Laying The Blame

Maybe if Thomas Sowell could get his head on straight, wake up, and start doing something instead of sitting on his smug ass bitching about everything,

he might have a chance of being America's second black president.

:rofl: Slavery has nothing to do with it but welfare programs do? According to what? The Sowell book of say so? Just silly shit.

Oh, making it illegal to learn to read didnt mean nothing!

Not allowed to have property or property where you wanted didnt mean anything!

Its all welfares fault! :rofl: I'm starting to see why you guys like this Sowell guy. His head is in the clouds and nothing is at fault....except welfare

OK...ok....I am remiss.

After all the empty non-posts about which I have berated actually made a stab at confronting the facts of the thread.


And it only took you two replies to the same post to comprehend. Congrats!

Of course, your post would be more believable if you were able to indicate multitudes for whom it was made "illegal to learn to read."

False, my post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual. You dont even disagree with it you just want names or something to believe what you already do not disagree with.

And, the same applies to this fabrication: "Not allowed to have property or property where you wanted didnt (sic) mean anything!"

LOL!!! Oh yeah, redlining, steering, housing discrimination and all that stuff is just a figment of my imagination! I'm seeing a pattern of denying reality and just screaming "not true"

Now, so that no one leaps to the conclusion that you post stems from Liberal indoctrination and propaganda.....
...can you name several of Dr. Sowell's books that you've read?

If there are none....well, you can see why some might consider you no more than a Liberal windbag.

Thanks but your entire post is summed up in emotions.

You didnt point out any lie I told, all you did was scream liar and run.

You didnt disagree with anything I said, all you did was scream "liberal" and thought that was a point.

Then after not being able to point out any lie, falsehood, etc etc you turn to your last ditch effort of asking me about how many books I've read.

I feel good about that because you didnt have one come back that made sense

1. " post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual."

But we're speaking of modern history.

Living people.

You're refusing to learn to read is purely voluntary.

Sorry, you're the one that brought up slavery. Now you want to dial it back because once again, I was right and you have nothing.

2. "all you did was scream liar and run."


Whose post is this?

3. And speaking of running (and hiding) where is your explanation for the lack of educational materials in black households?

That would be the study I provided in post #17....

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:

Yes you just screamed liar and now you're switching the subject to black what black homes do.

Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes.
But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).


Report Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students Performance

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."


And yes.....I blame Liberal indoctrination.

Yeah, of course you blame liberals. But you seemed to abandon your stance and now going on a rant about books. Quoting Erasmus and talking about slavery....then saying I cant bring up history because you said so.

You keep pretending that I have backtracked or given up on anything.

Of course, I haven't.

"...then saying I cant bring up history because you said so."
I did no such thing.
I simply pointed out that it is bogus to claim modern households lack the desire for education because somewhere, way back in history, reading was forbidden.

The one thing has do with the other.

Your arguments and attitude are jejune to say the least.

I think we got it. Black people don't like to read.

Now, a question for you, as our Korean-"American" representative:

OK...ok....I am remiss.

After all the empty non-posts about which I have berated actually made a stab at confronting the facts of the thread.


And it only took you two replies to the same post to comprehend. Congrats!

Of course, your post would be more believable if you were able to indicate multitudes for whom it was made "illegal to learn to read."

False, my post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual. You dont even disagree with it you just want names or something to believe what you already do not disagree with.

And, the same applies to this fabrication: "Not allowed to have property or property where you wanted didnt (sic) mean anything!"

LOL!!! Oh yeah, redlining, steering, housing discrimination and all that stuff is just a figment of my imagination! I'm seeing a pattern of denying reality and just screaming "not true"

Now, so that no one leaps to the conclusion that you post stems from Liberal indoctrination and propaganda.....
...can you name several of Dr. Sowell's books that you've read?

If there are none....well, you can see why some might consider you no more than a Liberal windbag.

Thanks but your entire post is summed up in emotions.

You didnt point out any lie I told, all you did was scream liar and run.

You didnt disagree with anything I said, all you did was scream "liberal" and thought that was a point.

Then after not being able to point out any lie, falsehood, etc etc you turn to your last ditch effort of asking me about how many books I've read.

I feel good about that because you didnt have one come back that made sense

1. " post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual."

But we're speaking of modern history.

Living people.

You're refusing to learn to read is purely voluntary.

Sorry, you're the one that brought up slavery. Now you want to dial it back because once again, I was right and you have nothing.

2. "all you did was scream liar and run."


Whose post is this?

3. And speaking of running (and hiding) where is your explanation for the lack of educational materials in black households?

That would be the study I provided in post #17....

