Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

The downballot voting happened in Wisconsin. If it was indicative of voter fraud in Wisconsin DJT should have demanded a recount. He didnt. Why not

"Important to note that the same day the Trump campaign sent a memo to WI seeking to overturn the will of WI voters, 11/18, was the deadline for Trump to demand a statewide recount, which he declined to do," said Becker, the executive director and founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research. Trump knew he lost Wisconsin -- and newly revealed memos prove it: election law expert

Sidney Powell: 450,000 Ballots Cast For Biden ONLY — No Down Ballot Candidates​

November 9, 2020 Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist

So why Mashmont did Sydney Powell who knew about the down ballot issue on November 9 not file a paperwork from his lawyers to have a recount in Wisconsin by the deadline 10 days later on November 19. ????? 22FEB03-POST#0320
Neat misdirect by changing the subject. The statement remains: Polififact did not disprove her claim about downballot voting. In fact they substantiated her claim about 450,000 down ballot races being left unmarked.
NFBW wrote: I do not know and I do not care. I am not a Catholic or a Christian. I do not judge others about their religion. Biden says he’s a Catholic I believe it. I do not believe life begins at conception. And you and Mashmont can’t force your extremist fanatical religious beliefs on me unless you resort to violence like we saw on Jan6 22FEB03-POST#0311
Boy, these atheists are really angry that someone wants to stop their ill-gotten power grab!
Atheism has not taken over the government of United States. The will of the people control the government United States. Right now the resident in the White House is at the wheel of a multicultural block of orders in the party. They are religious they are not religious they are black white or colors. It seems you can’t stand it. You can’t handle the truth but the people don’t believe the same religion you do. That’s all this is. Cut the nonsense.
You don't want atheist power threatened, and you are willing to steal an election to protect it. Shameful!
Some of which are arguable. Some of which are already scuttled. But imposing any one religious law on someone of a different faith is itself unacceptable.

Make it a Muslim nation with Sharia laws. I’d fucking object. so why should anyone of any other faith not object to some Christian faith based government? It is exactly what the Founders and Framers sought to avoid. They were right then. They still are.
Some of which are arguable. Some of which are already scuttled. But imposing any one religious law on someone of a different faith is itself unacceptable.

Make it a Muslim nation with Sharia laws. I’d fucking object. so why should anyone of any other faith not object to some Christian faith based government? It is exactly what the Founders and Framers sought to avoid. They were right then. They still are.
I'll say it again. When you exclude religion from government, atheism becomes the default. Anyone who is afraid of religious rule should be doubly afraid of atheist rule. If you aren't, you're naive.
I'll say it again. When you exclude religion from government, atheism becomes the default. Anyone who is afraid of religious rule should be doubly afraid of atheist rule. If you aren't, you're naive.
So, then you’re cool with an Islamic government here in our (former) Republic?
You don't want atheist power threatened,

If atheists are law abiding good productive citizens and become the political majority and get an atheist President and Congress elected and leave the First AMENDMENT alone and don’t attempt to force their belief on others they are already better for America than fascist Christianity can ever be,.
Jeebus? That's disparaging. You're nothing but a hateful troll. We're done.

poor intolerant thing Jeebus loves me This I know. ITS MY RELIGION. have some respect.

Urban Dictionary: jeebus

gressive blogs to deride intolerant religious rightwingers ("fundies") who use the Christian faith as a flag and front for every one of their nastiest motivations, statements and actions, hiding hate behind professed faith. Basically "jeebus" is a code word for lefties permitting them to mock self-annointed religious frothing biters / ultraconservatives of the social or financial right who advocate selfishness and cruelty (via nutty religious errors) without actually deriding Jesus or Christianity itself which they don't have a problem with. Put alternatively, a person who follows the New Testament loves Jesus; a person who can't wait to take away sick benefits from a dying lesbian because God Hates Fags loves Jeebus. Get the diff?
"Don't you understand? Tax cuts for the rich are good and welfare for sick mothers is immoral! What kind of atheistic radical are you to think otherwise?"
"Jeebus told you to say that, didn't he?"
by seeker6079 February 24, 2006

Buy this book before Mashmont burns all the copies.

