Leaked audio of Republicans freaking out over Obamacare. Hilarious! Laughed so hard I spewed!

Rant all you want to. But your Rayan-TrumpCare system will not work and is not the solution. Sorry.....but you and ilk of "Pay out of Pocket" HC enthusiast JUST DON'T GET IT! Never have and never will.

....and wait until coal miners in KY and W Va find out that they're losing HC and benefits after backing the Trumpster.....they'll surely cheer. LOL
No you're not!!!

What the moron does NOT understand that the latest polls state that ONLY 16% of citizens back Trump's "repealing" of the ACA...........and right wingers in congress who only care about their sorry asses, are taking note.
This guy is so induced by his "I-isms" he fails to see the Forrest for the Trees!!!! He claims to pay his HC out of pocket but has he or family members ever have to deal with catastrophic illnesses? That can't be paid out of pocket!!!!! or can't paid by using a Republican HC Savings Account????
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
No you're not!!!

What the moron does NOT understand that the latest polls state that ONLY 16% of citizens back Trump's "repealing" of the ACA...........and right wingers in congress who only care about their sorry asses, are taking note.
This guy is so induced by his "I-isms" he fails to see the Forrest for the Trees!!!! He claims to pay his HC out of pocket but has he or family members ever have to deal with catastrophic illnesses? That can't be paid out of pocket!!!!! or can't paid by using a Republican HC Savings Account????
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) worried that one idea floated by Republicans—a refundable tax credit—won’t work for middle-class families that can’t afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them." The rest of the discussion is entirely about the political risks these Republicans face, not the tens of thousands of people who might die, every year, when their coverage is ripped away.


When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone? If they ain't rich, white and Republican, fuck 'em! Right?

Oh this is just too rich.

And Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Cover everyone? Better? Cheaper?

And then Ryan an McConnell telling everyone how they are working together and how it's going along really well.


McClintock is a sorry ass......
Only a fucking retard would claim the ACA fixed anything.
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
You'll pay dearly for that emergency care.
What the moron does NOT understand that the latest polls state that ONLY 16% of citizens back Trump's "repealing" of the ACA...........and right wingers in congress who only care about their sorry asses, are taking note.
This guy is so induced by his "I-isms" he fails to see the Forrest for the Trees!!!! He claims to pay his HC out of pocket but has he or family members ever have to deal with catastrophic illnesses? That can't be paid out of pocket!!!!! or can't paid by using a Republican HC Savings Account????
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
Only a fucking retard would claim the ACA fixed anything.
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
You'll pay dearly for that emergency care.
We all will dearly pay for the GOP induced emergency-savings account boon-doggle known as Paul Rayan-Trump-Care plan.
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Why is it so difficult to come up with an affordable replacement for aca? Just let those people keep their coverage somehow like trump said they would.
This guy is so induced by his "I-isms" he fails to see the Forrest for the Trees!!!! He claims to pay his HC out of pocket but has he or family members ever have to deal with catastrophic illnesses? That can't be paid out of pocket!!!!! or can't paid by using a Republican HC Savings Account????
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
What's the name of your tribe????
This guy is so induced by his "I-isms" he fails to see the Forrest for the Trees!!!! He claims to pay his HC out of pocket but has he or family members ever have to deal with catastrophic illnesses? That can't be paid out of pocket!!!!! or can't paid by using a Republican HC Savings Account????
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
So you and your tribe of Neanderthals view having access to affordable 21st Century HC as a hand out! Boy you and your ilk are truly out of touch.
Well you conservatives lost this argument.......and historians will once again place conservatism "On the Wrong side of HISTORY"
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
What's the name of your tribe????
What in the fuck are you babblimg about now?
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
What's the name of your tribe????
What in the fuck are you babblimg about now?
The tribe you and your ilk belong to? Answer the question.....the historian will want to know what you guys call yourselves.
It's called 'personal responsibility', faggot. You should try it some time.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
So you and your tribe of Neanderthals view having access to affordable 21st Century HC as a hand out! Boy you and your ilk are truly out of touch.
Better to be a neanderthal than a black guy.
Meh! Having access to affordable HC is a Human Right. But sense you and ilk are waiting in line to JOIN the human race, you guys are irrelevant.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
So you and your tribe of Neanderthals view having access to affordable 21st Century HC as a hand out! Boy you and your ilk are truly out of touch.
Better to be a neanderthal than a black guy.
Meh! The Neanderthals for the most part have been extinct due to their inability to evolve and adapt to change. I see there are a few of you left.....however.
No it is not. You do not have the right to make a doctor serve you.
I see you are still waiting to join the human race.
I see you're still begging for handouts.
So you and your tribe of Neanderthals view having access to affordable 21st Century HC as a hand out! Boy you and your ilk are truly out of touch.
Better to be a neanderthal than a black guy.
Meh! The Neanderthals for the most part have been extinct due to their inability to evolve and adapt to change. I see there are a few of you left.....however.
And you choose to bigotted towards us, a minority of a minority. What a racist you are!

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