Leading GOP Candidate a Cult Member!

Ame®icano;4273337 said:
It's interesting to see that being Mormon IS a problem if you are on the right.

If you're left, then it's OK. Nobody complains about Harry Reid.

Same story with blacks.

Actually, anti-Mormon bias is probably higher on the left.

The Gallup poll found that while 18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents won't vote for a Latter Day Zombie, that number jumps up to 27% with Democrats.
Ame®icano;4273337 said:
It's interesting to see that being Mormon IS a problem if you are on the right..

That is not the case.
Can you cite where there is a religious litmus test when selecting a POTUS?

That isn't the point.

The thing is, there are some religions that are just so far out there that people won't vote for them.

We'd never elect a Muslim President. Or a Buhddist. Or a Hindu. As much as it distresses my non-believing self, we'd never elect an Atheist. All 44 presidents have been some flavor of Christian, and that's not going to change. Maybe, maybe a Jew could get elected. They are just within the comfort zone.

And on top of that, they have to be a mainstream Christian, not a member of a whacky offshoot with whacky beliefs. We'd never elect a Jehovah's Witness, an Amish, or some other sect outside the mainstream. And frankly, they are a lot more mainstream than the Mormons are. They don't make up their own bibles to justify their beliefs, they just interpret the one everyone else has a bit differently.

The Mormons have spent a lot of time trying to wallpaper over the whackiness. They don't tell you about the Spirit Children and the Nephites and the Magic Underwear up front. But it's still there, and it will get a lot of attention if the Republicans are dumb enough to nominate Romney.
Ame®icano;4273337 said:
It's interesting to see that being Mormon IS a problem if you are on the right.

If you're left, then it's OK. Nobody complains about Harry Reid.

Same story with blacks.

Actually, anti-Mormon bias is probably higher on the left.

The Gallup poll found that while 18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents won't vote for a Latter Day Zombie, that number jumps up to 27% with Democrats.

I meant if Mormon is on the right, left see it as a problem.
If Mormon is from the left, then it's OK.

Sorry if I confused anyone.
That is not the case.
Can you cite where there is a religious litmus test when selecting a POTUS?

That isn't the point.

The thing is, there are some religions that are just so far out there that people won't vote for them.

We'd never elect a Muslim President. Or a Buhddist. Or a Hindu. As much as it distresses my non-believing self, we'd never elect an Atheist. All 44 presidents have been some flavor of Christian, and that's not going to change. Maybe, maybe a Jew could get elected. They are just within the comfort zone.

And on top of that, they have to be a mainstream Christian, not a member of a whacky offshoot with whacky beliefs. We'd never elect a Jehovah's Witness, an Amish, or some other sect outside the mainstream. And frankly, they are a lot more mainstream than the Mormons are. They don't make up their own bibles to justify their beliefs, they just interpret the one everyone else has a bit differently.

The Mormons have spent a lot of time trying to wallpaper over the whackiness. They don't tell you about the Spirit Children and the Nephites and the Magic Underwear up front. But it's still there, and it will get a lot of attention if the Republicans are dumb enough to nominate Romney.

And nor should it ever be. Content of Character. Record. Americans need to do more research into whom they vote for more than 30 second sound bytes from the media and party elites. Wonder why we are in the MESS we are? :eusa_whistle:
Can you cite where there is a religious litmus test when selecting a POTUS?

That isn't the point.

The thing is, there are some religions that are just so far out there that people won't vote for them.

We'd never elect a Muslim President. Or a Buhddist. Or a Hindu. As much as it distresses my non-believing self, we'd never elect an Atheist. All 44 presidents have been some flavor of Christian, and that's not going to change. Maybe, maybe a Jew could get elected. They are just within the comfort zone.

And on top of that, they have to be a mainstream Christian, not a member of a whacky offshoot with whacky beliefs. We'd never elect a Jehovah's Witness, an Amish, or some other sect outside the mainstream. And frankly, they are a lot more mainstream than the Mormons are. They don't make up their own bibles to justify their beliefs, they just interpret the one everyone else has a bit differently.

The Mormons have spent a lot of time trying to wallpaper over the whackiness. They don't tell you about the Spirit Children and the Nephites and the Magic Underwear up front. But it's still there, and it will get a lot of attention if the Republicans are dumb enough to nominate Romney.

And nor should it ever be. Content of Character. Record. Americans need to do more research into whom they vote for more than 30 second sound bytes from the media and party elites. Wonder why we are in the MESS we are? :eusa_whistle:

You don't think that if someone has absolutely insane religious beliefs, that shouldn't be counted as part of their character?

