Leaked audio of Republicans freaking out over Obamacare. Hilarious! Laughed so hard I spewed!

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created [with repeal],” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.” […]

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) worried that one idea floated by Republicans—a refundable tax credit—won’t work for middle-class families that can’t afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them." The rest of the discussion is entirely about the political risks these Republicans face, not the tens of thousands of people who might die, every year, when their coverage is ripped away.


When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone? If they ain't rich, white and Republican, fuck 'em! Right?

Oh this is just too rich.

And Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Cover everyone? Better? Cheaper?

And then Ryan an McConnell telling everyone how they are working together and how it's going along really well.


Obamacare will collapse on its own. It was designed to fail.
When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone? If they ain't rich, white and Republican, fuck 'em! Right?

You are confusing caring for disagreeing on the solution. You are a subversive. The harder left you go, the farther right the country moves. States, House, Senate, Oval Office and soon SCOTUS.
The trouble with liberals is they have a hive mentality. They see everything in black & white. Independent thought isn't encouraged or even allowed,

They think all women should have supported Hillary for president, or else you are a traitor.
That all african americans must be a Democrat, or else they are Uncle Toms.
And that every muslim has to be anti-Trump, or else they are a self hating muslim.

Sorry libs, but the real world is complicated, and isn't based on your monolithic perception of people. ..... :cool:
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I've got an idea. The GOP should use Trump to put in something they almost-unanimously object to...just short of stopping it. It should be Article I, Section 8 to impose sales taxes on sugar, tobacco & booze to pay for UH. And preserve limousine care for the rich if they want to buy private. Remove all burdens from business to provide healthcare and they'll return to the US and have more money to hire.

Call it "Trump care" even though I thought it up.

This way it will work great and then they can pick and choose whether or not they want to own it in 2018 or say they protested it. Either way it will be in place and America will be better off for it; including their own portfolios when consumers can start buying more goods with more disposable income.

1. Sales taxes on the three main killers/sickeners. (where the poor actually pay for their own healthcare in the end)

2. Nominal co-pay at visits, paying for actual wholesale costs of visit & acting to discourage overuse of the system.

3. Malpractice reform. If it's obvious, patients can sue. If it's reaching they can't.

4. Rich can still buy private healthcare insurance.

5. You're welcome.
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Can Republicans repeal Obamacare without imposing the greatest costs on the older, white, blue-collar voters who put Trump into office?

As congressional Republicans race to repeal and replace President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, one of their principal challenges is finding an alternative that does not expose older and less affluent white voters at the core of Donald Trump’s electoral coalition to greater costs and financial risk.

The paradox of the health-reform debate is that many of Obamacare’s key elements raised costs on younger and healthier people who generally vote Democratic as a means of limiting the financial exposure of older and sicker people, even as older whites have stampeded toward the GOP. Conversely, many of the central ideas common to the Republican replacement plans would lower costs for younger and healthier adults while exposing people with greater health needs, many of them older, to the risk of much larger out-of-pocket costs, even if it reduces the health-insurance premiums they initially pay.

More: The Trumpcare Conundrum

It's no wonder that Republicans are in turmoil regarding how to replace Obamacare - because it won't be easy. Trumpcare will be front and center in the 2018 and 2020 elections. I'm still a firm believer in single-payer - Medicare for all.
WOW, 47 people viewed the post.....but not ONE response??? Amazing....LOL
This was behind closed doors.

Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare

PHILADELPHIA — Republican lawmakers aired sharp concerns about their party’s quick push to repeal the Affordable Care Act at a closed-door meeting Thursday, according to a recording of the session obtained by The Washington Post.

The recording reveals a GOP that appears to be filled with doubts about how to make good on a long-standing promise to get rid of Obamacare without explicit guidance from President Trump or his administration. The thorny issues with which lawmakers grapple on the tape — including who may end up either losing coverage or paying more under a revamped system — highlight the financial and political challenges that flow from upending the current law.

