Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

In fact theys substantiated her claim about 450,000 down ballot races being left unmarked.

NFBW wrote: How did they do that when Politifact said defining that as election fraud was false? Please explain your reasoning. 22FEB03-POST#0302

*Read my statement carefully Mashmont
  • All in all, about 8% of Trump voters in 2016 swung to Biden, according to Edison Research
  • Biden was also able to grab 62% of people who voted for a third-party candidate four years ago.
  • He wasn’t afraid to discuss his own Catholic faith
  • The Biden campaign eagerly accepted support and endorsements from Republicans and conservatives.
  • While the incumbent won a majority of white men in Michigan (60%), Pennsylvania (60%) and Wisconsin (57%), his margins declined slightly compared with 2016,
  • These were voters, largely in Midwestern industrial states, many of them union members, who had been loyal Democrats for years, voting as recently as 2012 for Obama. But they had shifted in droves to Trump in 2016, attracted by his outsider persona, protectionist trade policies and hard-line stance on immigration.
  • He highlighted his role in rescuing the U.S. auto industry as vice president after the 2008 economic crash.

NFBW wrote: You are a sore loser - still
Losing READ IT and weep. it’s simple Biden focused on white working class in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania-


Last year, as Biden laid the groundwork for his campaign, advisers like his close friend and strategist Mike Donilon zeroed in on working-class white voters as a critical bloc.

These were voters, largely in Midwestern industrial states, many of them union members, who had been loyal Democrats for years, voting as recently as 2012 for Obama. But they had shifted in droves to Trump in 2016, attracted by his outsider persona, protectionist trade policies and hard-line stance on immigration.

Other Democrats believed chasing those voters was a waste of time, and that the party should devote its energy to expanding the electorate by mobilizing young people, voters of color and others who look like the country’s changing demographics.

But non-college-educated whites comprise a huge share of voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and thus are key to the hopes of anyone looking to be president. Born in blue-collar Scranton, Pennsylvania to a father who sometimes struggled to find steady employment, Biden had a connection to working people.

At campaign events, Biden frequently talked up the power of unions and how the working class, not Wall Street, had built the country. He highlighted his role in rescuing the U.S. auto industry as vice president after the 2008 economic crash. He wasn’t afraid to discuss his own Catholic faith or praise Republicans he had worked with during his decades as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. He honored veterans for their service and ended each speech with a prayer for American troops.

The Biden campaign eagerly accepted support and endorsements from Republicans and conservatives. The Democratic Party gave a prominent speaking slot to Republican John Kasich, the former Ohio governor, at its August convention.

The goal was to siphon just enough blue-collar and Republican support from Trump to carry the day. While the incumbent won a majority of white men in Michigan (60%), Pennsylvania (60%) and Wisconsin (57%), his margins declined slightly compared with 2016, according to exit polls conducted by Edison Research.

All in all, about 8% of Trump voters in 2016 swung to Biden, according to Edison Research. By contrast, 4% of voters who had chosen Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 switched to Trump. Biden was also able to grab 62% of people who voted for a third-party candidate four years ago.

It's the Demographics, Dummy

Treason runs wild
What's the reason?
Treason wins only when
None dare call it treason

Whites have totally opposed this multicultie empowerment and invasion, but the law of the Quisling rulers gives us no way to stop it.
I disagree with the thead’s main contention.

I have said before and I say again: I believe in God. I don’t believe that God believes in religion.

Our Republic was founded on a religious principle: freedom OF religion. And I believe our Republic had some Divine inspiration.

Therefore, I think we should all thank God we aren’t a nation of ANY one religion.
Trump’s Christian land already attempted to violently overturn the election and Trump tried to do it from within.
2. You lied when you said "Trump violently tried to overturn the election".

NFBW wrote: I have not made that allegation. You are misquoting what wrote.

“Trump’s Christian land already attempted to violently overturn the election and Trump tried to do it from within.

