Leading GOP Candidate a Cult Member!

Romney can't beat Obama. .

Does the DNC pay you by the post or are you on salary?

Not at all, man.

The DNC doesn't have to pay anyone. The Republicans will find ways to screw up on their own.

"Hey, let's get that guy who John McCain whupped badly last time. You know, the one who came in third and 75% of our party hates! That guy!"

Seriously, man, you need to stop complaining to me and worry about how to keep me on board. This ain't the way to do it.
Maybe it will come down to muslim v. cult member. Except the muslim sent American soldiers to Africa to kill Christians but the cult member didn't.
Maybe it will come down to muslim v. cult member. Except the muslim sent American soldiers to Africa to kill Christians but the cult member didn't.

If you mean by "killing Christians", helping a sovereign government fight a terrorist group that murders children, yeah, I can see where there's going to be a real backlash over that.
You are entitled to your very foolish, subjective self-defeating opinion, JoeB-izarro.

Gee, man, were you really upset when I pointed out you couldn't use that name for your Spirit World in the after life?

Maybe we need to pick some new names for your world... Liar-World Fake-World
Troll-World. Hey, I think I like that last one. Describes you perfectly.

They all describe you exceptionally well, JoeB-izzaro.
Maybe it will come down to muslim v. cult member. Except the muslim sent American soldiers to Africa to kill Christians but the cult member didn't.

If you mean by "killing Christians", helping a sovereign government fight a terrorist group that murders children, yeah, I can see where there's going to be a real backlash over that.

See, JoeB, when you are not dealing with your bizarro fantasies concerning Romney (did you have a Bishop like him?), you can be very clear and fair.
Oh, you do this work for free because their interests and your bigotry match up so well? What a helpful shitbag you are for your fellow dems.

No, I do this because I enjoy doing it. I like talking politics with people who are reasonably intelligent.

It also means I have to tolerate no-content apologetics from people like you and JakeSnarkey who are unable to process an argument.

Hey, let's pretend for a moment I've seen the errors of my ways, and I love Mormons now.

But 22% of Americans and 44% of Evangelicals don't.

How is nominating Romney smart?

If Romney was an Atheist like I am, I'd have an equally big problem with him being the nominee. A lot of folks won't vote for an Atheist, and if the goal is to get rid of Obama (You do remember that was the goal, right?) that would seem to be a bit counterproductive.

Of course, there are a lot of other reasons why Romney would be a horrible candidate, which I've detailed.

1) He's lost 75% of the races he's run in, because he's an awful candidate against all but the weakest of opponents.
2) His business practices and oblviousness to the plight of working folks in this country play right into the hands of Obama and OWS.
3) His nomination will be a slap in the face of the TEA Party, nuetering the most potent force the GOP has for energizing its vote.
4) His race baiting Perry on immigration will alienate Hispanics, a key group the GOP needs to win over.

Any one of those four makes him a bad candidate, but then you've got the LDS stuff on top of that.
Maybe it will come down to muslim v. cult member. Except the muslim sent American soldiers to Africa to kill Christians but the cult member didn't.

If you mean by "killing Christians", helping a sovereign government fight a terrorist group that murders children, yeah, I can see where there's going to be a real backlash over that.

You mean like in Libya, or Syria. Those kinds of sovereign governments fighting terrorist groups that kill children. Do you think that the government in Uganda is not killing children? Do you really?

This is like obama telling the Christians in Egypt to show restraint when they are being slaughtered on a wholesale basis. Obama is not only anti American but anti Christian as well, although he will lie about that if he needs to.

There is no doubt the Christians in Africa will be demonized. After all the left has been able to do that right here in the US.
People who disagree with you are snarkey? Really?? Come on JoeB-izarro. You are the decider of the message board now? Really?? :lol:

What's happening is this. The tea party and the evangelical right is losing numbers and % in this primary season. Neither has the combined strength necessary to knock Romney out as his opponents did in 2008.

