Leading GOP Candidate a Cult Member!

You seem to misunderstand my point. It's that that either side doesn't try to effect the changes of their ideology on everyone. Of course they both do.

My point is that in this case, it's the GOP creating the problem for their own candidates because of race or religion.

You see, I don't buy that.

The issue with Romney's religion is that it just so far out there and bizarre that even he doesn't want to talk about it. The problem with his religion is actually his religion.

In 2008, he said he welcomed questions about Mormonism. Now if you even bring it up, he accused you of bigotry and "poisonous" language.

Ah but if a candidate running for the Dem nomination took that stance, it wouldn't be as big a problem, would it? Nope. The Dems do NOT make religion a part of their platform & qualifications the way the GOP does.

Yup. If Romney runs I vote Red. If Perry runs, I hold my nose and pull the Blue lever. Ugh.

Well, first I would dispute that Democrats don't have religious litmus tests. Let's not forget, Barack Obama had to quit his church and renounce his pastor before he was allowed to continue playing. He actually had to say that he didn't really believe the stuff about white folks that Jeremiah Wright was saying.

Do you think at any point, Romney is going to be forced to quit Mormonism or renounce their rather silly positions on race, women and gays? I doubt it.
In 2008, he said he welcomed questions about Mormonism. Now if you even bring it up, he accused you of bigotry and "poisonous" language.

That is pure garbage, just like almost all of your posts.

if you legitimately ask questions about a religion and it's history in a sincere way, there are no issues. But when you spread falsities and use the terms nutbags and wackos when describing mormons or anyone else....

you more than clearly expose what a bigot you are.

Your little tidbit about taking oaths to take over the country are lies.

But you make the claim no one has disputed you.

You really are no longer worth the time.

You fall into the very category of those you seem to decry. You have your mind made up around falsehoods and no matter what people tell you.....you know you are right....despite the facts.

A real testament to the poor educational system of this country.

Whoops...sorry.....somehow I assumed you were actually educated (here or somewhere else....and you can forget the spelling and grammar comments.....they are nothing but deflections).
In 2008, he said he welcomed questions about Mormonism. Now if you even bring it up, he accused you of bigotry and "poisonous" language.

That is pure garbage, just like almost all of your posts.

if you legitimately ask questions about a religion and it's history in a sincere way, there are no issues. But when you spread falsities and use the terms nutbags and wackos when describing mormons or anyone else....

you more than clearly expose what a bigot you are.

Your little tidbit about taking oaths to take over the country are lies.

But you make the claim no one has disputed you.

You really are no longer worth the time.

You fall into the very category of those you seem to decry. You have your mind made up around falsehoods and no matter what people tell you.....you know you are right....despite the facts.

A real testament to the poor educational system of this country.

Whoops...sorry.....somehow I assumed you were actually educated (here or somewhere else....and you can forget the spelling and grammar comments.....they are nothing but deflections).

I made up my mind on meeting some of you "whackos" in 1983, when I had to spend six weeks with these backstabbing nutbags at an ROTC training camp. I didn't actually bother educating myself on what your crazy beliefs are.

RomneyBot 4.0 wasn't addressing me, personally. He was addressing people who think Mormonism is a cult. Sorry, that's a valid point of view. You guys are a cult. Deal with it. Or at least learn to think for yourself.
You see, I don't buy that.

The issue with Romney's religion is that it just so far out there and bizarre that even he doesn't want to talk about it. The problem with his religion is actually his religion.

In 2008, he said he welcomed questions about Mormonism. Now if you even bring it up, he accused you of bigotry and "poisonous" language.

Ah but if a candidate running for the Dem nomination took that stance, it wouldn't be as big a problem, would it? Nope. The Dems do NOT make religion a part of their platform & qualifications the way the GOP does.

Yup. If Romney runs I vote Red. If Perry runs, I hold my nose and pull the Blue lever. Ugh.

Well, first I would dispute that Democrats don't have religious litmus tests. Let's not forget, Barack Obama had to quit his church and renounce his pastor before he was allowed to continue playing. He actually had to say that he didn't really believe the stuff about white folks that Jeremiah Wright was saying.

Do you think at any point, Romney is going to be forced to quit Mormonism or renounce their rather silly positions on race, women and gays? I doubt it.

Do the Dems seem to care whether he even attends services?
Do the Dems have millions of registered voters who meet to discuss the "Faith and Values" of their candidates?
Did Obama have to quit that church because it was a Christian church?
Did he change his faith, denomination etc...?
Was it about his religion or about his pastor?
His pastor.
Did he quit because he found out the azzhole running was screaming "G-d danm America!"
Even after the Wright videos came out, did the Dems vote him in a BIG way?