NFBW wrote: Perhaps you are confused. My words “do it from within” refers precisely to DJT’s attempt to get Pence to overturn the election according to the non-violent Eastman Plan which Pence refused to do on Jan4 .

If you continue to repeat falsely that I have accused Trump of an attempt to overturn the election using violence, then you are a liar. in fact I have expressed the point in my writing fir a year that political violence was detriment unwanted by those associated with implementing the Eastman Plan on Jan6 22FEB03-POST#0306

Are we clear?
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Here are a few beneficial changes that would be made under a Christian United States government. So many problems would vanish overnight with this legislation. Many more would reduce over time. There could be more. These were just a few things I thought of initially. Really common sense stuff, basically a return to 1950s television, an era when families were stronger and children became independent earlier, and societal norms opposed sex outside marriage. A time when top shows were Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. A time when it was the norm to attend church, there were the most priests and sisters and Catholic schools in history.

This could be a reality, folks, if enough of us think about it, work towards it, and pray hard. They never though Roe v Wade would fall, and now look what is happening, so it CAN be done!

In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.
Racist CRT banned.
Prominent Americans returned to the history books. Lives of the greatest canonized saints would be added in order to inspire children.
Christian schools would be strengthened.
All leftwing/ Marxist propaganda removed from schools and universities. Overt Marxists teachers would either reform or be dismissed.
No alcohol allowed in university dorms which house underaged students. (You might be amazed this is allowed in many or most freshman dorms).

In movies and television:

  • Nudity is banned.
  • Depictions of sex outside marriage banned
  • Foul language banned
  • Graphic physical harm depictions banned
  • Only nuclear family depictions: Parents married.
  • Depictions of cohabitation banned.
  • Gay sex acts are banned.
In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching. Abortion, rioting, extra rights for gays or trans, pitting women against men may not be advocated. Basically any promotion of the issues Marxist atheists use to divide and undermine the country will be banned.

In commerce and law:
Pornography banned.
Abortion mills illegal.
Mexico City Policy made permanent.
Most government domestic programs will be shut down, and a private sharing program would be established where people send funds directly to those designated in need. This would eliminate large piles of money. This will be the topic of another thread. It is based on charity, rather than coercion. It would also remove power from leftwing politicians
Government photo and/or fingerprint or retinal ID would be used for all voting. No drop boxes. Only verified mail-in voting. Very limited early voting.
Illegal immigration would be stopped cold. Legal immigration requirements would be relaxed for countries for which they are onerous.
Recreational drugs once again illegalized.
I agree.. this is how the poor used to raise kids out of poverty
Does he give permission for abortions? Is he known to favor abortion policy
NFBW wrote: (1) As Senator, VP , and now as president it is not his permission to give. (2) In his personal life, I don’t know that he has ever given permission or even needed to.

In reference to point number one, Biden has served in a country where a woman’s right to choose has been legal. Women do not need the president’s permission. In reference to point number two, I have not seen the quote from Biden or he goes against the Catholic religion requiring that he be excommunicated. 22FEB03-POST#0308
In reference to point number one, Biden has served in a country where a woman’s right to choose has been legal. Women do not need the president’s permission. In reference to point number two, I have not seen the quote from Biden or he goes against the Catholic religion requiring that he be excommunicated.
Does his philosophy put life above all else? Is he known for his stance on protecting the unborn?
Does his philosophy put life above all else?
NFBW wrote: I do not know and I do not care. I am not a Catholic or a Christian. I do not judge others about their religion. Biden says he’s a Catholic I believe it. I do not believe life begins at conception. And you and Mashmont can’t force your extremist fanatical religious beliefs on me unless you resort to violence like we saw on Jan6 22FEB03-POST#0311
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I do not know and I do not care. I am not a Catholic or a Christian. I do not judge others about their religion. Biden says he’s a Catholic I believe it. I do not believe life begins at conception. And you and @Mashmont can’t force your extremist fanatical religious beliefs on me unless you resort to violence like we saw on Jan6 22FEB03
But I am Catholic and I know Catholic belief and Catholic teaching. This is not about judging anyone. And it is definitely not forcing any belief--be it very mild or your "extremist fanatical" on you.

