Leaked audio of Republicans freaking out over Obamacare. Hilarious! Laughed so hard I spewed!

I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
So you and your tribe of Neanderthals view having access to affordable 21st Century HC as a hand out! Boy you and your ilk are truly out of touch.
Better to be a neanderthal than a black guy.
Meh! The Neanderthals for the most part have been extinct due to their inability to evolve and adapt to change. I see there are a few of you left.....however.
And you choose to bigotted towards us, a minority of a minority. What a racist you are!
Are you playing the "Victim Card". I thought you were the person who could pay out pocket for his health care no matter the cost. That doesn't sound like a victim.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
So you and your tribe of Neanderthals view having access to affordable 21st Century HC as a hand out! Boy you and your ilk are truly out of touch.
Better to be a neanderthal than a black guy.
Meh! The Neanderthals for the most part have been extinct due to their inability to evolve and adapt to change. I see there are a few of you left.....however.
And you choose to bigotted towards us, a minority of a minority. What a racist you are!
Are you playing the "Victim Card". I thought you were the person who could pay out pocket for his health care no matter the cost. That doesn't sound like a victim.
Hell yeah I am. If you can, so can I.
Wow more Washington post reporters making up shit about republicans.

"Brilliant" retort..........Trump has convinced his sheep to NOT only believe their own eyes (those pictures of his "fantastic" inauguration attendance,) but now to NOT believe their own ears (moron, listen to the audio tapes)..........LOL

Yeah only because of Trump I feel this way.

Are you a retard?

We've felt this way for decades.

Remember Dan Rather?

Oh and here is a history of WaPos ebdorsements

The Washington Post - Wikipedia

Yeah I win again, you guys only think of the present. Never learning from the past or anticipating the future
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The assessment is not mine, but cleverly summarized from a newspaper reporter, Jennifer Rubin....

As audio tapes are being leaked about conversations among GOPers at the retreat, one such republican openly stated that to keep that promise of "repealing Obamacare" without ANY idea what to replace it with (after 7 years of bitching about the law) is tantamount to political suicide.

Rubin's great line was this: "I'm glad that republicans are LESS crazy in private than they are in public"

Gotta love it......

Yes, Republicans are genuine in wanting to replace ACA with real affordable healthcare. I'm sure all you loons were surprised they weren't laughing about taking away everyone's healthcare so they can all die. It's nice to know they are adults and are serious about fixing the massive disaster that is the ACA.
Yeah only because of Trump I feel this way.

Are you a retard?

We've felt this way for decades.

Remember Dan Rather?

Oh and here is a history of WaPos ebdorsements

So, those audio tapes of elected right wingers scared shitless of what will happen if they vote to repeal the ACA are doctored and fakes????

When will you morons face reality?
Yeah only because of Trump I feel this way.

Are you a retard?

We've felt this way for decades.

Remember Dan Rather?

Oh and here is a history of WaPos ebdorsements

So, those audio tapes of elected right wingers scared shitless of what will happen if they vote to repeal the ACA are doctored and fakes????

When will you morons face reality?

Yeah the media doesn't plant shit like that to try and scare people. How many media outlets said he wasn't building the wall after the election, plenty, but he's building it.....their tactics are old and will not work.

kinda like this piece
Trump's Wall Won't Happen

or this one

Yes, Republicans are genuine in wanting to replace ACA with real affordable healthcare. I'm sure all you loons were surprised they weren't laughing about taking away everyone's healthcare so they can all die. It's nice to know they are adults and are serious about fixing the massive disaster that is the ACA.

So, the fact that right wingers in congress had SEVEN plus years to come up with an alternative.....and still have none, proves (to folks with half a brain) that they've sat with fingers up their asses for those 7 years and have no clue, don't you think? (or DO you ever think?)
Yes, Republicans are genuine in wanting to replace ACA with real affordable healthcare. I'm sure all you loons were surprised they weren't laughing about taking away everyone's healthcare so they can all die. It's nice to know they are adults and are serious about fixing the massive disaster that is the ACA.

So, the fact that right wingers in congress had SEVEN plus years to come up with an alternative.....and still have none, proves (to folks with half a brain) that they've sat with fingers up their asses for those 7 years and have no clue, don't you think? (or DO you ever think?)

Nope, they have several plans, narrowing it to one is the challenge and that's what Trump will do, get them to make decisions.
Yeah only because of Trump I feel this way.

Are you a retard?

We've felt this way for decades.

