Leading GOP Candidate a Cult Member!

The American people will decide that.

And right now, there are quite a group of your Union Brothers who are going to see thier jobs go away here in the next month or two.

You move beyond that.

Many of us have a happy present and a happy future in spite of President Obama. And when Romney hits the White House it's going to be just as good.

Why don't you move to Iran ?

right, we have union people losing good jobs because people like Romeny don't understand the concept of "enough".

Romney will never get to the White House.

It's never wise to make statements that can come back to bite you in the ass. Just sayin'.

I know you 'hate' Romney because of his religion, but, frankly, anyone who judges someone solely on their personal beliefs is an idiot.
It's never wise to make statements that can come back to bite you in the ass. Just sayin'.

I know you 'hate' Romney because of his religion, but, frankly, anyone who judges someone solely on their personal beliefs is an idiot.

There are only two intellectually honest approaches one can take to Mormonism.

1) "Holy Shit, this guy really was talking to God. Where do I sign up?"


2) "Holy Shit, this guy was a two bit con man who was scamming less smart people out of their money and their daughters' virginity. Anyone who actually believes this nonsense is a complete idiot who shouldn't be let out of the house without adult supervision."

His personal beliefs are that the Mormon Church should rule this country. That's what they believe. That's what they take personal oaths to in those secret temple ceremonies they have.
His personal beliefs are that the Mormon Church should rule this country. That's what they believe. That's what they take personal oaths to in those secret temple ceremonies they have.

As someone who has been to the temple many times, I can't recall ever taking such an oath. I must have been a sleep every time.

Any more garbage you want to share in the name of enlightenment ?
It's never wise to make statements that can come back to bite you in the ass. Just sayin'.

I know you 'hate' Romney because of his religion, but, frankly, anyone who judges someone solely on their personal beliefs is an idiot.

There are only two intellectually honest approaches one can take to Mormonism.

1) "Holy Shit, this guy really was talking to God. Where do I sign up?"


2) "Holy Shit, this guy was a two bit con man who was scamming less smart people out of their money and their daughters' virginity. Anyone who actually believes this nonsense is a complete idiot who shouldn't be let out of the house without adult supervision."

His personal beliefs are that the Mormon Church should rule this country. That's what they believe. That's what they take personal oaths to in those secret temple ceremonies they have.

Try learning a few lessons from history. Idiotic anti-Catholics said the same thing about Kennedy. He would hand America to Rome and the Pope would control the country. How'd that work out for ya?

As opposed to what, having Christopher Cox in charge of the SEC and his regulators were watching internet porn instead of the bankers?

Both parties were responsible for this mess, both parties were in bed with Wall Street. To try to put the blame on any one person is foolish.

The underlying problems, however, are that with the Free Trade treaties and greedy guys onWall Street hollowing out the middle class, we are becoming weaker as a nation.

Take your meds Joe, we were talking state run oil companies which you seem to be so fond of.

We will burning oil based products in our cars for a long long time.

But not anything that your friends at the Trainer and Marcus Hook refineries will be making as they are being shut down.

I wonder if the McDonalds in those areas are unionized ?
His personal beliefs are that the Mormon Church should rule this country. That's what they believe. That's what they take personal oaths to in those secret temple ceremonies they have.

As someone who has been to the temple many times, I can't recall ever taking such an oath. I must have been a sleep every time.

Any more garbage you want to share in the name of enlightenment ?

Honest question. Not being a smartass here. How and why do Mormons believe that Jesus rocked in America?

And why?

I have a problem with prophets because they are like the weather chick on tv and keep getting it wrong.

Give me a three day forecast and make it stick, I'm good to go. So when you have a prophet like Joseph how and why can I believe him?

And I understand the whole "church" thing. People go, And screw around on their wives / husbands after leaving a service, because "church" is not a faith nor a belief.

I try to understand Islam. Well I try to. And I try to understand this belief. But I never could get Mormons.

Aye carumba!!! Just wondering and trying to understand. If you ever have a chance to read Marcia Adam's Heartland, you will actually get the history of Joseph going to Illinois first and trying to build a utopian society there. And failed.

I think this is where Romney has his achilles heel. And please I am not attempting to slag any religion.
Oh and btw, Marcia's book is awesome. Some of the best recipes ever. Weird hair, but what a great cook.
It's never wise to make statements that can come back to bite you in the ass. Just sayin'.

I know you 'hate' Romney because of his religion, but, frankly, anyone who judges someone solely on their personal beliefs is an idiot.

There are only two intellectually honest approaches one can take to Mormonism.

1) "Holy Shit, this guy really was talking to God. Where do I sign up?"


2) "Holy Shit, this guy was a two bit con man who was scamming less smart people out of their money and their daughters' virginity. Anyone who actually believes this nonsense is a complete idiot who shouldn't be let out of the house without adult supervision."

His personal beliefs are that the Mormon Church should rule this country. That's what they believe. That's what they take personal oaths to in those secret temple ceremonies they have.

OMG! WTAF???? Dude, did you know that everyone named "Joe" has taken a super-secret oath to force dogs to have sex with cats? It's true! Some guy on the internet said so!

Where DO "internet people" come up with this BS??? :lol:
What topic? Some idiotic pastor says something about 'cults'. So fucking what? You care. OK. I don't. I am, however, interested in your understanding of the word 'logic'.