The fact is simple: Romney is the nominee, and you vote for him, against him, or don't vote. Those are your alternatives because what you are posting here is nothing more than a failing wail of those who believe as you.
Maybe it will come down to muslim v. cult member. Except the muslim sent American soldiers to Africa to kill Christians but the cult member didn't.

If you mean by "killing Christians", helping a sovereign government fight a terrorist group that murders children, yeah, I can see where there's going to be a real backlash over that.

You mean like in Libya, or Syria. Those kinds of sovereign governments fighting terrorist groups that kill children. Do you think that the government in Uganda is not killing children? Do you really?

This is like obama telling the Christians in Egypt to show restraint when they are being slaughtered on a wholesale basis. Obama is not only anti American but anti Christian as well, although he will lie about that if he needs to.

There is no doubt the Christians in Africa will be demonized. After all the left has been able to do that right here in the US.

The Christians in Islamic Africa have always been demonized. You make no sense, little buddy.
The kindly government in Uganda, not hurting anyone and not killing children.


At least five people were confirmed dead and more than 150 injured, security and humanitarian officials said Friday, as the police and the military fired live ammunition, along with tear gas and rubber bullets, to disperse growing crowds. For the second time in 10 days, a 2-year-old was shot. The police said more than 350 people had been arrested. Other protests were reported in the cities of Gulu and Mbale
See, JoeB, when you are not dealing with your bizarro fantasies concerning Romney (did you have a Bishop like him?), you can be very clear and fair.

Now wait, Jake. Before you said I was ignorant of Mormonism, now you are accusing me of being an ex-Mormon? Really?

My disdain for Mormons comes from when I was stationed at Ft. Lewis Washington at an ROTC advanced camp. Bad time in my life, my mother had passed away a few months before I went there. And these LDS cocksuckers essentially stabbed me in the back at every oppurtunity. Important life lesson learned.

That was before I started researching all the batshit crazy stuff they believe. That's before I realized that the guy they named that university after was a child molesting scumwad who betrayed the United States and slaughtered hundreds of settlers during the Utah War. And they name a university after this guy? Really?

But even if Romney weren't a part of a cult I despise, I'd still dislike him. He's a scuzzy human being. Someone who puts working people out of jobs so he can buy another mansion. Someone who will say whatever he thinks he has to in order to get votes.

I don't like Obama much as a president, but I don't think he's a bad person. I think Mitt Romney is a bad person.
I can't fault you there. You are entitled to not like Mitt Romney for any reason at all. I think obama is not only a bad person, but a rephensible excuse for a scum sucking scuzzwad. That's what makes him a bad president.
People who disagree with you are snarkey? Really?? Come on JoeB-izarro. You are the decider of the message board now? Really?? :lol:

What's happening is this. The tea party and the evangelical right is losing numbers and % in this primary season. Neither has the combined strength necessary to knock Romney out as his opponents did in 2008.

The fact is simple: Romney is the nominee, and you vote for him, against him, or don't vote. Those are your alternatives because what you are posting here is nothing more than a failing wail of those who believe as you.

Actually, Romney's the nominee, Obama gets a second term. That's the ONLY outcome that's going to happen.

The GOP establishment would rather lose an election than lose control of the party to the rabble. that's why they've lost 4 out of 5 popular votes in the last 20 years.
Oh, you do this work for free because their interests and your bigotry match up so well? What a helpful shitbag you are for your fellow dems.

No, I do this because I enjoy doing it.

You clearly do enjoy being a liberal, bigoted, bag of shit. Way to go, shitbag.

I enjoy exposing pious fraud, yes.

I am an atheist. I really despise all religions, not just LDS.

LDS is particularly onerous to me because the fraud is so obvious. Everything Joseph Smith said has been disproven or debunked, but you have 6 million little zombies wandering around following it.

And if you can't debunk the obvious frauds like Mormonism and Scientology, what chance do we have of freeing ourselves of the superstition, ignorance and fear that the mainstream religions live off of?

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