Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

ittle thread about making the US Christian land, and it devolves into the 2020 election...again.
Trump’s Christian land already attempted to violently overturn the election and Trump tried to do it from within. We know why Trump Christians don’t want to talk about religion in politics now.
Except Biden didn't win the three rust belt states. He was down, and then magically 'won' we are told. No serious person believes the 81 million total.

So let's sum up:
1) The worst candidate in history got 16 million more votes than the supposed most charismatic candidate in history (obama) , despite population growth of only 15 million btw 2012 and 2020
2) The votes couldn't have come from the popular and accomplished Trump who had a high JA rating and got more votes than any past winner.
3) Every minority group voted for Trump in greater percentage than in 2016
4) AP exit polling says no change in Catholic vote between 2016 and 2020, incredible since Biden was the supposed 'Catholic' in the race
5) Pre-election polls showed Trump doing better in the swing states in 2020 than they showed in 2016.

So, again,....where did the fantastical total of 81 million come from? You can't answer that, because it was a total fraud.

And you still haven't addressed the thousands of ballots for Biden that voted for no down-ballot races.

So let me predict. You'll use a lot of words once again, but you won't answer any of the questions. Once again.
Gee. How did I know he wouldn't answer any of the questions?
Mashmont If Sydney Powell is your source after a year you should have ran away from me sooner.

God help us

Fact-checking Sidney Powell’s claim that 450,000 ballots in key states were marked only for Biden​


This omits the key context that undervoting, a practice where voters mark their choice for one race but skip making selections in other races down the ballot, is not a new phenomenon. It occurs in every election.

Verifying the 450,000 figure
We weren’t able to verify the exact figures Bartiromo and Powell cited. We attempted to contact Powell about how she arrived at those numbers, but did not hear back.

But using the New York Times elections data on Nov. 20, we did find that there were nearly 450,000 more votes cast for president in those five states than there were for the down-ballot U.S. House of Representatives races: 124,390 more votes in Pennsylvania; 117,458 more in Georgia; 31,123 more in Arizona; 115,717 more in Michigan; and 61,125 more in Wisconsin. We don’t have data showing that all those votes were cast only for Biden, though.

PolitiFact also reached out to top election officials in each of the states. The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office told us that the number is "easily disproven by looking at unofficial vote totals, either on our state website or individual county ones."

Arizona and Wisconsin officials both said they don’t have official statewide results yet, and are currently accepting canvass results from its respective counties.

Undervoting in American elections
There is nothing fraudulent about people voting for president or other offices at the top of the ballot and then skipping over offices further down the ballot, said Barry Burden, a political science professor and director of the Elections Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Can you fill us in why you don’t recognize the significance of the role of black Christian churches and Latino Catholics on the side of Democrats in the political conflict.

How did I know he wouldn't answer any of the questions?

NFBW wrote: I just answered your down voting election fraud lie so now you want to go back to talking about your plot to deprive atheists of First AMENDMENT RIGHTS in our secular government in the name of Jesus, 22FEB03-POST#0285
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Yeah, unfortunately the will of the Christian majority is subverted by the atheist few who have seized power.

NFBW wrote: This is not a hijack of your thread. This is a confrontation with reality. How can there be a will of the Christian majority when you only count Christian voters that behave according to Catholic perfect rules as perfectly as you, plus Trump’s white nationalistic evangelical Christian power base. When all the other unfit Christians vote in a bloc with unbelievers and other religions that is a much more consistent and larger popular voting majority on religious issues than the WHITE good Catholic / WHITE good Evangelical Christian voter bloc. You are seeking to change the Constitution to exalt a slapped together Christian minority coalition of godnguns. You need to get your language much more precise because right off the bat you merely represent a Christian minority. You are up against a multicultural majority that as a fundamentalist authoritarian that you are will never convince of anything. Except hopefully not by the force of violence. The white nationalistic Evangelical Christians have all the guns and ammo and God:Trump. If Jan6 is any indication of things to come what you are pushing right now is not what Jesus would do. hope he speaks to your heart. your head is too filled with Trump crap. 22FEB03-0286
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Mashmont If Sydney Powell is your source after a year you should have ran away from me sooner.

God help us

Fact-checking Sidney Powell’s claim that 450,000 ballots in key states were marked only for Biden​


This omits the key context that undervoting, a practice where voters mark their choice for one race but skip making selections in other races down the ballot, is not a new phenomenon. It occurs in every election.

Verifying the 450,000 figure
We weren’t able to verify the exact figures Bartiromo and Powell cited. We attempted to contact Powell about how she arrived at those numbers, but did not hear back.

But using the New York Times elections data on Nov. 20, we did find that there were nearly 450,000 more votes cast for president in those five states than there were for the down-ballot U.S. House of Representatives races: 124,390 more votes in Pennsylvania; 117,458 more in Georgia; 31,123 more in Arizona; 115,717 more in Michigan; and 61,125 more in Wisconsin. We don’t have data showing that all those votes were cast only for Biden, though.

