) , despite population growth of only 15 million btw 2012 and 2020
2) The votes couldn't have come from the popular and accomplished Trump who had a high JA rating and got more votes than any past winner.
3) Every minority group voted for Trump in greater percentage than in 2016
4) AP exit polling says no change in Catholic vote between 2016 and 2020, incredible since Biden was the supposed 'Catholic' in the race
5) Pre-election polls showed Trump doing better in the swing states in 2020 than they showed in 2016.

So, again,....where did the fantastical total of 81 million come from? You can't answer that, because it was a total fraud.

And you still haven't addressed the thousands of ballots for Biden that voted for no down-ballot races.

So let me predict. You'll use a lot of words once again, but you won't answer any of the questions. Once again.
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Except Biden didn't win the three rust belt states.

Just enough we’re sick and tired of having the same hand that grabs pussies holding a Bible living in our White House.

The percentage of white working class men voting Democratic increased from 23% in 2016 to 28% in 2020, while among white working class women, support for Democrats increased from 34% to 36%.

I didn’t know self flagellation was a Catholic ritual - Don’t hurt yourself but I know reality can be painful / poor thing, Bring some facts, evidence, something besides your word You are a Trump voter. Your word means nothing
After 2016, Democrats worried whether they could appeal to enough white working-class Trump voters to win in 2020 without alienating and disrespecting a key Democratic constituency: voters of color.​
They just did. Biden won because he won back Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The percentage of white working class men voting Democratic increased from 23% in 2016 to 28% in 2020, while among white working class women, support for Democrats increased from 34% to 36%. These voters played a key role in delivering victories for Biden in the Rust Belt states where Clinton lost the presidency in 2016.​
Mashmont do you mean this

Sidney Powell: 450,000 Ballots Cast For Biden ONLY — No Down Ballot Candidates​

she is whacko / Sydney Powell told judge it’s not her fault if people don’t know she is a Christian liar For TRUMP

Sidney Powell argues in new court filing that no reasonable people would believe her election fraud claims​

By Katelyn Polantz, CNN

Updated 1:43 PM ET, Tue March 23, 2021

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