Leaked: Democrats Lied Again

Too bad the Republicans squandered all their credibility yapping about imaginary death panels and various other healthcare myths, otherwise they not be getting tuned out by regular Americans every time they run in a new scare.
A nice trick of pulling out a multi-billions plan known as "Doc Fix" so that the revised healthcare bill appears to look like it actually reduces the deficit.

Actually, the Democrats are planning on moving ahead with the Doc Fix as soon as the healthcare bill is passed - to the tune of 371 BILLION Dollars.

So much for helping curb the deficit.

These Democrat leaders are outright liars to the American people.

Utterly sickening!


EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform

Democrats are planning to introduce legislation later this spring that would permanently repeal annual Medicare cuts to doctors, but are warning lawmakers not to talk about it for fear that it will complicate their push to pass comprehensive health reform. The plans undercut the party's message that reform lowers the deficit, according to a memo obtained by POLITICO.

Democrats removed the so-called doc fix from the reform legislation last year because its $371-billion price tag would have made it impossible for Democrats to claim that their bill reduces the deficit. Republicans have argued for months that by stripping the doc fix from the bill, Democrats were playing a shell game.

EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com
Not sure if anyone pointed this out yet, but apparently this is a hoax. Likely, IMO, by GOP operatives.
I asked this in another thread with no answer. How are they going to enforce the fines? What if you pay the fine and still don't get insurance? Will they have health henchmen come and throw you in jail? Exactly how are they going to enforce the mandate?

FireFly posted this in another thread.

16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare | Washington Examiner

Don't like the source? Here


This is all making me sick to my stomach.

If you doubt it, here's more. Links at site:

TaxProf Blog: House Health Care Bill 'Dangerously Expands IRS's Power'

March 19, 2010

House Health Care Bill 'Dangerously Expands IRS's Power'

Wall Street Journal, US House Republicans Say Health Bill Expands IRS Power:
House Republicans said Thursday that the health care overhaul will expand IRS authority by giving agents the power to verify acceptable health care coverage and fine or confiscate the tax refunds of Americans without coverage.
Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee, a panel that oversees taxes and health issues, also charged that IRS audits will likely increase if health care legislation is passed. They added the IRS will require up to $10 billion to administer the new program. They also claimed the IRS may need to hire 16,500 additional employees.
"This dangerously expands IRS authority," said Representative David Camp, (R., Mich.), the ranking Republican on the Committee on Ways and Means. "Most Americans will find it shocking and troubling."​

The Hill, GOP Targets IRS in Latest Health Battle
The Hill, Republicans Assail IRS Provision in Health Care Bill

Prior TaxProf Blog coverage:
IRS: The New Health Care Enforcer (Aug. 17, 2009)
Does IRS Enforcement Make Health Care Mandate a 'Tax'? (Sept. 30, 2009)
IRS to Play Starring Role in Health Care Overhaul (Oct. 6, 2009)
A nice trick of pulling out a multi-billions plan known as "Doc Fix" so that the revised healthcare bill appears to look like it actually reduces the deficit.

Actually, the Democrats are planning on moving ahead with the Doc Fix as soon as the healthcare bill is passed - to the tune of 371 BILLION Dollars.

So much for helping curb the deficit.

These Democrat leaders are outright liars to the American people.

Utterly sickening!


EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform

Democrats are planning to introduce legislation later this spring that would permanently repeal annual Medicare cuts to doctors, but are warning lawmakers not to talk about it for fear that it will complicate their push to pass comprehensive health reform. The plans undercut the party's message that reform lowers the deficit, according to a memo obtained by POLITICO.

Democrats removed the so-called doc fix from the reform legislation last year because its $371-billion price tag would have made it impossible for Democrats to claim that their bill reduces the deficit. Republicans have argued for months that by stripping the doc fix from the bill, Democrats were playing a shell game.

EXCLUSIVE -- Democrats plan doc fix after reform - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com
Not sure if anyone pointed this out yet, but apparently this is a hoax. Likely, IMO, by GOP operatives.

They dont care, they still think Okeefe is a hero even though EVERYTHING he did was a lie.
Simple....you raise taxes higher than the cost.

That is what the CBO evaluated.....how much tax revenue is in the bill compared to the cost of the healthcare plan.

