Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbfcceEkn_M]Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack - YouTube[/ame]

Just how low the US government will go for war check out this video to find out
The US would never do anything like that. We are a nation ruled by laws, and we spread democracy around the world.

There is absolutely nothing to indicate the US would ever do such a..........

It's not like the Al Qaeda rebels were on record attempting to frame Syria three previous times.

The wide variety of political groups, exiled dissidents, grassroots activists and armed militants have been unable to agree on how to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

Several groups, however, have tried to form coalitions to unite opposition supporters in Syria and gain international help and recognition.

BBC News - Guide to the Syrian opposition

Which rebel group did the attack and which are the western powers backing?


It was hoped the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, which includes members from within Syria and abroad, would gain widespread international recognition as the country's sole legitimate representative, become the conduit for all financial and possibly military aid, administer areas controlled by rebel forces, and plan for a post-Assad transition.

The Doha meeting was a response to increasing pressure from the opposition's foreign backers to form a new alliance that superseded the Syrian National Council (SNC), which was widely viewed as ineffective, consumed by infighting and little respected on the ground. Reaction within the SNC was mixed, with some groups concerned that they would only control 22 seats on the leadership council, but the alliance's chairman George Sabra asserted at the time: "This is a serious step against the regime and a serious step towards freedom."

The National Coalition also includes members of the Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC), a network of grassroots opposition activists, as well as representatives of the local revolutionary councils. It also has the support of the rebel Supreme Military Council (SMC) and Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Mr Jarba said he expected advanced weapons supplied by Saudi Arabia to reach rebel fighters "soon" and change the military balance in Syria. He also said the National Coalition would not attend peace talks in Geneva planned by the US and Russia unless its military position improved. "If we are going to go to Geneva we have to be strong on the ground, unlike the situation now, which is weak," he told Reuters.
Syria will be another Libya and Iraq. But thats's the name of the game. Complete destabilization of the region. Via the PNAC.
is that why Syria refuse to have UN investigators to have access to the site where the attack took place last month, but now that the shit is about to hit the fan they have finally let them?
Is this an Al jazerra attempt to manipulate the press or just another pathetic post based on speculation and garbage investigative reporting. Who cares, let the rag tops take care of their own problems.
This is so blatant. Tomorrow (when I'm better party birthday weekend big hangover) I'm going to hit it big time because I already started to hear war drums starting in Ottawa.

I am sick to death of this bullshit from Cameron and Obama on interfering in other countries shit.

How did all the rest of the Arab Springs work out for these fools?
Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack - YouTube

Just how low the US government will go for war check out this video to find out

Just cannot trust that Booooosh.

Oh wait.

Just cannot trust that Obama.


Syrian propaganda. And they are such a friendly government, too.

They wouldn't hurt a fly.

Their own people, maybe. But not a fly.

Assad is not an idiot. We always have to remember that he is not your average ME thug.

There is no way on the planet that he gassed a suburb of Damascus after he invites the UN inspectors in to investigate the other so called gas attacks that crossed the red line.

NO freaking way.

And they are lying about the numbers btw.
The future chant is ready.

Let's practice:

Obama LIED and people DIED.

There are some red lines you just cannot cross (more than two or three times). -- Barry Hussein Soetoro.
Well, we handed them Libya. Perhaps they should have syria too.

Let's see. Now I may be hungover big time but I can get it.

Obama gave them Egypt. Obama gave them Libya.

And he is hell bent on leather to now give the radicals Syria.

Your president is fucked up. He sides with terrorists.

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