Laws Regarding Classified Documents

None of you tards has ever explained what rationale Trump would have for declassifying top secret documents, especially ones involving our nuclear capabilities or those of our allies.

You do realize they are classified Top Secret because they could cause "grave national harm" to our country if exposed, right retard?


Trump is lying to you cucks. You know how you can tell, other than that his lips are moving?

Because all of these stupid hoaxes you idiots are parroting like good little submissive cucks are not being argued by his lawyers in court.

Because as officers of the court, if they made these claims they would be charged with perjury and possibly disbarred.

Ponder that, you damned fool. Trump is lying to you. Again and again and again and again and again.
Ranting and raving like a lunatic isn't evidence. Show me the money.
Ranting and raving like a lunatic isn't evidence. Show me the money.
I'm not ranting. I'm handing you your ass.

And I notice you have not explained what rationale Trump would have for declassifying our nation's top secrets which could cause grave national harm.

It's a fact that Trump's lawyers are not hashing any of the hoaxes in court you idiots have been parroting. They would be charged with perjury if they did.

You are being lied to. That's what Trump does. And you idiots have been drinking his piss for YEARS.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, and I am mentally ill.
Ranting and raving like a lunatic isn't evidence. Show me the money.
Show me where Trump declassified our nation's secrets the day before he left office.

That's not how the process works, fool.

Trump’s lawyers still won’t actually say it​

Donald Trump’s lawyers’ conspicuous reluctance to echo Trump’s claim that he had declassified the records that were labeled confidential, secret or top-secret seized at Mar-a-Lago last month just became even more conspicuous.

It has now been a full month since Trump issued a public statement saying that he actually declassified the documents. But that argument was not only absent from months of behind-closed-doors jousting that preceded the court-approved Aug. 8 search, as the government has said — it continues to be absent from the growing post-search legal battle. And it remains absent despite the documents’ classification status being a core issue in the current dispute. (Though it’s worth noting that the laws cited by DOJ for the Mar-a-Lago search don’t require classification.)
Trump's lying to you cucks. Don't be so submissive and stupid.
I'm not ranting. I'm handing you your ass.

And I notice you have not explained what rationale Trump would have for declassifying our nation's top secrets which could cause grave national harm.

It's a fact that Trump's lawyers are not hashing any of the hoaxes in court you idiots have been parroting. They would be charged with perjury if they did.

You are being lied to. That's what Trump does. And you idiots have been drinking his piss for YEARS.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, and I am mentally ill.
The President has the power to declassify documents on his word.
Not the end. Either it is illegal to have these things or it is not. You can't decide that a year ago it was legal and not press charges and yet now, just before the midterms, all of a sudden you decide it is illegal when it wasn't illegal a year ago and it wasn't illegal when Hillary did it.
Hillary didn't abscond with a single classified document when she left office. The FBI interjected new information in that investigation days before the 2016 Presidential election. So they have a couple more years to get through the That they can bring it up for the midterms is just icing on the cake.

Time to vote them out at every level of government ladies. Do it while you still can.
The government’s stay motion demonstrates that the government is likely to succeed on the merits because Plaintiff cannot plausibly establish any property interest in or privilege claim as to the seized records marked as classified, that the government and the public are irreparably harmed while the Court’s Order as to those records remains in effect, and that a partial stay would impose no cognizable harm on Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s Response, D.E. 84, largely ignores those showings. Instead, Plaintiff principally seeks to raise questions about the classification status of the records and their categorization under the Presidential Records Act (“PRA”). But Plaintiff does not actually assert—much less provide any evidence—that any of the seized records bearing classification markings have been declassified. More importantly, the issues Plaintiff attempts to raise are ultimately irrelevant. Even if Plaintiff had declassified these records, and even if he somehow had categorized them as his “personal” records for purposes of the PRA—neither of which has been shown—nothing in the PRA or any other source of law establishes a plausible claim of privilege or any other justification for an injunction restricting the government’s review and use of records at the center of an ongoing criminal and national security investigation. And nothing in Plaintiff’s Response rebuts the compelling public interest in granting the limited stay the government seeks.

The President has the power to declassify documents on his word.
No, he does not. You are being lied to. Again.

I can't believe you idiots keep lining up for more bullshit to eat.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

See my last post. Trump is not claiming to the court that he declassified the documents in question.

