Leaked audio of Republicans freaking out over Obamacare. Hilarious! Laughed so hard I spewed!

I don't think so and Trump is the Russian Poodle. We know that for a fact.

OK, rdean....what has Russia done that has put them in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse? No one has been able to answer this....wanna give it a shot?

Meddle in our election (and other countries too) to discredit our democracy and lift sanctions, which Trump will deliver them.
You are still mad at Russia for exposing the Democrats for the pieces of shit that they are?

Lol careful now, if you say what they released on Democrats makes them "pieces of shit", you will quickly run out of lexicon to describe Trump's admin.

The damage was not in content of emails (which few in public actually have any understanding about the content, including you seems) the damage was in never ending "controversy" narrative wikileaking, 8 benghazi comettes and Comey's email bullshit added up to, which put Hillary on defensive throughout campaign and distracted from Trump's severe character flaws and comedic pie-in-the-sky policy proposals.

No damage in the e-mails???? Are you shitting me? How can you even post that with a straight face? AND we have barely scratched the surface of Pizzagate and the constant reference to "Pasta, Pizza, walnut sauce, cheese, ice cream" all pedophile code words. Like I said, you simply choose to be blind because party loyalty trumps truth.

Pizzagate? Do you know how fucking unhinged you immediately out yourself to be when you talk about this crazy nonsense?

Let it go retard.
OK, rdean....what has Russia done that has put them in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse? No one has been able to answer this....wanna give it a shot?

Meddle in our election (and other countries too) to discredit our democracy and lift sanctions, which Trump will deliver them.
You are still mad at Russia for exposing the Democrats for the pieces of shit that they are?

Lol careful now, if you say what they released on Democrats makes them "pieces of shit", you will quickly run out of lexicon to describe Trump's admin.

The damage was not in content of emails (which few in public actually have any understanding about the content, including you seems) the damage was in never ending "controversy" narrative wikileaking, 8 benghazi comettes and Comey's email bullshit added up to, which put Hillary on defensive throughout campaign and distracted from Trump's severe character flaws and comedic pie-in-the-sky policy proposals.

No damage in the e-mails???? Are you shitting me? How can you even post that with a straight face? AND we have barely scratched the surface of Pizzagate and the constant reference to "Pasta, Pizza, walnut sauce, cheese, ice cream" all pedophile code words. Like I said, you simply choose to be blind because party loyalty trumps truth.

Pizzagate? Do you know how fucking unhinged you immediately out yourself to be when you talk about this crazy nonsense?

Let it go retard.

This isn't an argument that you have any hope of winning. I have testimony of former NYPD detectives like John Rothstein, a high ranking former FBI agent Ted Gunderson that started his own private investigation firm with impeccable reputations that worked to uncover this underground satanic pedophile network that goes all the way back to the 60's. Remember the Franklin cover-up of the late 1980's and early 90's where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were taken away, drugged and used as prostitutes for the Washington elite and then photographed so that they could be comrpomised? Same thing happens in Australia with compromised politicians. Just recently Canada busted a mega pedophile and porn ring as well as Norway. This is world wide and it brings in billions a year. We also learned after the death of Jimmy Savile that he was supplying young boys for members of Parliament, high ranking members in the Vatican and he was awfully chummy with the house of Windsor as well.

Tell me if this makes any sense to you.....makes sense to me because I have researched the sex-magic rituals of Aleister Crowley's satanic Ordo Templi Orientis cult that the elite belong to.

Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner From: Kathryn Tate [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

Debate me on this, ass-wipe. I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of information. This is what I have done all day every day for the last 5 plus years. Bring what ya got and let's see who makes the better case.
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OK, rdean....what has Russia done that has put them in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse? No one has been able to answer this....wanna give it a shot?

Meddle in our election (and other countries too) to discredit our democracy and lift sanctions, which Trump will deliver them.
You are still mad at Russia for exposing the Democrats for the pieces of shit that they are?

Lol careful now, if you say what they released on Democrats makes them "pieces of shit", you will quickly run out of lexicon to describe Trump's admin.

The damage was not in content of emails (which few in public actually have any understanding about the content, including you seems) the damage was in never ending "controversy" narrative wikileaking, 8 benghazi comettes and Comey's email bullshit added up to, which put Hillary on defensive throughout campaign and distracted from Trump's severe character flaws and comedic pie-in-the-sky policy proposals.

No damage in the e-mails???? Are you shitting me? How can you even post that with a straight face? AND we have barely scratched the surface of Pizzagate and the constant reference to "Pasta, Pizza, walnut sauce, cheese, ice cream" all pedophile code words. Like I said, you simply choose to be blind because party loyalty trumps truth.

Pizzagate? Do you know how fucking unhinged you immediately out yourself to be when you talk about this crazy nonsense?

Let it go retard.