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:

Yes you just screamed liar and now you're switching the subject to black what black homes do.

Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes.
But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).


Report Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students Performance

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."


And yes.....I blame Liberal indoctrination.

Yeah, of course you blame liberals. But you seemed to abandon your stance and now going on a rant about books. Quoting Erasmus and talking about slavery....then saying I cant bring up history because you said so.

You keep pretending that I have backtracked or given up on anything.

Of course, I haven't.

"...then saying I cant bring up history because you said so."
I did no such thing.
I simply pointed out that it is bogus to claim modern households lack the desire for education because somewhere, way back in history, reading was forbidden.

The one thing has do with the other.

Your arguments and attitude are jejune to say the least.

I think we got it. Black people don't like to read.

Now, a question for you, as our Korean-"American" representative:


Here's an interesting fact about Liberals.

They use terms that have no meaning unless they can assign a pejorative one.

Case in point.....let's teach you some related history:

1. Orwell wrote in1984, "One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."The first Communist state had arrived."
Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions IV

a. "The actual insurrection--the Bolshevik Revolution--began on the morning of November 6 (October 24) 1917, when Kerensky ordered the Bolshevik press closed."
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union Union

b. The US Constitution forbids 'ex post facto' laws....and Roosevelt told the American public that Russia fought for the same things as America.....

In November/December, the penal system was re-written to include "enemy of the people."

...and, ex-post facto, the Bolsheviks arrested and exterminated all those 'enemies of the people.'

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language:враг народа,"vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court." Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski,Stéphane Courtois, "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression"

See how the phrase 'enemy of the people' was used?

2. You fools....I mean Liberals, created the usage 'racist' for the same purpose.
It has no meaning unless you want to criminalize any thoughts you disagree with.
You do, don't you.

3. Clearly, the example of the idiotic photo you provided, you mean that admitting that there are different races is some sort of no-no.


No one is fired, deprived of liberty or livelihood by that example.

And this: "Remember that movie where two black guys dress up like white women but get busted cause they have short tempers and love rap music..."
BLACK FACE contempo - Encyclopedia Dramatica

4. How about this imitation......'racist'?

5. about articulating your definition of "racist" and we'll see if you subscribe to 'thought crimes.'

Careful.....I already know you're a fascist at heart.

".... thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question the ruling party. In the book, the government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects. To entertain unacceptable thoughts is known as crimethink in Newspeak, the ideologically purified dialect of the party."
George Orwell, 1984
And it only took you two replies to the same post to comprehend. Congrats!

False, my post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual. You dont even disagree with it you just want names or something to believe what you already do not disagree with.

LOL!!! Oh yeah, redlining, steering, housing discrimination and all that stuff is just a figment of my imagination! I'm seeing a pattern of denying reality and just screaming "not true"

Thanks but your entire post is summed up in emotions.

You didnt point out any lie I told, all you did was scream liar and run.

You didnt disagree with anything I said, all you did was scream "liberal" and thought that was a point.

Then after not being able to point out any lie, falsehood, etc etc you turn to your last ditch effort of asking me about how many books I've read.

I feel good about that because you didnt have one come back that made sense

1. " post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual."

But we're speaking of modern history.

Living people.

You're refusing to learn to read is purely voluntary.

Sorry, you're the one that brought up slavery. Now you want to dial it back because once again, I was right and you have nothing.

2. "all you did was scream liar and run."


Whose post is this?

3. And speaking of running (and hiding) where is your explanation for the lack of educational materials in black households?

That would be the study I provided in post #17....

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:

Yes you just screamed liar and now you're switching the subject to black what black homes do.

Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes.
But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).


Report Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students Performance

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."


And yes.....I blame Liberal indoctrination.

Yeah, of course you blame liberals. But you seemed to abandon your stance and now going on a rant about books. Quoting Erasmus and talking about slavery....then saying I cant bring up history because you said so.

You keep pretending that I have backtracked or given up on anything.

Of course, I haven't.

"...then saying I cant bring up history because you said so."
I did no such thing.
I simply pointed out that it is bogus to claim modern households lack the desire for education because somewhere, way back in history, reading was forbidden.

The one thing has do with the other.

Your arguments and attitude are jejune to say the least.

I think we got it. Black people don't like to read.

Now, a question for you, as our Korean-"American" representative:


Here's an interesting fact about Liberals.

They use terms that have no meaning unless they can assign a pejorative one.

