Lax gun laws provide criminals with guns

there are countries like Switzerland where lot of people have guns, but their level of criminality is much lower. Gun violence is a symptom not the root cause
He'll post anything anti-gun no matter how absurd. Texas doesn't have lax gun laws. Commit a crime with one here and see what happens. If you don't get shot.:lol:

Which gun laws keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Washington DCs?

There is nothing absurd about background checks for gun purchases.

Cars are regulated, drugs are regulated, guns should be regulated.
there are countries like Switzerland where lot of people have guns, but their level of criminality is much lower. Gun violence is a symptom not the root cause

Most of their guns are for members of their military reserve.

Japan has no guns, and almost no gun violence.
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He'll post anything anti-gun no matter how absurd. Texas doesn't have lax gun laws. Commit a crime with one here and see what happens. If you don't get shot.:lol:

Which gun laws keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Washington DCs?

Glad you finally got it.....

"Guns bought in Hawaii, the District of Columbia - which had banned handguns for 30 years - New Jersey and Massachusetts are least likely to be recovered in a crime elsewhere, the report said." |
There is nothing absurd about background checks for gun purchases.

Cars are regulated, drugs are regulated, guns should be regulated.

Once again RETARD background checks are REQUIRED on all hand guns everywhere. Including Gun shows. Background checks are NOT required on rifles and shotguns though, never have been. Not anywhere.
So much nonsense and requirements for citizens to all carry guns. That is Nutz. Outlaw all guns except for those people who are part of the various state militias and summarily execute any bozo found with one if he is not in the militia. Why waste court time? Just terminate him.

Shocking? Of course, I also favor the complete termination of all criminals.

Summary exectution for highway chase twits needs to be the norm. Don't try to puncture their tires, or use a police car to knock them off of the road. Just set up sharpshooters who can take them out with a bullet through the windshield. A lot less people are endangered that way.

We need to bring back firing squads to eliminate shoplifters and petty criminals as an example to all people considering minor crime. Why not? We have a serious overpopulation problem in this world. One way to solve it is to execute all criminals. Speed ten miles over the speed limit, and you can have a hole in your head with no questions asked by the court. It would be a necessary summary execution to protect the innocents. Bamb! no more speeder.

One size fits all punishments for crimes are dumb, executions for everything is absolutely idiotic.

Think about it let's say a cop catches someone speeding, what's to deter a criminal from say grabbing a gun and shooting the police. Well because his sentence will get a lot heftier. But wait under your Moronic Proposal he's to be killed on sight so there's no way he'll get a worse sentence no matter what he does.

Time to open fire.

Let's take shoplifters too. If a guy robs a convenience store under your draconian laws the smart thing to do would be to shoot the clerk who's a witness. There's no way he'll get a stricter penalty so might as well.

Same logic applies to every other petty crime you now want to put on the execute list.
There is nothing absurd about background checks for gun purchases.
Except that they're pointless. Except that their primary purpose is to feed a database of gun owners and their guns, for the purpose of universal confiscation; and the secondary purpose of forcing criminals to steal guns.
No they don't.

How so, when criminals do not submit themselves to background checks?

The looser the gun laws the easier it is for criminals to get guns. That is what the study shows.

Denying facts doesn't make them untrue.
The looser the gun laws the easier it is for criminals to get guns. That is what the study shows.

Denying facts doesn't make them untrue.

Look you dumb fuck, NO ONE legally buys any handgun with out a background check. Not at gun shows not from any licensed dealer. And contrary to popular opinion at Gun shows you have licensed dealers. The Cops are there and check everyone out. The REQUIREMENT for a back ground check on purchasing handguns is openly displayed and enforced.
Once again RETARD background checks are REQUIRED on all hand guns everywhere. Including Gun shows. Background checks are NOT required on rifles and shotguns though, never have been. Not anywhere.

The "Gun show loophole" is a term coined to describe the legal sale of firearms between private individuals at gun shows in states where this is legal. When these sales take place at a gun show, some perceive a "loophole" in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), although these laws have never applied to individual-to-individual sales of personal firearms. United States federal law requires persons engaged in interstate firearm commerce, or who are in the business of selling firearms, to hold a Federal Firearms License and to perform checks prior to transferring a firearm, but there is an exemption for private sales by individuals who are "not engaged in the business" of selling firearms, or who only make "occasional" sales. Unlicensed private sellers are permitted by law to sell privately-owned guns at gun shows, or at private locations, in 24 states (as of 1998).[10]

Gun show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The "Gun show loophole" is a term coined to describe the legal sale of firearms between private individuals at gun shows in states where this is legal. When these sales take place at a gun show, some perceive a "loophole" in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), although these laws have never applied to individual-to-individual sales of personal firearms. United States federal law requires persons engaged in interstate firearm commerce, or who are in the business of selling firearms, to hold a Federal Firearms License and to perform checks prior to transferring a firearm, but there is an exemption for private sales by individuals who are "not engaged in the business" of selling firearms, or who only make "occasional" sales. Unlicensed private sellers are permitted by law to sell privately-owned guns at gun shows, or at private locations, in 24 states (as of 1998).[10]

Gun show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Already told you about North Carolina, you are just to damn stupid to read.
Perhaps they're studying the wrong group of people because, criminals don't buy their guns in stores, they buy them from other thiefs on street corners or from underground organizations.

Where's that survey?

When guns are outlawed, only criminals will have guns.
Perhaps they're studying the wrong group of people because, criminals don't buy their guns in stores, they buy them from other thiefs on street corners or from underground organizations.

Where's that survey?

When guns are outlawed, only criminals will have guns.

Actually 1.3 million guns were stolen during a 14 year period in the United States. Gun owners are the ones providing criminals with guns.
Actually 1.3 million guns were stolen during a 14 year period in the United States. Gun owners are the ones providing criminals with guns.

I haven't seen any signs on people's homes or ads in the papers welcoming thief's to steal legally owned runs, have you?

Even if you ever got your gun ban (which you won't) what would you ban next, archery? Kitchen knives?

Fact is, if you lived in biblical times, you'd probably have wanted to ban stones.

Get over yourself, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

I'm done with this thread. Rant on brother!
I haven't seen any signs on people's homes or ads in the papers welcoming thief's to steal legally owned runs, have you?

Even if you ever got your gun ban (which you won't) what would you ban next, archery? Kitchen knives?

Fact is, if you lived in biblical times, you'd probably have wanted to ban stones.

Get over yourself, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

I'm done with this thread. Rant on brother!


I didn't rant. I just presented the facts.

Guns make it easy for people to kill themselves and others.

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