PolitiFact also reached out to top election officials in each of the states. The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office told us that the number is "easily disproven by looking at unofficial vote totals, either on our state website or individual county ones."

Arizona and Wisconsin officials both said they don’t have official statewide results yet, and are currently accepting canvass results from its respective counties.

Undervoting in American elections
There is nothing fraudulent about people voting for president or other offices at the top of the ballot and then skipping over offices further down the ballot, said Barry Burden, a political science professor and director of the Elections Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
So Sidney Powell isn't a reliable source, but the NYT and Soros-funded Politifact are? lol.
NFBW wrote: This is not a hijack of your thread. This is a confrontation with reality. How can there be a will of the Christian majority when you only count Christian voters that behave according to Catholic perfect rules as perfectly as you, plus Trump’s white nationalistic evangelical Christian power base. When all the other unfit Christians vote in a bloc with unbelievers and other religions that is a much more consistent and larger popular voting majority on religious issues than the WHITE good Catholic / WHITE good Evangelical Christian voter bloc. You are seeking to change the Constitution to exalt a slapped together Christian minority coalition of godnguns. You need to get your language much more precise because right off the bat you merely represent a Christian minority. You are up against a multicultural majority that as a fundamentalist authoritarian that you are will never convince of anything. Except hopefully not by the force of violence. The white nationalistic Evangelical Christians have all the guns and ammo and God:Trump. If Jan6 is any indication of things to come what you are pushing right now is not what Jesus would do. hope he speaks to your heart. your head is too filled with Trump crap. 22FEB03-0286
It's always nice when Christians believe in the teachings of their Christian church. That's why neither Biden or Pelosi would qualify as Catholics or Christians. They don't have to be perfect. They just need to believe in the tenets.
NFBW wrote: I just answered your down voting election fraud lie so now you want to go back to talking about your plot to deprive atheists of First AMENDMENT RIGHTS in our secular government in the name of Jesus, 22FEB03-POST#0285
You never did. Six points I made. You never addressed them.
And we know why. You can't.
Trump’s Christian land already attempted to violently overturn the election and Trump tried to do it from within. We know why Trump Christians don’t want to talk about religion in politics now.
Proof that "Trump violently attempted to overturn the election"? Oh, that's right. You still claim the debunked "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election"..
NFBW wrote: I just answered your down voting election fraud lie so now you want to go back to talking about your plot to deprive atheists of First AMENDMENT RIGHTS in our secular government in the name of Jesus, 22FEB03-POST#0285
You never answer anything. All you do is just repeat vile unsubstantiated insults against Christian and against the president. The trolling is getting tiresome.
It's always nice when Christians believe in the teachings of their Christian church. That's why neither Biden or Pelosi would qualify as Catholics or Christians. They don't have to be perfect. They just need to believe in the tenets.
You read their minds and know what they believe now? Would Trump be considered Christian to you?
So Sidney Powell isn't a reliable source,

NFBW wrote: My answer to you regarding her allegations with respect to down ballots was twofold. Yes I answered your question. (1) Powell admitted her allegations are not true, she was lying. (2) Her down voting allegations is apparently all you have left to argue the election was stolen using actual ballots and ballot counting in l the evidentiary review, is the down vote disparity. I GAVE YOU THE DATA. IT HAPPENS IN EVERY ELECTION. And it happened in 2020 comparable to the past when GOD’s Own Party Wins. 22FEB03-POST#0293
NFBW wrote: I just answered your down voting election fraud lie

So Sidney Powell isn't a reliable source,

You never answer anything.

That is 100% proof you are a liar when you put a factually untrue statement in writing when you said and I quote “You never answer anything” . IF I never answer anything, what were you responding to when you pulled the whataboutism argument for Sydney Powell against Politifact. You had to see the link to POLITIFACT and after that completely forgot that you read it. You did read it didn’t you? if you can dispute the content please do so. If you cannot dispute the content you cannot question the source and then LIE that I did not answer the question. Isn’t bearing false witness one of the perfect rules you live by? If you are so perfect a Christian why do you lie with such ease. Did Christianity’s 21st CENTURY Savior give you the impression that lying is OK when he told the “Stop the Steal” crowd that “very different rules” applied on January 6, 2021

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05​
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.” “””​

FYI Mashmont Trump has not caught anybody in a fraud . He is lying to religious people like you who take everything on th faith in the story, not the facts of the story. THE STIRY (election fraud) is the absurd reality. 22FEB03-POST#0294
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It's always nice when Christians believe in the teachings of their Christian church. That's why neither Biden or Pelosi would qualify as Catholics or Christians. They don't have to be perfect. They just need to believe in the tenets.

You read their minds and know what they believe now? Would Trump be considered Christian to you?

NFBW wrote: I wonder who died and put “ Mashmont the REALITY avoider” in charge of Excommunication _Catholic Church_United States Division_North America_Planet Earth?

I am not aware Biden or violating the Catholic position on abortion in his personal life. Biden remarried after just wife c was killed in an auto accident - Trump remarried to take a better looking trophy as his fame and fortune grew. and then with that new bride at home with that Christian marriage’s new born son Mashmont ‘s savior to American Catholicism, the self confessed pussy grabbing mindless TV superstar is boinking a porn star named Stormy Daniels who said he wasn’t that Good.

