Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

No, moron, I'm posting what I see in videos; not what the news is telling me. So once again you try to insult me but you end up looking like an idiot by getting it all wrong.

He fell forward while the shots were being fired at 0:05 and 0:06. Behind a vehicle. That does not corroborate your claim.
Rittenhouse was asked by his friend to help save the business he (his friend) owned, and where Rittenhouse worked.

Save some of your senseless blame for the BLM friendly mobs that tried to burn down Kenosha.
Without their lawlessness Rittenhouse would have zero reason to be in Kenosha when it was
under siege.

The whole thing was and still is, a mess. Justice. There is zero justice in allowing Kyle to get off scot free. And there is no real justice locking him up for a severe time period.
Turns out that the prosecution's star witness, Gaige Grosskreutz, also lied under oath regarding his concealed carry license being expired.

Actually it was suspended or revoked because of his criminal activities, including a conviction for carrying a firearm in public while intoxicated. It was not expired. The expiration date was in 2023.
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No, really? Is water wet too?

It's over, bitch. Your commies died like they should.

The face you make when you realize you're about to spend the rest of your life being Bubba's bitch from cell block C...

He fell forward while the shots were being fired at 0:05 and 0:06. Behind a vehicle. That does not corroborate your claim.
That's because I didn't say between 0:05 - 0:06. :eusa_doh:

You're not very good at following directions.
Chicago Tribune can't help themselves...

Yes, he took the stand. The defense fucked up royally doing that and they know it, which is why they're now seeking a mistrial. They looked like they were going to win. Who know what they were thinking putting an 18 year old crybaby on the stand? They just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

This is the face you make when you realize your defense team blew it...

That's because I didn't say between 0:05 - 0:06. :eusa_doh:

You're not very good at following directions.

Unfortunately for you, I watched all of the video, as I have a sufficient attention span to do so. Unlike you.

Between 0:04 and 0:07 is what I focused on. By 0:07, Rosenbaum had already fallen behind the vehicle, all four shots having been fired in the 1.5 seconds prior. You would have seen the gunsmoke from any additional shots had Rittenhouse chosen to fire on Rosenbaum while he was on the ground.

So no, I don't need to cherry-pick a video like you to prove you wrong.

We're done. Your premise has been thoroughly eviscerated.

Enjoy the rest of your night.
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Unfortunately for you, I watched all of the video, as I have a sufficient attention span to do so. Unlike you.

Between 0:04 and 0:07 is what I focused on. By 0:07, Rosenbaum had already fallen behind the vehicle, all four shots having been fired in the 1.5 seconds prior. You would have seen the gunsmoke from any additional shots had Rittenhouse chosen to fire on Rosenbaum while he was on the ground.

So no, I don't need to cherry-pick a video like you to prove you wrong.

We're done. Your premise has been thoroughly eviscerated.

Enjoy the rest of your night.


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