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it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded

So your opinion of Trump will go up when "healthcare" is passed and "his Wall" gets funded? Or are you just being disingenuous?

Odium and jwoodie and whoever decides this is a laughing matter:

OK, disingenuous it is. :bye1:
  1. not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
    synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious;
Please tell me any place in my posts that was in anyway insincere or false, deceitful and particularly pretending to know less than I do to project that lie.

I suppose I should get my deplorable red neck ass out of here before someone thinks I'm going to shoot someone that could have been their son.

Besides I wouldn't want to say anything bad about someone's hero like Chairman Mao.


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it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded

So your opinion of Trump will go up when "healthcare" is passed and "his Wall" gets funded? Or are you just being disingenuous?
My opinion of Trump won't go up because he isn't going to have a personality transplant.
Those are examples of what he wants that he can't lead the people to agree to.

Look up disingenuous, btw.
That military school was not enough of training for him. His father wanted to teach him discipline. He may have gotten a degree, but he still needs discipline. President Pence sounding pretty good right now.
Being Mr nice guy never helped George Bush did it. Had he fought back and stopped the toxic media then we would not have what we have from them today.

And the democrat bastards aren't done with GWB TODAY.

So, spare the angst of reporters. They brought this on themselves by a steadfast refusal to tell the truth.

Trump and is tweets is looking just as anal as back when Jimmy Carter was personally approving the schedule of the White House tennis court.
No one can defend against what Carper said about leadership, though, can they?

You can come up with all the snarky, stupid, social media garbage responses you want about the tweets--that is just an example of what Trump is INSTEAD of a leader.
we havent had a "leader" since last century.....
Lol i won't disagree.
Who was the last real leader we had? Who was the last leader that cared about WE the people?
Well, that wasn't really what I was getting at. Who knows if even Washington cared about the small farmers in the south and the mill workers in New Hampshire and all that.

I've always tried to live by the first one--treat others as you would want to be treated. That's the Golden Rule, so I didn't need to go in the Navy to learn it. It does make a good boss (leader) and so does giving credit where credit is due and not building yourself up by pushing another man down. That doesn't necessarily make anyone a "pushover" either. But there's push back and there's push back. And as President, how far are you actually going to "push" him, anyway? He's at the top already. So why bother with pesky flies?
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.
Yup. That's what Presidents do.
Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.

Before I go how about all you progressives sign this here paper...


...Don't worry you can read the copy that I send you to find out what's in it.


I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.

You mean like Clinton, Obama and Bush did? Yeah.

I expect the President to act like a grown up, not a petulant spoiled little brat. Putting up fake Time magazine covers in his golf clubs??? How juvenile is that?
View attachment 136695

I suppose I should get my deplorable red neck ass out of here before someone thinks I'm going to shoot someone that could have been their son.

Besides I wouldn't want to say anything bad about someone's hero like Chairman Mao.



I suppose you should, Damaged Eagle.
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.
Yup. That's what Presidents do.
Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.
Maybe I would. It's pretty hard to imagine Obama behaving like Trump, though...
No one can defend against what Carper said about leadership, though, can they?

You can come up with all the snarky, stupid, social media garbage responses you want about the tweets--that is just an example of what Trump is INSTEAD of a leader.
we havent had a "leader" since last century.....
Does that make it okay, then, Harry?
Sen. Tom Carper (D Delaware) was on Meet The Press this morning and he remarked on President Trump in a way that really rang true and covered most of what people seem to be bellyaching about:

"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership. I've been trained as a leader since I was a 12 year old boyscout, ()cadet, midshipman, naval flight officer for 23 years.

One of the things they taught us early on in the Navy is
treat other people the way you want to be treated. They taught us that leaders don't build themselves up by pushing other people down. Leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find, and when they do well, you give them the credit. Everything I was trained on as a leader, this man is none of those things. Is none of those things. I look at it and I shake my head.

It's got to be harder for him to recruit people to come and work for him. They're having a terrible time filling positions. I was told by John Verasso (Senator from Wyoming) that they are just not getting names. Six hundred positions and they've got what--108 names? ..."

He put in a nutshell what's wrong, at heart, with this President.

That's beside the fact that our President just put out a doctored video showing him beating up a guy whose face was replaced with the CNN logo, showing his adolescent and perfectly happy with violence frame of mind. Rolling on the floor of the WWE stage in his suit and extra long tie. Nice touch. A few days ago, he put out a string of his mean girls tweets about the Morning Joe folks in language that was escalated, even for him. That is still just annoying noise from the Orange Shitlord, though. The real problem is what Carper said, and what won't be easily laughed off.

Is it impeachable? No. But it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded and won't be invited back in 2020.

Sec 4 of the 25th Amendment is in play; only VP Pence will stand in the way of putting Trump on the bench.
"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership.
A leader doesn't insult those who work for them, a leader isn't hypersensitive and thin-skinned, a leader can rise above pettiness, a leader earns the respect of those he leads by example.

Trump gained whatever success he achieved by simply overwhelming people through the sheer force of his bluster. That doesn't work with Congress, where there are plenty of people who have far more than bluster in their intellectual toolbox.

I have no doubt that no one in DC respects this man, including those in his own party.
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.
Yup. That's what Presidents do.
Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.

That's bullshit. The MSM criticizes EVERY President. That's their job. You don't notice when a Democrat is in power because it's not your ox that's being gored, but the moment they say boo about s Republican you whine about liberal bias in the MSM.
There is no question in my mind that Donald J. Trump is a deplorable human being, I do not think his personality or character are suitable for someone who holds any political office, let alone the POTUS. BUT - all that is water under the bridge, the man was elected and IS the POTUS and that's it, end of story. Now maybe information and credible evidence surfaces at some point that is cause enough for impeachment, but so far there's nothing close to that at least that we know of. Therefore, it is past time for everyone to simmer down and lower the vitriolic temperature below the point where the more impressionable among us are incited to violence.

I cannot dispute what Carper said, I think it's all true. BUT - we've still got a country to run and problems to address and we better get to it. It doesn't matter if the man in the oval office is a total jerk, our problems are still the same and IMHO we need to stop obsessing about him and focus instead on creating a better future for all of us.
He's a little hard to ignore, sitting there in 1600 Pennsylvania. I know I started this thread, but I do agree with you. Trump never made it secret what he was like and he was elected. So it is up to us to cope with it. I think it's ridiculous that there are people protesting in the streets today demanding his impeachment. For what? Being an asshole?
I wasn't actually trying to be vitriolic, here, though--maybe Shitlord was a little over the top, I'll admit.

LOL, how about we settle for Shithead? I know you weren't being vitriolic, I was thinking of others in real life and on this board who are somewhat more uh, outspoken?
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.

You mean like Clinton, Obama and Bush did? Yeah.

I expect the President to act like a grown up, not a petulant spoiled little brat. Putting up fake Time magazine covers in his golf clubs??? How juvenile is that?


Yeah!!!!! That's an important issue. How long is that one going to distract you?


I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.

You mean like Clinton, Obama and Bush did? Yeah.

I expect the President to act like a grown up, not a petulant spoiled little brat. Putting up fake Time magazine covers in his golf clubs??? How juvenile is that?
Clinton and Obama were never even criticized by msm. And Bush didn't have to endure a daily barrage of slanderous fake news stories. This is unprecedented, and you just don't like the fact that he's fighting back. You think nobody can see that?

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