DWho brought up his religion and STILL do (at least in the case of the more whackjobbery types?) Repubs & Conservs.

Libs & Dems don't have the same fixation on religion as a litmus test for their candidates. Not even close.
You have said very little about Mormonism that is accurate. If you have poor customer service, that is your problem. And, quite frankly, your instability on this issue has ended in your label of "JoeBizzaro".

Please point out what I got wrong, or admit you a liar. Oh, that's right. You say people are wrong and then don't point it out... because that's what liars do when they lose arguments. And someone should have explained to you at an early age that contradiction is not an argument.

JoeB-izarro whines when caught out. Your opinion, bizarro boy, is not proof of anything. You trot out opinions then you want others to refute them with evidence?

JoeB-izarro, never going to happen.
You seem to misunderstand my point. It's that that either side doesn't try to effect the changes of their ideology on everyone. Of course they both do.

My point is that in this case, it's the GOP creating the problem for their own candidates because of race or religion.


JoeB-izarro, nobody cares what you "buy". The fact is that the dems, the libs, and the left do not care about Romney's religion anymore than Perry's. To many of the left, they are both strange, but, hey, who cares.

The Pubs on the other hand are eating their young. Romney can beat Obama, but the purity fools in the Party don't care.
Do the Dems seem to care whether he even attends services?
Do the Dems have millions of registered voters who meet to discuss the "Faith and Values" of their candidates?
Did Obama have to quit that church because it was a Christian church?
Did he change his faith, denomination etc...?
Was it about his religion or about his pastor?
His pastor.
Did he quit because he found out the azzhole running was screaming "G-d danm America!"
Even after the Wright videos came out, did the Dems vote him in a BIG way?

DWho brought up his religion and STILL do (at least in the case of the more whackjobbery types?) Repubs & Conservs.

Libs & Dems don't have the same fixation on religion as a litmus test for their candidates. Not even close.

Your statement is full of a lot of supposition that defies credulity, not the least of which is that Obama was unaware of what Wright was about. Come on, do you really think he sat in this guy's church for 20 years and didn't know what the man was? Really?

The left is fine with ministers and clergymen who support leftist causes. He'll they are even dedicating a statue of one today!
JoeB-izarro is the queen of supposition and opinion. Move along, bizarro boy, until you can evidence your beliefs. The right hammers Romney far more than the left ever will for his religion.
JoeB-izarro has nothing. :lol: He can delete this all day, but bizarro boy has no substance.
[JoeB-izarro, nobody cares what you "buy". The fact is that the dems, the libs, and the left do not care about Romney's religion anymore than Perry's. To many of the left, they are both strange, but, hey, who cares.

The Pubs on the other hand are eating their young. Romney can beat Obama, but the purity fools in the Party don't care.

Romney can't beat Obama. He couldn't beat Ted Kennedy, he couldn't beat Devall Patrick and he couldn't beat John McCain. He couldn't even beat Mike Huckabee.

The point is, the left is giong to vote against the Republican, regardless.

The right isn't going to support Romney. If stuck with him, they'll go third party or they will stay home. Just like they did in 2008 with McCain.
You are entitled to your very foolish, subjective self-defeating opinion, JoeB-izarro.
JoeB-izarro is the queen of supposition and opinion. Move along, bizarro boy, until you can evidence your beliefs. The right hammers Romney far more than the left ever will for his religion.

The left won't have to. They'll just use their ready made code word for Mormon.

The code word is "weird". You will see the left and their allies in the media describe how "weird" Romney is. You'll hear that story about how he strapped that dog to the roof of his car or how he thinks Corporations are people to.

I mean, I know you ain't terribly bright and are guided by your hatred of evangalicals, like most Latter Day Zombies, but use what little brain matter you have. Why do you think Obama and the Leftist media keep talking up Romney.

Because they know they've got him right in the KILLZONE baby. If you are going to run against the bloodsuckers on Wall Street, which is exactly what Obama has to do at this point, then Romney is a villian from Central Casting.

I should also point out that there are plenty of meat on the bones of Mormonism for the left to go after. The homophobia, the sexism, the racism. so, no, it won't be anything as blunt as "They're a cult", but it will be stuff like "They didn't admit Blacks into the Church until 1978."
You are entitled to your very foolish, subjective self-defeating opinion, JoeB-izarro.

Gee, man, were you really upset when I pointed out you couldn't use that name for your Spirit World in the after life?

Maybe we need to pick some new names for your world...


Hey, I think I like that last one. Describes you perfectly.

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