Leading for behind? Or leading a coalition of one?

Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do
"Leading for behind" pretty much defines progtards.

Not a single one of these idiots could deny what I just said. They are stupid and ignorant beyond belief. The one is so damn dumb, he posts cartoons because he thinks they are saying something meaningful and clever.

It's a true pity that even this well spelled out, these right wingers are so far gone, they don't get the most simple of concepts..

If more of these fools get voted into office, this country deserves what it gets.

Chicago eh?

Good, when your City gets hit I hope someone you love dies.

We'll see how you talk then.

You must be a Republican. Such dirty people.
How can Obabble expect a workable coalition in Iraq, when he can't achieve one here at home?

That question is for you Rdean.

Oh come on. You know Republicans are racists fuck tards. The entire world knows it. American Republicans are seen as a threat the world over. The world sees them as ignorant beyond belief.

I work at a company where 60% of business is overseas. Reps and workers visit from:
and a host of other countries. Talk to them about Iraq and the Republicans and the response is the same. Republicans are nutz, dangerous, ignorant.

I was talking to a guy from China and he mentioned he heard Republicans believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. He said China culture is older than that. So I introduced him to the USMB. He was shocked.

A women from Bolivia asked what the "equal pay" thing was about. I told her that Republicans feel woman shouldn't get equal pay as men doing the same job. She said she didn't believe it and that in this country it would be "political suicide".

Senate Republicans reject equal pay bill - The Washington Post

Senate Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

All it took was a quick search and there we go.

The GOP is dangerous and dumb beyond belief. It's no secret. Lie to yourselves if you must, but deep down, you know it's the truth.

I was talking to a guy from China and he mentioned he heard Republicans believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. He said China culture is older than that. So I introduced him to the USMB. He was shocked.

hey how about that.....i was talking to a guy from China too.....i also introduced him to the USMB.....after an hour i came in and said what did you learn?......he said in broken English.....Who is Rdean?......he one funny guy....
Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do
"Leading for behind" pretty much defines progtards.

Not a single one of these idiots could deny what I just said. They are stupid and ignorant beyond belief. The one is so damn dumb, he posts cartoons because he thinks they are saying something meaningful and clever.

It's a true pity that even this well spelled out, these right wingers are so far gone, they don't get the most simple of concepts..

If more of these fools get voted into office, this country deserves what it gets.

Chicago eh?

Good, when your City gets hit I hope someone you love dies.

We'll see how you talk then.
that was uncalled for....its also acting like a chump....
Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do.

I believe you might be mentally retarded. I mean that in the sincerest way I can say it. You might possibly need to see a mental professional.

Allowing the ME to "self police" would likely result in WWIII. Israel would be attacked within a week if we left the region, their response would be nuclear , which would probably result in Pakistan and India gleefully blowing the fuck out of each other, which would probably result in, well you should be getting the picture.

Does that mean any one party has done everything right (or wrong) in the region? No, but you will notice dear dingbat that NO party has suggested getting our military out of the region. Why? Because that would be beyond stupid for the reasons outlined above.

Why don't you leave the military strategy to the experts and they'll leave the Big Mac building to you, mmkay
Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do.

I believe you might be mentally retarded. I mean that in the sincerest way I can say it. You might possibly need to see a mental professional.

Allowing the ME to "self police" would likely result in WWIII. Israel would be attacked within a week if we left the region, their response would be nuclear , which would probably result in Pakistan and India gleefully blowing the fuck out of each other, which would probably result in, well you should be getting the picture.

Does that mean any one party has done everything right (or wrong) in the region? No, but you will notice dear dingbat that NO party has suggested getting our military out of the region. Why? Because that would be beyond stupid for the reasons outlined above.

Why don't you leave the military strategy to the experts and they'll leave the Big Mac building to you, mmkay

So where did I say we must abandon Israel? Oh, I didn't.

Worse what you are suggesting is that Republicans have designated us the "Police of the World".

"ALLOWING"? I like that part. How have right wingnut policies under Bush worked out so far? Just the fact that right wingnuts believe they have so much power they can "allow" others, what? What is it they think they can and can't "allow"? Make it good. I want it to cut though the laughter.

Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do
"Leading for behind" pretty much defines progtards.

Not a single one of these idiots could deny what I just said. They are stupid and ignorant beyond belief. The one is so damn dumb, he posts cartoons because he thinks they are saying something meaningful and clever.

It's a true pity that even this well spelled out, these right wingers are so far gone, they don't get the most simple of concepts..

If more of these fools get voted into office, this country deserves what it gets.

Chicago eh?

Good, when your City gets hit I hope someone you love dies.

We'll see how you talk then.

You must be a Republican. Such dirty people.

You're just a prick who will not understand until they kill someone you love.
What makes these right wingers so damn dumb, they don't even realize that Arabian sheiks have turned their ignorant selves into "attack dogs". Obama is trying to stop that. And their ignorant selves are calling him "weak" and "leading from behind". And yet, Republicans are doing just what their Arabian masters want them to do. Look at Fox.
How many of those sheiks did obama bow to? He probably sucked them off too. You are clueless.
Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do
"Leading for behind" pretty much defines progtards.

Not a single one of these idiots could deny what I just said. They are stupid and ignorant beyond belief. The one is so damn dumb, he posts cartoons because he thinks they are saying something meaningful and clever.

It's a true pity that even this well spelled out, these right wingers are so far gone, they don't get the most simple of concepts..