BUT HEY Mashmont was not voting for an alter boy to be president now was he? Grabbing pussies and boinking female pornstars demonstrates manliness and proper sexual orientation for the Commander in Chief and office of the President. 22FEB03-POST#0295
You said Trump viol
NFBW wrote: I wonder who died and put “ Mashmont the REALITY avoider” in charge of Excommunication _Catholic Church_United States Division_North America_Planet Earth?

I am not aware Biden or violating the Catholic position on abortion in his personal life. Biden remarried after just wife c was killed in an auto accident - Trump remarried to take a better looking trophy as his fame and fortune grew. and then with that new bride at home with that Christian marriage’s new born son Mashmont ‘s savior to American Catholicism, the self confessed pussy grabbing mindless TV superstar is boinking a porn star named Stormy Daniels who said he wasn’t that Good.

BUT HEY Mashmont was not voting for an alter boy to be president now was he? Grabbing pussies and boinking female pornstars demonstrates manliness and proper sexual orientation for the Commander in Chief and office of the President. 22FEB03-POST#0295

1. Both your claims are lies. Both Daniels and Trump denied an affair ever occurred.

2. Trump never said he grabbed women there. You said he did. That's lie #3.

3. Trump was a Democrat non practicing Christian when he remarried. People can and do change. Look at St. Paul.

4. Biden as a Catholic politician pushes abortion. That is positively against Catholic teaching. Many dioceses have said they would deny him Communion for this egregious act.

If you're going to troll, try to be good at it. You aren't.
That is 100% proof you are a liar when you put a factually untrue statement in writing when you said and I quote “You never answer anything” . IF I never answer anything, what were you responding to when you pulled the whataboutism argument for Sydney Powell against Politifact. You had to see the link to POLITIFACT and after that completely forgot that you read it. You did read it didn’t you? if you can dispute the content please do so. If you cannot dispute the content you cannot question the source and then LIE that I did not answer the question. Isn’t bearing false witness one of the perfect rules you live by? If you are so perfect a Christian why do you lie with such ease. Did Christianity’s 21st CENTURY Savior give you the impression that lying is OK when he told the “Stop the Steal” crowd that “very different rules” applied on January 6, 2021

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05​
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.” “””​

FYI Mashmont Trump has not caught anybody in a fraud . He is lying to religious people like you who take everything on th faith in the story, not the facts of the story. THE STIRY (election fraud) is the absurd reality. 22FEB03-POST#0294
1. You never provide real answers. You throw irrelevant and false crap against the wall.
2. You lied when you said "Trump violently tried to overturn the election". Trump never at any time mentioned or suggested committing violent acts.
Mashmont If Sydney Powell is your source after a year you should have ran away from me sooner.

God help us

Fact-checking Sidney Powell’s claim that 450,000 ballots in key states were marked only for Biden​


This omits the key context that undervoting, a practice where voters mark their choice for one race but skip making selections in other races down the ballot, is not a new phenomenon. It occurs in every election.

Verifying the 450,000 figure
We weren’t able to verify the exact figures Bartiromo and Powell cited. We attempted to contact Powell about how she arrived at those numbers, but did not hear back.

But using the New York Times elections data on Nov. 20, we did find that there were nearly 450,000 more votes cast for president in those five states than there were for the down-ballot U.S. House of Representatives races: 124,390 more votes in Pennsylvania; 117,458 more in Georgia; 31,123 more in Arizona; 115,717 more in Michigan; and 61,125 more in Wisconsin. We don’t have data showing that all those votes were cast only for Biden, though.

PolitiFact also reached out to top election officials in each of the states. The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office told us that the number is "easily disproven by looking at unofficial vote totals, either on our state website or individual county ones."

Arizona and Wisconsin officials both said they don’t have official statewide results yet, and are currently accepting canvass results from its respective counties.

Undervoting in American elections
There is nothing fraudulent about people voting for president or other offices at the top of the ballot and then skipping over offices further down the ballot, said Barry Burden, a political science professor and director of the Elections Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
So therefore Politifact didn't debunk her statement. 450,000 ballots in the swing states did not vote for down-ballot candidates.
NFBW wrote: My answer to you regarding her allegations with respect to down ballots was twofold. Yes I answered your question. (1) Powell admitted her allegations are not true, she was lying. (2) Her down voting allegations is apparently all you have left to argue the election was stolen using actual ballots and ballot counting in l the evidentiary review, is the down vote disparity. I GAVE YOU THE DATA. IT HAPPENS IN EVERY ELECTION. And it happened in 2020 comparable to the past when GOD’s Own Party Wins. 22FEB03-POST#0293
Powell never said her information about the downballots was a lie. Polififact did not disprove her claim about downballot voting. In fact theys substantiated her claim about 450,000 down ballot races being left unmarked.

You haven't answered or debunked squat. You just gave irrelevant information. Like you always do.
So when are you going to address the six points I raised? Never?

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