He's only making that claim to you submissive cucks because he has nothing but total contempt for you and your credulity to bleev and parrot whatever he tells you to.
You don't understand that the President has the authority to declassify documents simply by saying "declassified".

And you STILL have not provided any rationale whatsoever as to why he would do that to documents which could cause exceptionally grave harm to America.

You are stuck in your stupidity.
The President has the power to declassify documents on his word.
Can one do it in secret and then abscond with the documents only to reveal that they had secretly declassified them months or years later when caught with the documents? Talk about unitary power!
But Plaintiff does not actually assert—much less provide any evidence—that any of the seized records bearing classification markings have been declassified.

Let that sink in, cucks.
Can one do it in secret and then abscond with the documents only to reveal that they had secretly declassified them months or years later when caught with the documents? Talk about unitary power!

A paper trail is required for the President to declassify documents. If these cucks would spend TWO SECONDS engaging even the simplest critical thinking, they would understand and see why.
Trump has painted himself into a corner:

Plaintiff’s suggestion that he “may have categorized certain of the seized materials as personal [records] during his presidency” pursuant to the PRA, D.E. 84 at 15, if true, would only supply another reason that he cannot assert executive privilege with regard to those records. If Plaintiff truly means to suggest that, while President, he chose to categorize records with markings such as “SECRET” and “TOP SECRET” as his personal records for purposes of the PRA, then he cannot assert that the very same records are protected by executive privilege
Oh, wait a minute. Now this is interesting. Lawmakers now want to pass laws regarding classified documents because current laws are "vague and toothless".

"While the Department of Justice and President Trump’s lawyers battle in Florida courtrooms over how the former president handled records from his White House, a group of advocates and members of Congress is working to fix the obscure 1970s law they say let the behavior go unchecked.

Critics say the “outdated, vague and toothless,” law needs to change"

So, once again, they are going after Trump over VAGUE AND TOOTHLESS laws currently on the books. Translation: They can't indict Trump over vague and toothless laws but Biden's "Independent" DOJ wants to put him through the ringer anyway for political purposes, just before the midterms. Kind of reminds you of Congress wanting to pass fixes to the Electoral Vote Act because that law was also vaguely worded.

The above link is from USA Today, not Fox News.
Trump and Congress passed laws on document handling which made it a felony instead of a misdemeanor because of Hillary. Will you get all animated and sassy over Trump's actions?
I'm not ranting. I'm handing you your ass.

And I notice you have not explained what rationale Trump would have for declassifying our nation's top secrets which could cause grave national harm.

It's a fact that Trump's lawyers are not hashing any of the hoaxes in court you idiots have been parroting. They would be charged with perjury if they did.

You are being lied to. That's what Trump does. And you idiots have been drinking his piss for YEARS.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, and I am mentally ill.
Biden has been lying and plagiarizing for 50 years, and you still support him.
Oh, wait a minute. Now this is interesting. Lawmakers now want to pass laws regarding classified documents because current laws are "vague and toothless".

"While the Department of Justice and President Trump’s lawyers battle in Florida courtrooms over how the former president handled records from his White House, a group of advocates and members of Congress is working to fix the obscure 1970s law they say let the behavior go unchecked.

Critics say the “outdated, vague and toothless,” law needs to change"

So, once again, they are going after Trump over VAGUE AND TOOTHLESS laws currently on the books. Translation: They can't indict Trump over vague and toothless laws but Biden's "Independent" DOJ wants to put him through the ringer anyway for political purposes, just before the midterms. Kind of reminds you of Congress wanting to pass fixes to the Electoral Vote Act because that law was also vaguely worded.

The above link is from USA Today, not Fox News.
In other words.....they have NOTHING on Trump.

Like we said.

Like we always say.

And Trump is an idiot. How can you NOT get this guy?
When Trump tweeted classified information in 2019, the New York Times filed an FOIA request with the CIA to turn over records of the classified program to arm Syrian rebels since Trump had inadvertently revealed that classified information.

The case went to court, and the court said quite plainly:

Moreover, the Times cites no authority that stands for the proposition that the President can inadvertently declassify information and we are aware of none. Because declassification, even by the President, must follow established procedures, that argument fails.

A President, not even Dear Leader Trump, cannot just wave his hands, chant abracadabra, and magically declassify documents.

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