Laws Regarding Classified Documents

What if I have damaging evidence against the Democrat party that unjustly tried to ruin me? You know as well as I do that this is all political, so get off your self-righteous high horse.
If if if if if if

If he has evidence, it’s not doing anyone any good sitting in his closet.

It’s definitely not that. He had no problem publishing what he thought was “damning evidence” when he was president.

This is Trump being a moron. It’s not political. It’s stupid.
So? His lawyers aren't going to talk to the media. What a fool. You're going to be very embarrassed when this is over.
You should be embarrassed right now. Lawyers file legal documents with the court and they are generally available to the public. If his lawyers believed they could make the case that the documents had been declassified they would have done so in court. They did not do so and the most likely reason is that it is a hoax. Trump can say whatever lies he wants to the media, lying in court is a felony.
You're wrong. Do your research.
Hey dipshit. I have already provided the evidence you have been lied to again.

You are now just being deliberately and willfully blind. This is what it takes to preserve your delusions.

That's why I say Trumptards are literally mentally ill.
You're wrong. Do your research.
Do you need glasses? Here, let me help:

But Plaintiff does not actually assert—much less provide any evidence—that any of the seized records bearing classification markings have been declassified.

You are the one making false claims without any of your bullshit "research" to back it up, dipshit.
If if if if if if

If he has evidence, it’s not doing anyone any good sitting in his closet.

It’s definitely not that. He had no problem publishing what he thought was “damning evidence” when he was president.

This is Trump being a moron. It’s not political. It’s stupid.
He's saving it for the right time during the Presidential campaign. You can't be that dumb.
You should be embarrassed right now. Lawyers file legal documents with the court and they are generally available to the public. If his lawyers believed they could make the case that the documents had been declassified they would have done so in court. They did not do so and the most likely reason is that it is a hoax. Trump can say whatever lies he wants to the media, lying in court is a felony.
You shouldn't be getting your talking points from CNN. I'll never be as embarrassed as that.
Hey dipshit. I have already provided the evidence you have been lied to again.

You are now just being deliberately and willfully blind. This is what it takes to preserve your delusions.

That's why I say Trumptards are literally mentally ill.
You're the one defending Joe Biden. Who's mentally ill?
Trump makes a bullshit claim to his credulous submissives in public, but behaves quite differently in court when he and his lawyers could be prosecuted for lying.
Well, the credulous cucks have been reduced by the facts to chanting, "B-b-b-b-b-but Biden" and "B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!" so I guess my work is done here.

But Plaintiff does not actually assert—much less provide any evidence—that any of the seized records bearing classification markings have been declassified.
You shouldn't be getting your talking points from CNN. I'll never be as embarrassed as that.
You shouldn't be getting your talking points from your butt. If CNN is so bad you should have no trouble pointing out their errors. Of course it is easier to just shoot the messenger.
He's saving it for the right time during the Presidential campaign. You can't be that dumb.
I’m not dumb enough to think that’s true. You know we had a presidential election in 2020 that he lost, right?
If it were a Democrat then the Democrats would be screaming he's the PRESIDENT, he can do anything!!!!

Democrats believe when a Democrat is President, then God reports to him, including the laws of physics. When a Republican is President, Democrats believe he reports to the White House janitor. They've done that the last 40 years (that I remember). Republicans are finally starting to stand up. Electing Trump was the first real step
This is such a stupid scandal. There's no reason for Trump to be hiding these documents in his house. No Democratic president is stupid enough to even want to do this let alone be stupid enough to think they're going to get away with it.
"there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information"

No classified documents.

Sandy Berger got convicted for making copies of some and trying to take them home.

It's just not the same thing.
Hillary had a private server in her home, which had ALL of the classified documents on it, not just some, as in Trump's case.
No one is ever guilty of retroactively breaking a law but that is not the case here. It seems apparent to me that Trump broke the existing laws and is guilty. The existing laws may be rewritten to take Trump's specific violation into account since no former President has ever acted as he has.
Again, it sounds like you saying Trump is innocent so they have to change laws to make him guilty.
Wrong again!

Read the federal brief I provided. They cite all the laws Trump has violated.
Imagine that. How about I post something from Fox News showing that Trump hasn't broken any laws? We already know Democrats are out to get Trump. That's not top secret classified information.
You shouldn't be getting your talking points from your butt. If CNN is so bad you should have no trouble pointing out their errors. Of course it is easier to just shoot the messenger.
You're gonna find out. You're gonna be very disappointed. All you idiots expecting Trump to be indicted. Ha.

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