If someone told you he was a college student, but you discovered that person didn't meet any of the requirements of a college student, would you still nod and confirm the person was a college student based on he said he was?

Should those who attend college and those who do not both claim to be college students? Same with Catholics, Jews, any religion. It is like a pregnancy. You are either pregnant or you are not. It is one or the other.
I’m going by the hush money payment that Trump paid to Stormy. A good Christian doesn’t pay $130,000 to extortionists, deny he paid it and then admit that he did,
Both Daniels and Trump say there was no affair. But you somehow know there was. Right.
I disagree with the thead’s main contention.

I have said before and I say again: I believe in God. I don’t believe that God believes in religion.

Our Republic was founded on a religious principle: freedom OF religion. And I believe our Republic had some Divine inspiration.

Therefore, I think we should all thank God we aren’t a nation of ANY one religion.
When you disallow religion in government, you have opened the door for atheism to take over government, and that is what is happening.
That's my point.
Both Daniels and Trump say there was no affair. But you somehow know there was. Right.

Trump at first said that he didn’t pay the hush money. Then he admitted he did. Trumps word means absolutely nothing to me.
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When you disallow religion in government, you have opened the door for atheism to take over government, and that is what is happening.

Atheism has not taken over the government of United States. The will of the people control the government United States. Right now the resident in the White House is at the wheel of a multicultural block of orders in the party. They are religious they are not religious they are black white or colors. It seems you can’t stand it. You can’t handle the truth but the people don’t believe the same religion you do. That’s all this is. Cut the nonsense.
Both Daniels and Trump say there was no affair. But you somehow know there was. Right.

When you disallow religion in government, you have opened the door for atheism to take over government, and that is what is happening.
That's my point.
Ain’t much of a point. Atheism is merely a belief like Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc. atheism isn’t taking over any more than Islam is or should. Nor any more than Judaism or Christianity is or should.
Atheism has not taken over the government of United States. The will of the people control the government United States. Right now the resident in the White House is at the wheel of a multicultural block of orders in the party. They are religious they are not religious they are black white or colors. It seems you can’t stand it. You can’t handle the truth but the people don’t believe the same religion you do. That’s all this is. Cut the nonsense.


NFBW wrote: Atheism has not taken over the government of United States. The will of the people control the government of the United States. Right now the resident in the White House is there at the will of an 81 million multicultural block of voters in the Party. They are religious, they are not religious, they are black white of many colors. - - - It seems you can’t stand it. You can’t handle the truth, but the majority of American people don’t believe in the same religion or God or BOOK as you do. That’s all this is. You don’t like law abiding people who don’t believe everything thatv you do. Cut the nonsense. 22FEB03-POST#0319
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Polififact did not disprove her claim about downballot voting. In fact theysubstantiated her claim about 450,000 down ballot races being left unmarked.

The downballot voting happened in Wisconsin. If it was indicative of voter fraud in Wisconsin DJT should have demanded a recount. He didnt. Why not

"Important to note that the same day the Trump campaign sent a memo to WI seeking to overturn the will of WI voters, 11/18, was the deadline for Trump to demand a statewide recount, which he declined to do," said Becker, the executive director and founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research. Trump knew he lost Wisconsin -- and newly revealed memos prove it: election law expert

Sidney Powell: 450,000 Ballots Cast For Biden ONLY — No Down Ballot Candidates​

November 9, 2020 Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist

So why Mashmont did Sydney Powell who knew about the down ballot issue on November 9 not file a paperwork from his lawyers to have a recount in Wisconsin by the deadline 10 days later on November 19. ????? 22FEB03-POST#0320

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