I've said this. Romney's religion is the deal-killer for me, because having dealt with Mormons and studied their beliefs, I don't think they should be anywhere near the levers of power. I think Obama's been a blight as a president, but I'll vote for him before even risking a Romney Presidency.

Actualy, we are in a mess because we want government to do all these things and not pay for it. It has little to do with who is standing up at the podium taking the blame. It comes down to the choices we've made.
Yah, really. His nomination will force the LDS church to really tone much down, particularly the anti-feminism in the leadership. Most informed folks about LDS'ism still don't understand the major schism coming in twenty years will be about females and the priesthood. The women will win that one hands down.

They can form their own church...in fact, I think they already have.

But somehow, I don't see the Temple Square based church dealing with issue in any way shape or form.

The whole ERA debate caused a few women to drop out.....the rest just keep on going.

In today's world, it would seem that anyone who is telling young women to NOT allow young men paw them or somehow convince them to have sex with them is seen as being something that has a good influence.

Never mind Joe's weird obsession with the 14 year olds of 180 years ago (and not that I know what he's talking about.....and don't care).

Joe's weird for sure. Most of the active, educated LDS women I know are thinking about these issues, trying to figure how to balance them. Someone who works at church hqs said the figures are 50% lds young woman drop out by 21 from the church and that for the men it's even worse: 50% by 19 and then another 50% of RMs by age 25.

I don't know how accurate those figures actually are. If they are 1/3rd accurate, that still indicates a coming shift of major portions.

But don't assume the official LDS church will be the one that won't change based on its tradition. The Community of Christ (former RLDS) adopted female priesthood and universal marriage, with the Restoration branches taking almost 40% of the former RLDS membership.

Mormonism will continue to have another full century of excitement at least in its memberships.
Many informed gentiles, who have LDS among their customers, JoeB, are far better informed about them and their history than those who are mere haters.
Many informed gentiles, who have LDS among their customers, JoeB, are far better informed about them and their history than those who are mere haters.

I don't inquire about any of my customers or vendors or co-workers religions. It frankly doesn't interest me all that much, and if they start the whole bible thumping, I ask them nicely to stop.

Please, guy, you have yet to point out one thing I've said about Mormonism that is inaccurate. You might not like the fact I point out the whackiness of it all... but that's kind of your problem.

But, seriously, man, I hope you get that own little world of yours where you can rule over your spirit children. However, be advised that DC Comics already has the copyright on "Bizarro World".
You have said very little about Mormonism that is accurate. If you have poor customer service, that is your problem. And, quite frankly, your instability on this issue has ended in your label of "JoeBizzaro".
And the idiot shitbag continues to lose the struggle with his OCD of bigotry.
You have said very little about Mormonism that is accurate. If you have poor customer service, that is your problem. And, quite frankly, your instability on this issue has ended in your label of "JoeBizzaro".

Please point out what I got wrong, or admit you a liar.

Oh, that's right. You say people are wrong and then don't point it out... because that's what liars do when they lose arguments.

And someone should have explained to you at an early age that contradiction is not an argument.
Ame®icano;4273337 said:
It's interesting to see that being Mormon IS a problem if you are on the right.

If you're left, then it's OK. Nobody complains about Harry Reid.

Same story with blacks.

That is definitely the case. Of course, the problems Mormons or Blacks have, don't have anything to do anyone on the Left.
The problems with being Mormon or Black are solely within the Republican Party / Right Wing.
The Dems don't even HAVE a "Values Summit" where candidates discuss the most appropriate ways to have Big Government interfere with people's lives, based on religion, sex etc... Why people should vote with them because they will make sure that Abstinence Only is taught, thus insuring the success of the Palin's at preventing unwed teen-age pregnancy etc...

So you're absolutely right! The Left only cares about the candidates' stance on the issues. How annoying, eh?
That is definitely the case. Of course, the problems Mormons or Blacks have, don't have anything to do anyone on the Left.
The problems with being Mormon or Black are solely within the Republican Party / Right Wing.
The Dems don't even HAVE a "Values Summit" where candidates discuss the most appropriate ways to have Big Government interfere with people's lives, based on religion, sex etc... Why people should vote with them because they will make sure that Abstinence Only is taught, thus insuring the success of the Palin's at preventing unwed teen-age pregnancy etc...

So you're absolutely right! The Left only cares about the candidates' stance on the issues. How annoying, eh?

Oh, come on. The left is every bit as insistant on imposing THEIR values on people when they get the levers of power.

Personally, I think that teaching "abstinence only" is foolish. But so is giving the kids a bag of rubbers and the number to the local abortion clinic and let's not tell your parents. For my part, I'm wondering why schools are doing this at all. It ain't their job. You really want the people who can't teach your kid how to spell or multiply properly to be the ones telling them how to have sex? Ludicrous.