Jesus and John Wayne
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple, El Greco, c. 1570–75

Jesus and John Wayne​

Historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez explores sources of today’s White Christian nationalism.

vangelical author Eric Metaxas was in a fighting mood when he sat down for an interview with conservative activist Charlie Kirk in December 2020. The supposedly fraudulent results of the 2020 election were “evil,” he said, a “rusty knife to the throat of Lady Liberty.” The only Christian solution was to “fight to the death, to the last drop of blood.”

A few days later, Metaxas emceed the “Jericho March,” a pro-Trump Christian rally in which attendees, clad in American flags and MAGA hats, carried Bibles and signs with slogans like “Donald vs. Goliath” as they listened to preachers, would-be prophets, and a pillow salesman expound on how God would restore Donald Trump to the White House. The organizers vowed to return to Washington the next month to provide spiritual succor alongside the larger “Stop the Steal” rally protesting Congress’ ratification of the election results. In the end, crosses and “Jesus Saves” flags would be seen intermingled among the crowd that finally broke into the Capitol on January 6.
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1) The worst candidate in history got 16 million more votes than the supposed most charismatic candidate in history (obama) , despite population growth of only 15 million btw 2012 and 2020
2) The votes couldn't have come from the popular and accomplished Trump who had a high JA rating and got more votes than any past winner.
3) Every minority group voted for Trump in greater percentage than in 2016
4) AP exit polling says no change in Catholic vote between 2016 and 2020, incredible since Biden was the supposed 'Catholic' in the race
5) Pre-election polls showed Trump doing better in the swing states in 2020 than they showed in 2016.

1) The worst candidate in history .. That’s what lefties in his party thought about wasting mony on ads on Christian radio. They were wrong

2) The votes couldn't have come from..Joe picked up NEVER Trumpers who voted third party in 2016

3) Every minority group voted for Trump i .. . . . Biden did better too

4) AP exit polling says no change in Catholic voter.. NOT TRUE.

5) Pre-election polls showed Trump doing better They count actual ballots don’t they?

Here’s more backup for when you come out of hiding

Though white evangelical and born-again Christian support for Trump held steady (at 81% according to initial AP VoteCast stats), Biden’s campaign saw a boost from black Protestants, Catholics, and the small cohort of increasingly vocal and organized “Never Trump” evangelicals, some of whom previously voted think -party.

Biden did more to appeal to religious voters than any Democratic candidate for president in decades, particularly in contrast to the lack of outreach from Hillary Clinton in 2016 or John Kerry in 2004. Biden’s faith team ran ads on Christian radio and op-eds in evangelical media, sharing Biden’s embrace of Christian faith in his own words.

On a Mail-In Ballot and a Prayer, Biden Wins White House

He made gains among white Catholics, splitting the demographic with Trump, and won more than two-thirds of Hispanic Catholic voters, AP VoteCast found.

His campaign emphasized character, moral decency, and the need to restore the “soul of America.” Biden quoted the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, who said, “faith sees best in the dark,” and talked about how to respond to tragedy, personal and national, with hope, humility, and compassion.
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Neat misdirect by changing the subject
Not a change of subject - you are a liar because you cannot answer the question.

So why Mashmont did Sydney Powell who knew about the down ballot issue on November 9 not file a paperwork from his lawyers to have a recount in Wisconsin by the deadline 10 days later on November 19. ????? 22FEB03-POST#0320 22FEB03-POST#0337
So, not just no atheist but no other religion. Do you understand why other folks might object to a Christian government, then?
Only the irreligious would object to a government whose laws don't violate Christianity. Christianity is perfect. Jesus' teachings are perfect. The teachings of Jesus' church, the Roman Catholic Church are perfect. Anything that violates those teachings is wrong and bad for the citizenry.
Let's say I developed artificial intelligence and made trillions of dollars which would get me the power to control everything. I'd enact these changes in a heartbeat, and I wouldn't ask questions. We would officially become a Christian nation and would eradicate atheism from all government policy. It would be the greatest service I could do for my fellow man.
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Only the irreligious would object to a government whose laws don't violate Christianity. Christianity is perfect. Jesus' teachings are perfect. The teachings of Jesus' church, the Roman Catholic Church are perfect. Anything that violates those teachings is wrong and bad for the citizenry.
I assume many adherents of Islam would say the same of their religion and insist upon an Islamic based theocracy.

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