Case in point.....let's teach you some related history:

1. Orwell wrote in1984, "One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."The first Communist state had arrived."
Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions IV

a. "The actual insurrection--the Bolshevik Revolution--began on the morning of November 6 (October 24) 1917, when Kerensky ordered the Bolshevik press closed."
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union Union

b. The US Constitution forbids 'ex post facto' laws....and Roosevelt told the American public that Russia fought for the same things as America.....

In November/December, the penal system was re-written to include "enemy of the people."

...and, ex-post facto, the Bolsheviks arrested and exterminated all those 'enemies of the people.'

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language:враг народа,"vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court." Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski,Stéphane Courtois, "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression"

See how the phrase 'enemy of the people' was used?

2. You fools....I mean Liberals, created the usage 'racist' for the same purpose.
It has no meaning unless you want to criminalize any thoughts you disagree with.
You do, don't you.

3. Clearly, the example of the idiotic photo you provided, you mean that admitting that there are different races is some sort of no-no.


No one is fired, deprived of liberty or livelihood by that example.

And this: "Remember that movie where two black guys dress up like white women but get busted cause they have short tempers and love rap music..."
BLACK FACE contempo - Encyclopedia Dramatica

4. How about this imitation......'racist'?

5. about articulating your definition of "racist" and we'll see if you subscribe to 'thought crimes.'

Careful.....I already know you're a fascist at heart.

".... thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question the ruling party. In the book, the government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects. To entertain unacceptable thoughts is known as crimethink in Newspeak, the ideologically purified dialect of the party."
George Orwell, 1984

Answering only yes or no,

Are Koreans racist?
1. " post is believable because people being not allowed to learn to read is real and factual."

But we're speaking of modern history.

Living people.

You're refusing to learn to read is purely voluntary.

Sorry, you're the one that brought up slavery. Now you want to dial it back because once again, I was right and you have nothing.

2. "all you did was scream liar and run."


Whose post is this?

3. And speaking of running (and hiding) where is your explanation for the lack of educational materials in black households?

That would be the study I provided in post #17....

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:

Yes you just screamed liar and now you're switching the subject to black what black homes do.

Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes.
But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).


Report Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students Performance

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."


And yes.....I blame Liberal indoctrination.

Yeah, of course you blame liberals. But you seemed to abandon your stance and now going on a rant about books. Quoting Erasmus and talking about slavery....then saying I cant bring up history because you said so.

You keep pretending that I have backtracked or given up on anything.

Of course, I haven't.

"...then saying I cant bring up history because you said so."
I did no such thing.
I simply pointed out that it is bogus to claim modern households lack the desire for education because somewhere, way back in history, reading was forbidden.

The one thing has do with the other.

Your arguments and attitude are jejune to say the least.

I think we got it. Black people don't like to read.

Now, a question for you, as our Korean-"American" representative:


Here's an interesting fact about Liberals.

They use terms that have no meaning unless they can assign a pejorative one.

Case in point.....let's teach you some related history:

1. Orwell wrote in1984, "One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."The first Communist state had arrived."
Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions IV

a. "The actual insurrection--the Bolshevik Revolution--began on the morning of November 6 (October 24) 1917, when Kerensky ordered the Bolshevik press closed."
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union Union

b. The US Constitution forbids 'ex post facto' laws....and Roosevelt told the American public that Russia fought for the same things as America.....

In November/December, the penal system was re-written to include "enemy of the people."

...and, ex-post facto, the Bolsheviks arrested and exterminated all those 'enemies of the people.'

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language:враг народа,"vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court." Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski,Stéphane Courtois, "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression"

See how the phrase 'enemy of the people' was used?

2. You fools....I mean Liberals, created the usage 'racist' for the same purpose.
It has no meaning unless you want to criminalize any thoughts you disagree with.
You do, don't you.

3. Clearly, the example of the idiotic photo you provided, you mean that admitting that there are different races is some sort of no-no.


No one is fired, deprived of liberty or livelihood by that example.

And this: "Remember that movie where two black guys dress up like white women but get busted cause they have short tempers and love rap music..."
BLACK FACE contempo - Encyclopedia Dramatica

4. How about this imitation......'racist'?

5. about articulating your definition of "racist" and we'll see if you subscribe to 'thought crimes.'

Careful.....I already know you're a fascist at heart.

".... thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question the ruling party. In the book, the government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects. To entertain unacceptable thoughts is known as crimethink in Newspeak, the ideologically purified dialect of the party."
George Orwell, 1984

Answering only yes or no,

Are Koreans racist? used 'racist' and now you're afraid to define it.

You must be a Liberal, huh?
So....the fascist in post #125 is afraid to define the term he throws around, "racism," as it will identify his endorsing 'thoughtcrimes.'

I wonder if this Liberal is a 'racist'?

