Leaked audio of Republicans freaking out over Obamacare. Hilarious! Laughed so hard I spewed!

The trouble with liberals is they have a hive mentality. They see everything in black & white. Independent thought isn't encouraged or even allowed,

They think all women should have supported Hillary for president, or else you are a traitor.
That all african americans must be a Democrat, or else they are Uncle Toms.
And that every muslim has to be anti-Trump, or else they are a self hating muslim.

Sorry libs, but the real world is complicated, and isn't based on your monolithic perception of people. ..... :cool:

I'm a white and I'm a Dem. I proudly voted for Hillary and would again. Now we have a white freak Rep in Idaho that thinks women and the doctor should be charged with murder if aborting a fetus, SO what about the man???
Guess it was not his fault.

I guess that man sees thing as male and female hey?

We do not want sharia law here in the US.
Narcissistic personality disorder includes these symptoms:
  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Mayo Clinic

That's who Republicans elected to be president.

And all this shit in only his first week.
You are definitely an expert in recognizing your own symptoms. :badgrin:
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“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) worried that one idea floated by Republicans—a refundable tax credit—won’t work for middle-class families that can’t afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them." The rest of the discussion is entirely about the political risks these Republicans face, not the tens of thousands of people who might die, every year, when their coverage is ripped away.


When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone? If they ain't rich, white and Republican, fuck 'em! Right?

Oh this is just too rich.

And Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Cover everyone? Better? Cheaper?

And then Ryan an McConnell telling everyone how they are working together and how it's going along really well.



Well, I hate to have to say it, RW'ers, but I told you so.

(okay, I lied. I don't hate having to say it.)
The trouble with liberals is they have a hive mentality. They see everything in black & white. Independent thought isn't encouraged or even allowed,

They think all women should have supported Hillary for president, or else you are a traitor.
That all african americans must be a Democrat, or else they are Uncle Toms.
And that every muslim has to be anti-Trump, or else they are a self hating muslim.

Sorry libs, but the real world is complicated, and isn't based on your monolithic perception of people. ..... :cool:

I'm a white and I'm a Dem. I proudly voted for Hillary and would again. Now we have a white freak Rep in Idaho that thinks women and the doctor should be charged with murder if aborting a fetus, SO what about the man???
Guess it was not his fault.

I guess that man sees thing as male and female hey?

We do not want sharia law here in the US.
I always thought you were a fascist....

Voting for shitbitch says it all, A FASCIST, TREASONIST, MURDERER. The women took the MAN out when the decided he could not have a say about the abortion. BABY MURDERING WOMEN SAY "HER BODY HER CHOICE" the courts say he cant stop it if he wants to keep the baby. You can't have it both ways, so choose which is it?

I still haven't heard the TAPE!!! or seen this LINK to the actual recording, has anyone? As usual the libs prove the points we make every thread. SO WHAT. ANYTHING that comes out will be better than oshitmacare. If they are worried about it it means they are trying to find a REAL SOLUTION, not trying to add some more to their control of the people, and their money like the shit that just got booted. Why don't you monoplanic morons try to find an actual reason to post, like finding out what Russia did with the nuclear material that oshit, and shitbitch sold them. (HINT) Russia/Iran buddies.
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Wow more Washington post reporters making up shit about republicans.

"Brilliant" retort..........Trump has convinced his sheep to NOT only believe their own eyes (those pictures of his "fantastic" inauguration attendance,) but now to NOT believe their own ears (moron, listen to the audio tapes)..........LOL
Isn't it odd that nobody in the GOP is simply advocating that we restore things to where they were before O-care? Seems to me that would be in lockstep with the theme of "making America great again." Yet in the one instance in which it's not impossible to restore the earlier status quo that apparently the GOP preferred to O-care, as evidenced by their longstanding promise to repeal the ACA, they won't simply do that. Have they never heard of the "undo" button?

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) worried that one idea floated by Republicans—a refundable tax credit—won’t work for middle-class families that can’t afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.

Oh, that's just now crossing his mind? Really? And that is a man elected to national office?

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

What? I find it telling that the political judgment is worth his highlighting, rather than the substantive merits and demerits of whatever the GOP enact in place of O-care. If it is indeed materially better, there won't be any material negative fallout from implementing it.

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them."

The removal of the "rug" may happen no matter the pace at which they "do this." The temporal context of repeal and replace actions need not alter the fact that the "rug" may indeed disappear.
Only a fucking retard would claim the ACA fixed anything.
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Only a fucking retard would claim the ACA fixed anything.
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
The problem with ACA is health care costs duh. Now we'll be back to GOP scams and deaths again. They did nothing but sabotage it. Dupes.

Well they are politicians, so they are going to have to do whatever it takes in order to keep their jobs... and pissing off all the people they represent isn't going to do that.
ACA at least showed people something should be done. The GOP just can't stand Dems fixing things- with their plan to boot lol...

Only a fucking retard would claim the ACA fixed anything.
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
As the richest country in the world....why should millions of citizens return to the Emergency Rooms under the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare????? Really, if you can afford to pay out of pocket you are aren't really relevant to the conversation.
The problem with ACA is health care costs duh. Now we'll be back to GOP scams and deaths again. They did nothing but sabotage it. Dupes.

Well they are politicians, so they are going to have to do whatever it takes in order to keep their jobs... and pissing off all the people they represent isn't going to do that.
ACA at least showed people something should be done. The GOP just can't stand Dems fixing things- with their plan to boot lol...

Yes there is a Retard in the White House.
Only a fucking retard would claim the ACA fixed anything.
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
As the richest country in the world....why should millions of citizens return to the Emergency Rooms under the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare????? Really, if can afford to pay out of pocket you are aren't really relevant to the conversation.
Bullshit. Because you want me to pay for your health care with my tax dollars.
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.

If you happen to be diagnosed with cancer or diabetes, YOU should try going to the ER for "treatment".....I'm sure you'll be treated impeccably.
I was smarter than you and picked a profession that pays very well....so well that will never be an issue with me. Why should I be penalized because you weren't?
Oh well we will soon have TRUMPCARE!!!!! Y'all conservatives will love the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare...........won't you.
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
As the richest country in the world....why should millions of citizens return to the Emergency Rooms under the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare????? Really, if can afford to pay out of pocket you are aren't really relevant to the conversation.
Bullshit. Because you want me to pay for your health care with my tax dollars.
What happens when you can no longer pay out of pocket? Never-Say-Never
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.

If you happen to be diagnosed with cancer or diabetes, YOU should try going to the ER for "treatment".....I'm sure you'll be treated impeccably.
I was smarter than you and picked a profession that pays very well....so well that will never be an issue with me. Why should I be penalized because you weren't?
You fail to understand......this isn't just about YOU!!!!!
I pay out of pocket, I don't even need any help from the gubmint when it comes to my health....unlike your musty, shit-lock having ass.
Then you are an abberation. Millions of people cannot pay out of pocket. Should they die in the streets???? Merely die at home???
Of course not. What is keeping them from going to the emergency room? I'm not.
As the richest country in the world....why should millions of citizens return to the Emergency Rooms under the Paul Rayan-Trumpcare????? Really, if can afford to pay out of pocket you are aren't really relevant to the conversation.
Bullshit. Because you want me to pay for your health care with my tax dollars.
What happens when you can no longer pay out of pocket? Never-Say-Never
That's not going to happen. I put money away for such occasions.

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