All they needed to do was to implement in the bill tax increases that bring it to a point of lowering the deficit.

Every penny of estimated tax revenue ABOVE the estimated cost is one penny that the deficit decreases

Okay, I understand.

I will be taxed in excess of what I can expect in benefits from this legislation and therefore the deficit will be reduced.

That makes sense.

Next question while admitting that I am getting older and may not be as sharp as I used to be:

Presumably the fines imposed for not purchasing healthcare insurance will be less than the cost of the insurance. Why would I not then pay the fine instead of buy the insurance?

Thanking you again in advance for your kindly consideration of my query.

The fines will become higher/more severe once the legislation is in place.

The Dems didn't want to spook the public with their intended insurance police...

Okay that makes sense. I will be taxed more than any benefits I will receive and I will be forced to buy an insurance policy at whatever price I have to pay to do that or be fined a higher amount.

Now final question which really isn't a math question but I would apprecaite the courtesy of an answer:

IF the leftwingers here are successful in disputing the concept of higher taxes and really punative fines--so far they are just shouting schoolyard taunts at anybody on the right--then please answer this:

IF I won't have punative taxes or excessively punative fines forced on me, and the insurance companies are not allowed to reject pre-existing conditions, what is to stop me from waiting until I get sick to buy the insurance to cover it? Look how much I could save all those months or years that I was well?
Okay, I understand.

I will be taxed in excess of what I can expect in benefits from this legislation and therefore the deficit will be reduced.

That makes sense.

Next question while admitting that I am getting older and may not be as sharp as I used to be:

Presumably the fines imposed for not purchasing healthcare insurance will be less than the cost of the insurance. Why would I not then pay the fine instead of buy the insurance?

Thanking you again in advance for your kindly consideration of my query.

The fines will become higher/more severe once the legislation is in place.

The Dems didn't want to spook the public with their intended insurance police...

Okay that makes sense. I will be taxed more than any benefits I will receive and I will be forced to buy an insurance policy at whatever price I have to pay to do that or be fined a higher amount.

Now final question which really isn't a math question but I would apprecaite the courtesy of an answer:

IF the leftwingers here are successful in disputing the concept of higher taxes and really punative fines--so far they are just shouting schoolyard taunts at anybody on the right--then please answer this:

IF I won't have punative taxes or excessively punative fines forced on me, and the insurance companies are not allowed to reject pre-existing conditions, what is to stop me from waiting until I get sick to buy the insurance to cover it? Look how much I could save all those months or years that I was well?

The exact point I have been making.

The fines will be much greater....at least the cost of insurance.....or

They know this will be a problem with the only solution being a single payer system run by the government and funded by dramatically higher taxes.
ravi said:
Not sure if anyone pointed this out yet, but apparently this is a hoax. Likely, IMO, by GOP operatives.

They dont care, they still think Okeefe is a hero even though EVERYTHING he did was a lie.

Well, Politico has already pulled the story. If you click on the link provided by the OP, now they say that they're going to verify the authenticity of the memo...AFTER they already posted it.

Still, if it turns out the thing was a forgery, I wonder if this could be another of these moments for the GOoPers:


We'll find out soon, I'm sure.
I asked this in another thread with no answer. How are they going to enforce the fines? What if you pay the fine and still don't get insurance? Will they have health henchmen come and throw you in jail? Exactly how are they going to enforce the mandate?
They plan to hire 16,000 new IRS agents specifically to investigate wether you have got the minimum amount of health care according to gov't mandates. SOCIALISM!!!!
The fines will become higher/more severe once the legislation is in place.

The Dems didn't want to spook the public with their intended insurance police...

Okay that makes sense. I will be taxed more than any benefits I will receive and I will be forced to buy an insurance policy at whatever price I have to pay to do that or be fined a higher amount.

Now final question which really isn't a math question but I would apprecaite the courtesy of an answer:

IF the leftwingers here are successful in disputing the concept of higher taxes and really punative fines--so far they are just shouting schoolyard taunts at anybody on the right--then please answer this:

IF I won't have punative taxes or excessively punative fines forced on me, and the insurance companies are not allowed to reject pre-existing conditions, what is to stop me from waiting until I get sick to buy the insurance to cover it? Look how much I could save all those months or years that I was well?

The exact point I have been making.