If more of these fools get voted into office, this country deserves what it gets.

Chicago eh?

Good, when your City gets hit I hope someone you love dies.

We'll see how you talk then.

You must be a Republican. Such dirty people.

You're just a prick who will not understand until they kill someone you love.

You're still dirty. And sick. A terrible combination. You must be a Republican. Hoping that Americans die. What a sicko.
What makes these right wingers so damn dumb, they don't even realize that Arabian sheiks have turned their ignorant selves into "attack dogs". Obama is trying to stop that. And their ignorant selves are calling him "weak" and "leading from behind". And yet, Republicans are doing just what their Arabian masters want them to do. Look at Fox.
How many of those sheiks did obama bow to? He probably sucked them off too. You are clueless.

Probably fewer than Bush tongue wrestled.
How can Obabble expect a workable coalition in Iraq, when he can't achieve one here at home?

That question is for you Rdean.

There are no idiot TeaBaggers / US Republicans / Pat Robertson evangelical Christians living in Iraq.
Obama is trying to stop that. And their ignorant selves are calling him "weak" and "leading from behind". And yet, Republicans are doing just what their Arabian masters want them to do.

For example we know that tinydancer keeps flat out obsessively and angrily
Demanding that Obama do whatever Maliki wanted him to do.

None of them make a lick of sense.
Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do
"Leading for behind" pretty much defines progtards.

Not a single one of these idiots could deny what I just said. They are stupid and ignorant beyond belief. The one is so damn dumb, he posts cartoons because he thinks they are saying something meaningful and clever.

It's a true pity that even this well spelled out, these right wingers are so far gone, they don't get the most simple of concepts..

If more of these fools get voted into office, this country deserves what it gets.

Chicago eh?

Good, when your City gets hit I hope someone you love dies.

We'll see how you talk then.

You must be a Republican. Such dirty people.

You're just a prick who will not understand until they kill someone you love.

You're still dirty. And sick. A terrible combination. You must be a Republican. Hoping that Americans die. What a sicko.

Sorry but maybe you'll understand than.....it's all fun and game for you now...it's all theoretical.

Put your hands in the blood of someone you love and all that will change.

Kid you are a punk that will not learn any other way.
We see again where you place your loyalties Foo...firmly with the jihad and the Moron in chief.

Since Obama is the only world leader currently killing Jihadists in Iraq your asinine and ignorant reply makes not one lick of sense like everything else you write.
How can Obabble expect a workable coalition in Iraq, when he can't achieve one here at home?

That question is for you Rdean.

There are no idiot TeaBaggers / US Republicans / Pat Robertson evangelical Christians living in Iraq.
Thanks for answering that for me. It was so obvious, I questioned whether it really needed to be answered. But since the question was asked, I guess it did need to be answered.

If only we could get Republicans to give us something, anything that they have done for the country in the last 15 or 20 years that actually did something good for the majority of Americans.
Right wingers constantly scream, "He keeps leading from behind". Presumably, Bush was "leading" his enormous "coalition" that invaded Iraq. Now that is "leading". 165,000 American troops.

Then there were the 2 from Iceland
46 from Armenia
61 from New Zealand
A whopping 300 from Hungary
The list goes on and on.

And how many only stayed a year or less?

This wasn't a "coalition" of partners. It was a bribe and a show. How much money do you think each of those countries were paid?

And Republicans are screaming:

HE SHOULD BE BOMBING HERE AND BOMBING THERE AND WE SHOULD SEND TROOPS AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD (and here you should be wildly waving your hands as if broken at the wrists overhead and shitting your pants)

I believe he's doing what has to be done. States like Sunni Arabia need to get their hands dirty. The middle east must police itself. Just because they have trillions in oil, doesn't mean they outsource problems facing their countries.

Oil countries sending us off to war is like Republicans sending minorities and the poor off to war. The rich play the game, the rest of us are the pawns.

And the GOP base falls for it every single time.

The problem here is that both Bushes set precedence that the US will rush in and sacrifice US troops to do what they should be doing themselves. Obama understands this.

So this will be painful, it will be bloody, but if we don't get Sunni Arabia and Jordan and other countries involved, we will be doing just what the GOP and the oil sheiks want us to do
"Leading for behind" pretty much defines progtards.

Not a single one of these idiots could deny what I just said. They are stupid and ignorant beyond belief. The one is so damn dumb, he posts cartoons because he thinks they are saying something meaningful and clever.

It's a true pity that even this well spelled out, these right wingers are so far gone, they don't get the most simple of concepts..

If more of these fools get voted into office, this country deserves what it gets.

Chicago eh?

Good, when your City gets hit I hope someone you love dies.

We'll see how you talk then.

You must be a Republican. Such dirty people.

You're just a prick who will not understand until they kill someone you love.

You're still dirty. And sick. A terrible combination. You must be a Republican. Hoping that Americans die. What a sicko.

Sorry but maybe you'll understand than.....it's all fun and game for you now...it's all theoretical.

Put your hands in the blood of someone you love and all that will change.

Kid you are a punk that will not learn any other way.

The sickest of the sick. It just doesn't end for this mean spirited tard.

You should seriously consider seeing a psychiatrist. You can even find them on line. They might be able to prescribe you medication that would help with your violent imagery. Clearly you have mental and emotional issues. Writing on a message board is probably making it worse.

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