This is one of the better summations of the Pizzagate scandal I have seen and the information provided is easy to verify with a simple Google search. If you read all of the contents and then claim with no reservation that there is nothing that raises your eyebrow? I will;l then provide the very creepy background of James Alefantis and Comet Pizza and Ping Pong.....this summation, while good, barely scratches the surface but it's a good start for the uninformed.

#Pizzagate, Clinton, & Podesta: What is it, and is it credible?
I showed you one with 4 plans, they are deciding on which one is best. Before they knew they couldn't get a repeal, so now they have to agree on a single plan....which they will and in the next couple of weeks, we'll be rid of obamacare

You've heard it here first.......By mid-February we will have a BETTER health care insurance system....

TRUMPCARE is coming...........LOL
Oh God. Pizzagate. Is there anyone stupid enough to believe such nonsense? Then Republicans raise their hands.
Oh God. Pizzagate. Is there anyone stupid enough to believe such nonsense? Then Republicans raise their hands.

rdean....wanna refute the evidence I have posted????? The "Uh-uyh" defense doesn't work...not for even snot-nosed kids that are told that there is no such thing as Santa Claus. Debate me on this.......look at what I have posted and look at the links. There is no one here that can debunk the fact that this needs to be seriously investigated and this crosses political party lines....the neocons are up their armpits ion shit concerning this.....THIS is how the elites control their minions...through bribery and if that doesn't work, they have them compromised. Step up to the plate. little fella.....if you can't run with the big dogs, keep your little puppy ass on the porch.
omg rdean I will crush you.

So how has the south gained on the north in population?
Do you notice northern states losing EVs while southern states gaining them? and from the 60s....

so name the last time a republican was more liberal than a democrat in a presidential race?

I cant wait to hear this.
I'm sorry, I can't get passed "They moved".

I guess rdeans talking points didn't give him info on how to confront truth.
of course you cant

you have no response....

you cant deny anything I said
You're right. I can't deny the nonsense you said. It's such tardation, it stands on it's own merit as truly, fucking stupid.

Just to summarize, I said:

Since during the Civil War, the majority of those in the south were Democrats and the in the north, Republicans. Now the majority in the south are Republicans and those in the north Democrats.

How did that happen? Did they trade places?

And your answer was:

Very simple, republicans moved south


I told you

Again you don't want to listen.

Name me the democrat politicians that voted against the 64 civil rights bill and how many switched to a republican. hint....the answer is one out of 22......

This is a good explanation.....
blacks switched for the new deal....not because of segregation....

Still waiting rdean
“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) worried that one idea floated by Republicans—a refundable tax credit—won’t work for middle-class families that can’t afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them." The rest of the discussion is entirely about the political risks these Republicans face, not the tens of thousands of people who might die, every year, when their coverage is ripped away.


When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone? If they ain't rich, white and Republican, fuck 'em! Right?

Oh this is just too rich.

And Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Cover everyone? Better? Cheaper?

And then Ryan an McConnell telling everyone how they are working together and how it's going along really well.


You spewed eh? Did your helmet & jaw brace fall off too?
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....period"

Then we have Gruber publicly stating that it's a good thing that Americans aren't very bright..

Fuck Barrypuppetcare and the healthcare industry that wrote this pork-filled piece of legislation with tens of thousands of rules and regulations. For every one person that it helped, it fucked over 10 by jacking up THEIR costs or making them part-time employees...and guess what? Barrypuppetcare didn't apply to illegals because they still got their healthcare for free. I am so sick and fucking tired of leftards believing that this corporate entity that disguises itself as a legitmate governmental body should take care of their every want and need......fucking pathetic.

Gruber underestimated the American public........jus' a lil'...........:dance:........

Sadly he didn't, Dancin' Fool. You are every bit as dumb as he thought you were.
THEY MOVED????????????
That's the most stupid thing I ever heard.
Oh my God. A true tard.

omg rdean I will crush you.

So how has the south gained on the north in population?
Do you notice northern states losing EVs while southern states gaining them? and from the 60s....

so name the last time a republican was more liberal than a democrat in a presidential race?

I cant wait to hear this.
I'm sorry, I can't get passed "They moved".

of course you cant

you have no response....

you cant deny anything I said
You're right. I can't deny the nonsense you said. It's such tardation, it stands on it's own merit as truly, fucking stupid.

Just to summarize, I said:

Since during the Civil War, the majority of those in the south were Democrats and the in the north, Republicans. Now the majority in the south are Republicans and those in the north Democrats.

How did that happen? Did they trade places?

And your answer was:

Very simple, republicans moved south


I told you

Again you don't want to listen.

Name me the democrat politicians that voted against the 64 civil rights bill and how many switched to a republican. hint....the answer is one out of 22......

This is a good explanation.....
blacks switched for the new deal....not because of segregation....

Im gonna take rdeans silence as a he has nothing left to say. I win! Southern strategy was bullshit

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