The fines will be much greater....at least the cost of insurance.....or

They know this will be a problem with the only solution being a single payer system run by the government and funded by dramatically higher taxes.

Okay, so here we are. The experts who have been analyzing the CBO numbers are 100% agreed that all the costs in the scored bill were not included.

Neverthless, we will lower our deficit by passing legislation costing trillions by saving a few billion by imposing higher taxes on all the "rich" and imposing stiff fines in lieu of insurance premiums that will be lowered by the insurance companies insuring a lot more people with much higher than normal medical bills. You can throw in dealing with a lot of waste and fraud too, of course, which if that was possible to do, it makes perfectly good sense that they are waiting until the bill is passed to do it and saving $25,000 per enrollee from a Medicare system that is already broke while allowing everybody to keep the insurance they have if they like it.

Boy of boy.

My bridge selling business should be really good this year.

But then I'm not a math whiz either.
I asked this in another thread with no answer. How are they going to enforce the fines? What if you pay the fine and still don't get insurance? Will they have health henchmen come and throw you in jail? Exactly how are they going to enforce the mandate?
They plan to hire 16,000 new IRS agents specifically to investigate wether you have got the minimum amount of health care according to gov't mandates. SOCIALISM!!!!

Could it be 'Stalinist Socialism'? This whole thing smacks of some serious threats to freedoms here in America.
The fines will become higher/more severe once the legislation is in place.

The Dems didn't want to spook the public with their intended insurance police...

Okay that makes sense. I will be taxed more than any benefits I will receive and I will be forced to buy an insurance policy at whatever price I have to pay to do that or be fined a higher amount.

Now final question which really isn't a math question but I would apprecaite the courtesy of an answer:

IF the leftwingers here are successful in disputing the concept of higher taxes and really punative fines--so far they are just shouting schoolyard taunts at anybody on the right--then please answer this:

IF I won't have punative taxes or excessively punative fines forced on me, and the insurance companies are not allowed to reject pre-existing conditions, what is to stop me from waiting until I get sick to buy the insurance to cover it? Look how much I could save all those months or years that I was well?

The exact point I have been making.

The fines will be much greater....at least the cost of insurance.....or

They know this will be a problem with the only solution being a single payer system run by the government and funded by dramatically higher taxes.

The original bills (Senate and house) had fines that exceeded the amount of coverage. They were watered down at the request/demand of the GOP. That was before Grassly went 'death panel' on the country so he did have to face misled wingnuts at his town hall meetings during the summer of 09.

IMO, if they were to implement a single payer system all at once, taxes wouldn't have to be raised. We could use all of the premiums that the insurance companies use for paying their over paid management and their shareholders. That would, IMO, enable tax rates to stay as they are.
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ravi said:
Not sure if anyone pointed this out yet, but apparently this is a hoax. Likely, IMO, by GOP operatives.

They dont care, they still think Okeefe is a hero even though EVERYTHING he did was a lie.

Well, Politico has already pulled the story. If you click on the link provided by the OP, now they say that they're going to verify the authenticity of the memo...AFTER they already posted it.

Still, if it turns out the thing was a forgery, I wonder if this could be another of these moments for the GOoPers:


We'll find out soon, I'm sure.

I think its a pretty sure thing.

The lies have been flowing from the party like Niagra.
I asked this in another thread with no answer. How are they going to enforce the fines? What if you pay the fine and still don't get insurance? Will they have health henchmen come and throw you in jail? Exactly how are they going to enforce the mandate?
They plan to hire 16,000 new IRS agents specifically to investigate wether you have got the minimum amount of health care according to gov't mandates. SOCIALISM!!!!

Can you show us the section of either bill (house or senate) that says this? I am unable to find it when I peruse the bills.
ravi said:
They dont care, they still think Okeefe is a hero even though EVERYTHING he did was a lie.

Well, Politico has already pulled the story. If you click on the link provided by the OP, now they say that they're going to verify the authenticity of the memo...AFTER they already posted it.

Still, if it turns out the thing was a forgery, I wonder if this could be another of these moments for the GOoPers:


We'll find out soon, I'm sure.

I think its a pretty sure thing.

The lies have been flowing from the party like Niagra.

If it is, it will be much worse. This would have come from either GOP congressmen or the RNC........IF it proves that the memo is a forgery.
I am sure it is.

