Leaked: Democrats Lied Again


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
A nice trick of pulling out a multi-billions plan known as "Doc Fix" so that the revised healthcare bill appears to look like it actually reduces the deficit.

Actually, the Democrats are planning on moving ahead with the Doc Fix as soon as the healthcare bill is passed - to the tune of 371 BILLION Dollars.

So much for helping curb the deficit.

These Democrat leaders are outright liars to the American people.

Utterly sickening!


EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform

Democrats are planning to introduce legislation later this spring that would permanently repeal annual Medicare cuts to doctors, but are warning lawmakers not to talk about it for fear that it will complicate their push to pass comprehensive health reform. The plans undercut the party's message that reform lowers the deficit, according to a memo obtained by POLITICO.

Democrats removed the so-called doc fix from the reform legislation last year because its $371-billion price tag would have made it impossible for Democrats to claim that their bill reduces the deficit. Republicans have argued for months that by stripping the doc fix from the bill, Democrats were playing a shell game.

EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com
And yet more costs are revealed in this leaked memo. The Democrats are admitting that once this version of healthcare is passed, billions more of costs will be added to the Medicare system via repealing the PPF which was put in place to attempt to control rising costs.

So the White House and Democrat leaders borrowed $500 billion for Medicare to help pay for the Obamacare, but plan to then turn around and add billions more in costs to Medicare once Obamacare is passed.

My God people - the corruption and dishonesty within this entire process is utterly shameful even by Washington DC standars.

The price to pay for such legislative chaos will be enormous...

“This is not the last step, but the next step toward real health system reform. We will remain actively engaged with Congress and the administration to ensure that before Congress adjourns there are additional important changes to our health system," AMA president James Rohack said. "Congress must act to preserve access to care for seniors and military families by permanently repealing the Medicare physician payment formula that will cut Medicare payments by 21 percent next month.”

EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com
The Doc fix isn't in the health care bill, even though the doc fix pertains to health care but the student loan takeover is in the health care bill, even though that has nothing to do with health care. Smoke and mirrors to make the CBO numbers works so they can shove it down . . . .


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Key phrase here.

Democrats are planning to introduce legislation...

If it hasn't even been introduced then there's no news to report here. Get back with us when something actually happens.

Sure...be re-activce and not pro-active.

The life of a lazy liberal...wait for it to happen and THEN kick and scream....when it is too late.

How does that lifestyle work for ya?
ObamaCare comes with a lot of ancillary benefits: New Math, Free unicorn rides, Kool Aid, Hope, and you get to keep the Change!! :clap2:

Only a self deluding buffoon believes that this bill will lower the deficit........

Democrats are going to pay a huge price in November. Personally, I don't think this clusterfuck will ever be enacted even if it does pass. The next six months will be all about removing the asswipes that supported this colossal waste of time and money.
Great point... After Obama disrespected the Supreme Court in his last State of the Union I don't think they will be very willing to help him when this is challenged legally.
Thanks, I will add this to my list of crazy threads about the healthcare bill before it passes.

Oh and the cbo numbers are lies....LIES I tell you! :)
Thanks, I will add this to my list of crazy threads about the healthcare bill before it passes.

Oh and the cbo numbers are lies....LIES I tell you! :)

If Zona posted, you know it is at least a little crazy.
Thanks, I will add this to my list of crazy threads about the healthcare bill before it passes.

Oh and the cbo numbers are lies....LIES I tell you! :)

Nope...not lies.

Simply numbers that were calculated based strictly on the information Congress offers them.

Maybe it would be a little more genuine to offer ALL of the data to truly evaluate the cost.

But why? The people are sheep in the eyes opf this administration. We can easily fool them becuase we have tools like Zona out there sucking on our dic......
Okay, I've always been fairly good at basic math, but admit not much aptitude for the more complex stuff.

So help me out here.

How does a healthcare bill with a (rigged) price tag of just under $1 trillion reduce the deficit? This year. Or in 10 years. or in two decades?

Thank you for your concern in explaining this to me.
Okay, I've always been fairly good at basic math, but admit not much aptitude for the more complex stuff.

So help me out here.

How does a healthcare bill with a (rigged) price tag of just under $1 trillion reduce the deficit? This year. Or in 10 years. or in two decades?

Thank you for your concern in explaining this to me.

Simple....you raise taxes higher than the cost.

That is what the CBO evaluated.....how much tax revenue is in the bill compared to the cost of the healthcare plan.

All they needed to do was to implement in the bill tax increases that bring it to a point of lowering the deficit.

Every penny of estimated tax revenue ABOVE the estimated cost is one penny that the deficit decreases
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Okay, I've always been fairly good at basic math, but admit not much aptitude for the more complex stuff.

So help me out here.

How does a healthcare bill with a (rigged) price tag of just under $1 trillion reduce the deficit? This year. Or in 10 years. or in two decades?

Thank you for your concern in explaining this to me.
It enables Barry to stand before the nation and outright lie about what he and his party are doing.

That approval of 46 is going to look good compared to where Barry will soon be if he signs that garbage into law, he's looking at Bush country.
To have a memo circulating ensuring that over $300 billion will be added to the healthcare fix once this revised bill is passed is utterly dishonest by the Democrat leadership.

Borrowing from Medicare then further expanding Medicare all in the same breath and calling it fiscally honest is sickening...

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