Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

There is if he is not guilty.

Oh, there is enough guilt to go around. And you are contributing to the problem. Kyle needs to be convicted of a minor charge with either no more than 2 years lockup or mental hospital. We need to send a message to you rtwingnutjobs as well as the left that this behavior will no longer be tolerated.
The whole thing was and still is, a mess. Justice. There is zero justice in allowing Kyle to get off scot free. And there is no real justice locking him up for a severe time period.
Rittenhouse is guilty of just one thing, being a minor in possession of a gun.
The case against him has been a total flop and the DA is an absolute clown.
Oh, there is enough guilt to go around. And you are contributing to the problem. Kyle needs to be convicted of a minor charge with either no more than 2 years lockup or mental hospital. We need to send a message to you rtwingnutjobs as well as the left that this behavior will no longer be tolerated.
What "behavior" is that that you object to? Defending one's own life?

Yeah...shameful. But not as shameful as your opinions on sentencing Rittenhouse.
You are the one that needs lockup in a mental asylum.
Obviously you cannot believe what the video is showing you.

Has anyone thought about prosecuting the video of Rittenhouse in Kenosha?
Rittenhouse is going to be proclaimed Innocent by the 12 angry men.

The prosecutor is going to need to be prosecuted afterwards for lying about the young man in an obvious case of nifonging.

These out of control DA's are going to have to be held to account. If they don't have the courage to stand up to the libs , they should just quit.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact the jury is almost certain to exonerate Rittenhouse, at which point your opinions mean nothing.
Just like now.

I consider the odds about 50-50 right now. There is a real good chance that the judge will just exonerate Kyle, dismiss all charges with prejudice and be done with it.

The amount of prosecutorial misconduct in this case has been epic.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact the jury is almost certain to exonerate Rittenhouse, at which point your opinions mean nothing.
Just like now.
I wouldn't be so confident about that. People have been trying to intimidate the jury and the prosecutor is extremely corrupt.

It's going to depend on how honest and brave the jurors are.

If they are greedy dishonest cowardly moronic moonbats, Kyle could be convicted and made a political prisoner again.
Leftist treasonous snakes have taken over every level of our institutions and the govt. and they don’t care about all the innocent that they sacrifice on the altar of their evil ideology. This includes, if politically necessary, eating their own.
These prosecutors will be lucky to not be laughed out of a job after this pathetic performance. All those leftists here who were hoping Rittenhouse would be sexually assaulted in prison are going to be losing their minds.
Rittenhouse is going to be proclaimed Innocent by the 12 angry men.

The prosecutor is going to need to be prosecuted afterwards for lying about the young man in an obvious case of nifonging.

These out of control DA's are going to have to be held to account. If they don't have the courage to stand up to the libs , they should just quit.
It may not go to a jury...judge may give a directed verdict, or even call a mistrial with prejudice.
What is up :heehee: with TDS folks always assuming Negro males are obsessed with butt f@cking White males who don't lift? Are Negro females not tight or are Negro males smaller than what the establishment says. :dunno:

Back on topic, Kyle is obviously innocent. The judge knows that. Every rational person knows that. The question is...what about Antifa domestic terrorists getting the go ahead to loot and burn shit down again by the local politicians. Like with the cop who put his knee on the back of the Negro overdosing on Fent, will the establishment forgo justice to appease the low IQ mob?
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Oh, there is enough guilt to go around. And you are contributing to the problem. Kyle needs to be convicted of a minor charge with either no more than 2 years lockup or mental hospital. We need to send a message to you rtwingnutjobs as well as the left that this behavior will no longer be tolerated.
How Dare Kyle defending himself from 3 adult criminals trying to kill him? Vrenn, you need mental help.
These prosecutors will be lucky to not be laughed out of a job after this pathetic performance. All those leftists here who were hoping Rittenhouse would be sexually assaulted in prison are going to be losing their minds.
Yeah, they totally blew it. But then.... the defense fucked up and put Rittenhouse on the stand. They had this thing all wrapped up. Who knows why they exposed him like that after it looked like they had a good chance of winning.

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