The Rs are desperate just like they were after the 1993 budget reduction act was passed without ONE SINGLE R VOTE.

They freaked and did all all out "it will distroy the country". It worked and they were elected before the impact of the bill was seen.

Now the CBO has said it was the major reason we had surpluses in the 1990s.

The Rs still try to claim the savings.

This time there will be no so luck for them.
I think its a pretty sure thing.

The lies have been flowing from the party like Niagra.

If it is, it will be much worse. This would have come from either GOP congressmen or the RNC........IF it proves that the memo is a forgery.

Well, they have been pretty damn desperate to derail this vote. Wingnut Rep. Peter King even went so far as to say they shouldn't do it on Sunday because it's the Sabbath.
I am sure it is.

The Rs are desperate just like they were after the 1993 budget reduction act was passed without ONE SINGLE R VOTE.

They freaked and did all all out "it will distroy the country". It worked and they were elected before the impact of the bill was seen.

Now the CBO has said it was the major reason we had surpluses in the 1990s.

The Rs still try to claim the savings.

This time there will be no so luck for them.

I've learned not to be that optimistic about a political party. It could be a forgery just as easily as it could have been written by a democrat. In my mind, the odds are about equal.
IMO, if they were to implement a single payer system all at once, taxes wouldn't have to be raised. We could use all of the premiums that the insurance companies use for paying their over paid management and their shareholders. That would, IMO, enable tax rates to stay as they are.

Hmm. I think at last count there were 31 major health insurance companies in the USA and if each employed 200 people, you would look at something over 6000 people who would be going on the unemployment rolls and not paying taxes immediately.

Meanwhile, by most estimates, the current healthcare overhaul will create about 150 new bureaucracies. Given our track record so far, what do you suppose the cost of those bureaucracies would be over say 10 years? So add that to the cost of those unemployed insurance companies employees.

Then let's don't stop with premiums. Let's confiscate all the salaries of those insurance company execs. If that was $5 million each, that would net us about $155 million to offset an annual expenditure exceeding more than 2 trillion each year.

I don't suppose there is anything to be gained to factor in the cost of loss of benefits as everybody is stuffed into a one-size-fits-all system or the reduced medical care because many of our healthcare professionals simply won't want to do it anymore and will retire and far fewer healthcare professionals will want to work that hard for as little money as a single payer system would afford so they'll choose some other profession.

And we probably can't put a value on what it will cost us to lose our freedoms, choices, options, and opportunities.

Yeah, good idea there. The great experiment that was the USA isn't appreciated enough to fight for it any more. So let's just give it up and become just another European-like country with a stagnant economy, fewer choices and options, high unemployment, and little chance to improve on that.

But then I'm no math whiz.
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The IRS isn't allowed to share information with other agencies so most of the hysteria here is over nothing.
IMO, if they were to implement a single payer system all at once, taxes wouldn't have to be raised. We could use all of the premiums that the insurance companies use for paying their over paid management and their shareholders. That would, IMO, enable tax rates to stay as they are.

Hmm. I think at last count there were 31 major health insurance companies in the USA and if each employed 200 people, you would look at something over 6000 people who would be going on the unemployment rolls and not paying taxes immediately.

Meanwhile, by most estimates, the current healthcare overhaul will create about 150 new bureaucracies. Given our track record so far, what do you suppose the cost of those bureaucracies would be over say 10 years? So add that to the cost of those unemployed insurance companies employees.

Then let's don't stop with premiums. Let's confiscate all the salaries of those insurance company execs. If that was $5 million each, that would net us about $155 million to offset an annual expenditure exceeding more than 2 trillion each year.

I don't suppose there is anything to be gained to factor in the cost of loss of benefits as everybody is stuffed into a one-size-fits-all system or the reduced medical care because many of our healthcare professionals simply won't want to do it anymore and will retire and far fewer healthcare professionals will want to work that hard for as little money as a single payer system would afford so they'll choose some other profession.

And we probably can't put a value on what it will cost us to lose our freedoms, choices, options, and opportunities.

Yeah, good idea there. The great experiment that was the USA isn't appreciated enough to fight for it any more. So let's just give it up and become just another European-like country with a stagnant economy, fewer choices and options, high unemployment, and little chance to improve on that.

But then I'm no math whiz.

But the CBO is and they already scored it as a money saving bill

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