Let's not forget, the left is very happy to tell us how much water should be in out toilets or what kind of lightbulbs we should have in our house. (You, know the dim, curley kind you have to turn on three times as many of to see what you are doing.)
That is definitely the case. Of course, the problems Mormons or Blacks have, don't have anything to do anyone on the Left.
The problems with being Mormon or Black are solely within the Republican Party / Right Wing.
The Dems don't even HAVE a "Values Summit" where candidates discuss the most appropriate ways to have Big Government interfere with people's lives, based on religion, sex etc... Why people should vote with them because they will make sure that Abstinence Only is taught, thus insuring the success of the Palin's at preventing unwed teen-age pregnancy etc...

So you're absolutely right! The Left only cares about the candidates' stance on the issues. How annoying, eh?

Oh, come on. The left is every bit as insistant on imposing THEIR values on people when they get the levers of power.

Personally, I think that teaching "abstinence only" is foolish. But so is giving the kids a bag of rubbers and the number to the local abortion clinic and let's not tell your parents. For my part, I'm wondering why schools are doing this at all. It ain't their job. You really want the people who can't teach your kid how to spell or multiply properly to be the ones telling them how to have sex? Ludicrous.

Let's not forget, the left is very happy to tell us how much water should be in out toilets or what kind of lightbulbs we should have in our house. (You, know the dim, curley kind you have to turn on three times as many of to see what you are doing.)

You seem to misunderstand my point. It's not that that either side doesn't try to effect the changes of their ideology on everyone. Of course they both do.

My point is that in this case, it's the GOP creating the problem for their own candidates because of race or religion.
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You seem to misunderstand my point. It's that that either side doesn't try to effect the changes of their ideology on everyone. Of course they both do.

My point is that in this case, it's the GOP creating the problem for their own candidates because of race or religion.

You see, I don't buy that.

The issue with Romney's religion is that it just so far out there and bizarre that even he doesn't want to talk about it. The problem with his religion is actually his religion.

In 2008, he said he welcomed questions about Mormonism. Now if you even bring it up, he accused you of bigotry and "poisonous" language.

As for race, I'm the first one to admit, the GOP has really screwed up in many ways. They've done racially insensitive things and at times appealed to the worst angels of our nature. But they've also promoted qualified minorities to the highest offices in the land.

In the case of Herman Cain, his problem is that he's simply become "none of the above" for people satisfied with neither Romney nor Perry. I compare him to Howard Dean, who was refreshing in his candor, but not practical. Eventually, you are going to have to get a political pro in there, and Romney and Perry are the only real choices on the menu.
You seem to misunderstand my point. It's that that either side doesn't try to effect the changes of their ideology on everyone. Of course they both do.

My point is that in this case, it's the GOP creating the problem for their own candidates because of race or religion.

You see, I don't buy that.

The issue with Romney's religion is that it just so far out there and bizarre that even he doesn't want to talk about it. The problem with his religion is actually his religion.

In 2008, he said he welcomed questions about Mormonism. Now if you even bring it up, he accused you of bigotry and "poisonous" language.

Ah but if a candidate running for the Dem nomination took that stance, it wouldn't be as big a problem, would it? Nope. The Dems do NOT make religion a part of their platform & qualifications the way the GOP does.

As for race, I'm the first one to admit, the GOP has really screwed up in many ways. They've done racially insensitive things and at times appealed to the worst angels of our nature. But they've also promoted qualified minorities to the highest offices in the land.

WHAT???? Logic? Reason? Objectivity? I'm not sure how to respond! It's so unusual on this board, I'm thrown!

In the case of Herman Cain, his problem is that he's simply become "none of the above" for people satisfied with neither Romney nor Perry. I compare him to Howard Dean, who was refreshing in his candor, but not practical. Eventually, you are going to have to get a political pro in there, and Romney and Perry are the only real choices on the menu.

Yup. If Romney runs I vote Red. If Perry runs, I hold my nose and pull the Blue lever. Ugh.
The problems with being Mormon or Black are solely within the Republican Party / Right Wing.

So you're absolutely right! The Left only cares about the candidates' stance on the issues. How annoying, eh?

You should have read through the thread before making a fool of yourself like that.
The problems with being Mormon or Black are solely within the Republican Party / Right Wing.

So you're absolutely right! The Left only cares about the candidates' stance on the issues. How annoying, eh?

You should have read through the thread before making a fool of yourself like that.

Well that was said partly in jest. But okay.
So I'm always happy to admit when I'm wrong. Show me where the LibDems want to make that their candidate is sufficiently Christian - and the RIGHT kind of Christian.

Interesting that you censored out the middle part of my post that you quote, though...:eusa_angel:

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