So, what happened to that little, cute mantra that Mexico will pay for the wall???? Forgot about that, didn't you????.......Now congress has to figure out whether to fund the lunatic's moronic promises or risking their re-election.........

Pew study: Majority of Americans still oppose Trump's wall

Yeah only because of Trump I feel this way.

Are you a retard?

We've felt this way for decades.

So, what happened to that little, cute mantra that Mexico will pay for the wall???? Forgot about that, didn't you????.......Now congress has to figure out whether to fund the lunatic's moronic promises or risking their re-election.........

Pew study: Majority of Americans still oppose Trump's wall


Mexico will pay for the wall. Did you ever watch a Trump speech? or did you get all your news from CBS, CNN<ABC<NBC< MSNBC< WAPO<NYT?
He didn't say they would write us a check, so trying to get us upset at that is pointless, we paid attention and know how things work.....try again.

Where is the link to the Pew Study?
Nope, they have several plans, narrowing it to one is the challenge and that's what Trump will do, get them to make decisions.

....and ALL those plans were kept "secret" just ;like Trump's plan to defeat ISIS in a couple of days?

How truly fucked up you morons must be......
Mexico will pay for the wall. Did you ever watch a Trump speech? or did you get all your news from CBS, CNN<ABC<NBC< MSNBC< WAPO<NYT?
He didn't say they would write us a check, so trying to get us upset at that is pointless, we paid attention and know how things work.....try again.

My mistake........I should have remembered that Trump's stump speech was "We will build a wall, YOU taxpayers will pay for it.....and maybe by 2090 we'll get the money from Mexico..."

Now THAT would have been more honest, but would not have "captured" your fucking stupidity and naivete as much.
Narcissistic personality disorder includes these symptoms:
  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Mayo Clinic

That's who Republicans elected to be president.

And all this shit in only his first week.

Barrypuppet and Hitlery suffer from ALL of those traits.........
I don't think so and Trump is the Russian Poodle. We know that for a fact.

OK, rdean....what has Russia done that has put them in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse? No one has been able to answer this....wanna give it a shot?

Meddle in our election (and other countries too) to discredit our democracy and lift sanctions, which Trump will deliver them.
You are still mad at Russia for exposing the Democrats for the pieces of shit that they are?

Lol careful now, if you say what they released on Democrats makes them "pieces of shit", you will quickly run out of lexicon to describe Trump's admin.

The damage was not in content of emails (which few in public actually have any understanding about the content, including you seems) the damage was in never ending "controversy" narrative wikileaking, 8 benghazi comettes and Comey's email bullshit added up to, which put Hillary on defensive throughout campaign and distracted from Trump's severe character flaws and comedic pie-in-the-sky policy proposals.
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Republicans should be freaking out over repealing the ACA.

They're almost as clueless as dimocrap scum.... And that is saying something.

They really don't have clue. At all

I've listen to several Doctors (including the sooper-moron Rand Paul) opine on what to do..... Idiots.

Doctors typically know less about Insurance than Insurance Agents know about Medicine.... And folks, that is NOT an exaggeration.

Doctors are brilliant in their field but get them outside their field and they're just not very bright. They don't 'get it'

In fact, THE worst businessmen on the Planet are Doctors and Lawyers -- In that order.

Insurance is very complicated. People outside the field know less than nothing about it. In fact, what they do know needs to be UNlearned. It's that wrong.

Yeah, Republicans got themselves in a jam. And if anything is their undoing, it will be the ACA...... FACT

Barrypuppet and Hitlery suffer from ALL of those traits.........
I don't think so and Trump is the Russian Poodle. We know that for a fact.

OK, rdean....what has Russia done that has put them in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse? No one has been able to answer this....wanna give it a shot?

Meddle in our election (and other countries too) to discredit our democracy and lift sanctions, which Trump will deliver them.
You are still mad at Russia for exposing the Democrats for the pieces of shit that they are?

Lol careful now, if you say what they released on Democrats makes them "pieces of shit", you will quickly run out of lexicon to describe Trump's admin.

The damage was not in content of emails (which few in public actually have any understanding about the content, including you seems) the damage was in never ending "controversy" narrative wikileaking, 8 benghazi comettes and Comey's email bullshit added up to, which put Hillary on defensive throughout campaign and distracted from Trump's severe character flaws and comedic pie-in-the-sky policy proposals.

There was damage in the emails. We now know the media are democrats, that's been confirmed. and we know the democrats rig their primaries. Which is ironic since they say they are opposed to that....and they are very self righteous about helping the little guy.......but we found out they are full of shit.

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