He doesn't care about the Campaign, the Pastor, or Romney. He just wants to Bitch.

Without wishing to stereotype Baptists, I've met a lot of them who think they are waaay better than everyone else just because they're Baptists. I've met a lot of Mormons too... never found them to be half as judgmental as the Baptists.

My SIL is Lutheran. She nearly fainted when her son married another Lutheran, but not of the same synod. Never asked about her character, just her religion. And it still wasn't good enough.

Even people you think as being moderately intelligent can fool ya sometimes.
Try learning a few lessons from history. Idiotic anti-Catholics said the same thing about Kennedy. He would hand America to Rome and the Pope would control the country. How'd that work out for ya?


Nobody believed that about Jack "how many starlets can I bang" Kennedy. I mean, Catholics love to whine about how they are oppressed (seriously, I grew up Catholic, I've seen it), but it's laughable.

Besides major difference between Catholics and Mormons.

Catholicism wasn't founded by liars who wanted to have sex with teenage girls.
Take your meds Joe, we were talking state run oil companies which you seem to be so fond of.

We will burning oil based products in our cars for a long long time.

But not anything that your friends at the Trainer and Marcus Hook refineries will be making as they are being shut down.

I wonder if the McDonalds in those areas are unionized ?

Guy, besides your inability to structure a sentence, the fact is, we waste more petroleum than most other countries use.

And you're the one who tried to inject Barney Frank into the conversation. (Seriously, why do so many far-right wingnuts have this fascination with Barney and his sex life?)
We have a muslim in the white house now. A mormon can't possibly be worse.

Don't tempt fate.

If the muslim has a firm grasp on the US Constitution and believes in states powers....he's got my vote.

I am LDS and I'd take a conservative over Mitt.
Guy, besides your inability to structure a sentence, the fact is, we waste more petroleum than most other countries use.

And you're the one who tried to inject Barney Frank into the conversation. (Seriously, why do so many far-right wingnuts have this fascination with Barney and his sex life?)

Stay with the subject there....

You are correct in that we waste a lot of Petroleum and we are going to continue to do so. Just without the help of the union bros. in Penn. They can prop up the local McDonald's.

Never mentioned Barney's sex life. Is there something we should know.

You are the one who is all hung up on the reported sex interests of early mormon leaders.

This is to easy.
Stay with the subject there....

You are correct in that we waste a lot of Petroleum and we are going to continue to do so. Just without the help of the union bros. in Penn. They can prop up the local McDonald's.

Never mentioned Barney's sex life. Is there something we should know.

You are the one who is all hung up on the reported sex interests of early mormon leaders.

This is to easy.

Yeah, I guess if you believe letting a guy with a fake religion have sex with your daughter is cool, by all means. Betcha think David Koresh was a martyr....

I'm always wondering why people like you can't go five minutes without mentioning Barney Frank. Or why you spent all that money on Prop 8, in your whacky cult.

Not sure what your bizarre interest is in McDonalds and Penn. is either. Seriously, your points are kind of weird..
Stay with the subject there....

You are correct in that we waste a lot of Petroleum and we are going to continue to do so. Just without the help of the union bros. in Penn. They can prop up the local McDonald's.

Never mentioned Barney's sex life. Is there something we should know.

You are the one who is all hung up on the reported sex interests of early mormon leaders.

This is to easy.

Yeah, I guess if you believe letting a guy with a fake religion have sex with your daughter is cool, by all means. Betcha think David Koresh was a martyr....

I'm always wondering why people like you can't go five minutes without mentioning Barney Frank. Or why you spent all that money on Prop 8, in your whacky cult.

Not sure what your bizarre interest is in McDonalds and Penn. is either. Seriously, your points are kind of weird..

Nice try Buckwheat.....

But I only mentioned him once in the context of being a state owned oil runner where he can really shove it to us the same way he did when he was in charge of FM/FM.

I'll say it one last time.

They shut down 750,000 BPD of refining capacity in Penn. Did you get that ? 750,000 BPD. The other companies are excited because it will firm up prices on the east coast.

But, the out fall is that a bunch of Union Bro's are headed to the unemployment line. Do you know how many jobs a refinery supports ? I am betting you have no idea.

Hey, maybe they can go to Ca and find work for Solyndra...ooops...guess not. Wendy's it is.

You can thank your regulating federal government for the shutdowns too. Environtment regulations and uncertainty caused these companies to shelve assets rather than invest in the equipment necessary to sour up.

And this in a country where we can only refine about half of what we use anyway.....

Weird point... I know.

Not one mention of sex.
Try learning a few lessons from history. Idiotic anti-Catholics said the same thing about Kennedy. He would hand America to Rome and the Pope would control the country. How'd that work out for ya?


Nobody believed that about Jack "how many starlets can I bang" Kennedy. I mean, Catholics love to whine about how they are oppressed (seriously, I grew up Catholic, I've seen it), but it's laughable.

Besides major difference between Catholics and Mormons.

Catholicism wasn't founded by liars who wanted to have sex with teenage girls.

Anybody alive in Texas in 1960, particularly in Houston, knows just how stupid you sound, JoeB. Nobody takes you seriously as you spout such nonsense.

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