Leaked audio of Republicans freaking out over Obamacare. Hilarious! Laughed so hard I spewed!



“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) worried that one idea floated by Republicans—a refundable tax credit—won’t work for middle-class families that can’t afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them." The rest of the discussion is entirely about the political risks these Republicans face, not the tens of thousands of people who might die, every year, when their coverage is ripped away.


When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone? If they ain't rich, white and Republican, fuck 'em! Right?

Oh this is just too rich.

And Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Cover everyone? Better? Cheaper?

And then Ryan an McConnell telling everyone how they are working together and how it's going along really well.


The outcry over cutting the ads was so bad, they reinstated those.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....period"

Then we have Gruber publicly stating that it's a good thing that Americans aren't very bright..

Fuck Barrypuppetcare and the healthcare industry that wrote this pork-filled piece of legislation with tens of thousands of rules and regulations. For every one person that it helped, it fucked over 10 by jacking up THEIR costs or making them part-time employees...and guess what? Barrypuppetcare didn't apply to illegals because they still got their healthcare for free. I am so sick and fucking tired of leftards believing that this corporate entity that disguises itself as a legitmate governmental body should take care of their every want and need......fucking pathetic.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....period"

Then we have Gruber publicly stating that it's a good thing that Americans aren't very bright..

Fuck Barrypuppetcare and the healthcare industry that wrote this pork-filled piece of legislation with tens of thousands of rules and regulations. For every one person that it helped, it fucked over 10 by jacking up THEIR costs or making them part-time employees...and guess what? Barrypuppetcare didn't apply to illegals because they still got their healthcare for free. I am so sick and fucking tired of leftards believing that this corporate entity that disguises itself as a legitmate governmental body should take care of their every want and need......fucking pathetic.

Gruber underestimated the American public........jus' a lil'...........:dance:........
“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

Here, take your pick:

The assessment is not mine, but cleverly summarized from a newspaper reporter, Jennifer Rubin....

As audio tapes are being leaked about conversations among GOPers at the retreat, one such republican openly stated that to keep that promise of "repealing Obamacare" without ANY idea what to replace it with (after 7 years of bitching about the law) is tantamount to political suicide.

Rubin's great line was this: "I'm glad that republicans are LESS crazy in private than they are in public"

Gotta love it......
Read this early this morning...I for one am very relieved to see the Republicans seriously considering the ramifications of repeal and replace...both in terms of keeping their promises, not least of which one not to "put the rug out from under" those who have gained insurance...but also the political consequences and how to minimize them.

Had the Democrats had more conversations like this one, they might not have lost 1,000 seats, the house, the senate, the presidency and a supreme court pick.

Definitely read the article posted on a reputable site and make your own decision...

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