Laws Regarding Classified Documents

Biden has been lying and plagiarizing for 50 years, and you still support him.
This is the usual fallback position of tards who have had their asses handed to them.

I do not support Biden. I can't stand Biden.

I support the FACTS and the TRUTH.

Trump has been lying to you cucks for YEARS. This is a topic about TRUMP. Not Biden.

Traitor Trump is lying to you about declassifying the documents.
I think it is more the case that no one could anticipate the actions of a former President might jeopardize national security. Trump is always breaking new ground and the law is playing catchup.
So, you're saying he is innocent of breaking laws that haven't even been made up yet, because they are playing catch up.
Oh, wait a minute. Now this is interesting. Lawmakers now want to pass laws regarding classified documents because current laws are "vague and toothless".

"While the Department of Justice and President Trump’s lawyers battle in Florida courtrooms over how the former president handled records from his White House, a group of advocates and members of Congress is working to fix the obscure 1970s law they say let the behavior go unchecked.

Critics say the “outdated, vague and toothless,” law needs to change"

So, once again, they are going after Trump over VAGUE AND TOOTHLESS laws currently on the books. Translation: They can't indict Trump over vague and toothless laws but Biden's "Independent" DOJ wants to put him through the ringer anyway for political purposes, just before the midterms. Kind of reminds you of Congress wanting to pass fixes to the Electoral Vote Act because that law was also vaguely worded.

The above link is from USA Today, not Fox News.
What's the problem here? The PRA has some irredeemable loop holes that need to be patched.
This is the usual fallback position of tards who have had their asses handed to them.

I do not support Biden. I can't stand Biden.

I support the FACTS and the TRUTH.

Trump has been lying to you cucks for YEARS. This is a topic about TRUMP. Not Biden.

Traitor Trump is lying to you about declassifying the documents.
Whatever you say, Trump was the best president we had in a long time. Even while all the bullshit investigations you loons did.
Hillary didn't abscond with a single classified document when she left office. The FBI interjected new information in that investigation days before the 2016 Presidential election. So they have a couple more years to get through the That they can bring it up for the midterms is just icing on the cake.

Time to vote them out at every level of government ladies. Do it while you still can.
Comey said she was extremely careless in handling classified documents, with a private server in her damned basement, which means she had more classified "documents" in her home than Trump did. She had them all, not just some.
So, you're saying he is innocent of breaking laws that haven't even been made up yet, because they are playing catch up.
In the past, the public could rely on presidents to have some common sense and use their good judgement to protect the national security interests of the country. We didn't need laws to force presidents to do so. They just did it because it was the best thing for the country.

Trump changed that.
Trump and Congress passed laws on document handling which made it a felony instead of a misdemeanor because of Hillary. Will you get all animated and sassy over Trump's actions?
So, you're saying that Hillary did the same thing Trump did, only the laws were different under Trump because Trump had changed those laws.
The corrupt Democrats want new laws to break because they have broken all of the old ones.

If it were a Democrat then the Democrats would be screaming he's the PRESIDENT, he can do anything!!!!

Democrats believe when a Democrat is President, then God reports to him, including the laws of physics. When a Republican is President, Democrats believe he reports to the White House janitor. They've done that the last 40 years (that I remember). Republicans are finally starting to stand up. Electing Trump was the first real step
In the past, the public could rely on presidents to have some common sense and use their good judgement to protect the national security interests of the country. We didn't need laws to force presidents to do so. They just did it because it was the best thing for the country.

Trump changed that.

The last President in either party with "common sense" was Reagan
Comey said she was extremely careless in handling classified documents, with a private server in her damned basement, which means she had more classified "documents" in her home than Trump did. She had them all, not just some.
"there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information"

No classified documents.

Sandy Berger got convicted for making copies of some and trying to take them home.

It's just not the same thing.
No, he does not. You are being lied to. Again.

I can't believe you idiots keep lining up for more bullshit to eat.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

See my last post. Trump is not claiming to the court that he declassified the documents in question.

He's only making that claim to you submissive cucks because he has nothing but total contempt for you and your credulity to bleev and parrot whatever he tells you to.
You're wrong. Do your research.
Can one do it in secret and then abscond with the documents only to reveal that they had secretly declassified them months or years later when caught with the documents? Talk about unitary power!

When it's the property of the federal government, yeah.
What if I have damaging evidence against the Democrat party that unjustly tried to ruin me? You know as well as I do that this is all political, so get off your self-righteous high horse.
What if I have damaging evidence against the Democrat party that unjustly tried to ruin me? You know as well as I do that this is all political, so get off your self-righteous high horse.
I recommend going to the Kracken......or that Ghouliguy.
So, you're saying he is innocent of breaking laws that haven't even been made up yet, because they are playing catch up.
No one is ever guilty of retroactively breaking a law but that is not the case here. It seems apparent to me that Trump broke the existing laws and is guilty. The existing laws may be rewritten to take Trump's specific violation into account since no former President has ever acted as he has.

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