"....none could top the gay actor and activist George Takei — famous as Sulu in “Star Trek” — who fumed that Thomas had forfeited his status as a black man. Seriously. In a TV interview, Takei called Thomas “a clown in blackface.”
George Takei Clarence -- Political Ignorance on Display National Review Online
Now Star Trek? Jeez you're all over the place and cant explain ONE post you've written. Everytime someone asks you a question you respond off topic and avoiding the whole thing.

Talk about slavery...I bring up legally being stopped from reading. Your response: We're not talking about the past.....?

Now apparently bringing up Star if some actor saying something means something politically.
Now Star Trek? Jeez you're all over the place and cant explain ONE post you've written. Everytime someone asks you a question you respond off topic and avoiding the whole thing.

Talk about slavery...I bring up legally being stopped from reading. Your response: We're not talking about the past.....?

Now apparently bringing up Star if some actor saying something means something politically.

"I bring up legally being stopped from reading."

Name 'em .
Now Star Trek? Jeez you're all over the place and cant explain ONE post you've written. Everytime someone asks you a question you respond off topic and avoiding the whole thing.

Talk about slavery...I bring up legally being stopped from reading. Your response: We're not talking about the past.....?

Now apparently bringing up Star if some actor saying something means something politically.

"I bring up legally being stopped from reading."

Name 'em .

Name who? Are you saying this never happened? Because if so, you're just stupid. If you arent saying this never happened then who and why am I naming anything?
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

You cons seem to always direct feelings prior to making any point. This shit is so silly its a non starter..."Tireless thirst for power"...shit sounds like the intro to the Twilight movie

Nice try. Libs starting to use accusations leveled at them for decades, then turning it back on those doing the leveling. Won't fall for it. We prefer reason and proof to touchy-freely, namby-pamby pie-in-the-sky copycats.
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

You cons seem to always direct feelings prior to making any point. This shit is so silly its a non starter..."Tireless thirst for power"...shit sounds like the intro to the Twilight movie

Nice try. Libs starting to use accusations leveled at them for decades, then turning it back on those doing the leveling. Won't fall for it. We prefer reason and proof to touchy-freely, namby-pamby pie-in-the-sky copycats.

Oh gawd, heres another person doing the Stephanie. Every action they take they blame the liberals for it and tell you how despicable and unfair it is....By doing it themselves.

I bet this is the part where you say you're doing it just to point out the hypocrisy. Not the hypocrisy of you disliking when liberals do it...noooooo, some other hypocrisy that involves you acting like the people you claim to dislike
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

You cons seem to always direct feelings prior to making any point. This shit is so silly its a non starter..."Tireless thirst for power"...shit sounds like the intro to the Twilight movie

Nice try. Libs starting to use accusations leveled at them for decades, then turning it back on those doing the leveling. Won't fall for it. We prefer reason and proof to touchy-freely, namby-pamby pie-in-the-sky copycats.

Oh gawd, heres another person doing the Stephanie. Every action they take they blame the liberals for it and tell you how despicable and unfair it is....By doing it themselves.

I bet this is the part where you say you're doing it just to point out the hypocrisy. Not the hypocrisy of you disliking when liberals do it...noooooo, some other hypocrisy that involves you acting like the people you claim to dislike

"I bring up legally being stopped from reading."

Name 'em .

Name what stupid?

"Name what stupid?"

How kind of you to sign that post.
Grammatically, a coma, or even a semicolon, would be appropriate after 'what.'

OK....let's cut to the chase.

Since you have been provide any indication that there is any such group....forbidden to learn to read, that would account for the vast numbers in the racial group under discussion who have failed to live up to educational excellence....

....the only possible conclusion is that , if you were given an enema, you would fit in a matchbox.

In have no explanation.....
....therefore, I claim that my explanation is the correct one.
Liberal welfare policies and Liberal propaganda, such as yours, has removed the felt necessity to improve oneself.

Thank you for your participation.
Since you have been provide any indication that there is any such group....forbidden to learn to read,

I thought when I said "during slavery" you would put it together that I was referring to slaves being forbidden to learn to read.

Sorry, about that. Slaves were forbidden to learn to read. Got it now? Still confused or nah?
Since you have been provide any indication that there is any such group....forbidden to learn to read,

I thought when I said "during slavery" you would put it together that I was referring to slaves being forbidden to learn to read.

Sorry, about that. Slaves were forbidden to learn to read. Got it now? Still confused or nah?

You've served your purpose.

Typical response from you. But then again, why would someone be able to explain a post they copied and pasted from other people.

Now go to and copy a good insult like usual

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