Senators and House members expressed a range of concerns about the task ahead: how to prepare a replacement plan that can be ready to launch at the time of repeal; how to avoid deep damage to the health insurance market; how to keep premiums affordable for middle-class families; even how to avoid the political consequences of defunding Planned Parenthood, the women’s health-care organization, as many Republicans hope to do with the repeal of the ACA.

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”

When have Republicans care about tens of thousands dying? Anyone?

When were tens of thousand dying?

Hopefully they won't die. But you know how Republicans are. Remember the GOP debates in Las Vegas when Ron Paul was asked about health care and the GOP audience yelled out "let him die"? You can watch it on Youtube. Want me to post it?

Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) talked about what's going to happen to the more than 20 million people who have coverage and might lose it. "We’re telling those people that we’re not going to pull the rug out from under them," he said, "and if we do this too fast, we are in fact going to pull the rug out from under them." The rest of the discussion is entirely about the political risks these Republicans face, not the tens of thousands of people who might die, every year, when their coverage is ripped away.

Secret recording shows how much Republicans are freaking out on Obamacare


Maybe I have a short memory, but I simply don't recall tens of thousands of people dying before ObamaCare. I do remember the system being better for most people than it is now
A Harvard survey found that 45k died/year because of no insurance. Cutoffs and annual caps and 500k bankruptcies a year WITH insurance were not imaginary. What we have with ACA is the ACTUAL cost of good health insurance (after decades of GOP scam non-system 50% more expensive than anywhere else) and the beginnings of solutions thru transparent competition and regulation. You're full of ignorance and fake news, dupe.
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Trumpcare. Voters will remember that name.

No matter what name they try to put on it, it will be compared to Obamacare at every step. The good parts kept from Obamacare will still be known as Obamacare, but the crap they come up with will be known as Trump care. There will be a very clear and obvious side by side comparison. They know this, and they are crapping their pants.
I've got an idea. The GOP should use Trump to put in something they almost-unanimously object to...just short of stopping it. It should be Article I, Section 8 to impose sales taxes on sugar, tobacco & booze to pay for UH. And preserve limousine care for the rich if they want to buy private. Remove all burdens from business to provide healthcare and they'll return to the US and have more money to hire.

Call it "Trump care" even though I thought it up.

This way it will work great and then they can pick and choose whether or not they want to own it in 2018 or say they protested it. Either way it will be in place and America will be better off for it; including their own portfolios when consumers can start buying more goods with more disposable income.

1. Sales taxes on the three main killers/sickeners. (where the poor actually pay for their own healthcare in the end)

2. Nominal co-pay at visits, paying for actual wholesale costs of visit & acting to discourage overuse of the system.

3. Malpractice reform. If it's obvious, patients can sue. If it's reaching they can't.

4. Rich can still buy private healthcare insurance.

5. You're welcome.
Or we could just go to co-ops and bypass the insurance companies all together. Or we could get the doctors to do away with their phony book charges and pay as we go for minor and have proper insurance for the major.
You 'spewed?' YUK! Oh man, this OP is an even weirder little psycho than i previously thought. :cuckoo:
I am sure that it will be. And if it is a disaster, the orange clown and the GOP own it.
Trumpcare. Voters will remember that name.

No matter what name they try to put on it, it will be compared to Obamacare at every step. The good parts kept from Obamacare will still be known as Obamacare, but the crap they come up with will be known as Trump care. There will be a very clear and obvious side by side comparison. They know this, and they are crapping their pants.

You may be right - but I remain convinced that Trump will want his name all over it. He will try to purge the name Obamacare from the American lexicon. In fact - he may even decree that the name Obamacare be stricken from all government records. He wants to erase the history of all things Obama.
No, you are wrong. Romney owns that. President Obama merely brought it to the national stage. And gave 30 million Americans health insurance for the first time. Leave them out in the cold again, and face the consequences.
No, you are wrong. Romney owns that. President Obama merely brought it to the national stage. And gave 30 million Americans health insurance for the first time. Leave them out in the cold again, and face the consequences.
No Romney doesn't, he didnt inflict his states system on the entire nation, Bammy and the Dumbos did.

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