Leaked Plan: Construction on the 50 Foot Concrete Wall Starts in March

What a waste of resources. We're falling in education every single year and our healthcare system sucks, but hell, lets build a Soviet like wall. lol
The Soviet wall was built to keep people in. dip shit
Right now we have an open border and just anybody is able to get in with no problem whatsoever, how could that possibly be a good thing? Anyway it would be a shovel ready jobs, didn't barry say that once? Lol
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!

In the interest of not being divisive, I won't point out how much 50ft by 1989 MILES would cost.

Plus -- can you guess what this is:

So...you think someone is going to build a 1000 mile wide tunnel.....huh....
We already got the money from Mexico? Dang, why wasn't that in the news?


You must really have your panties in a bunch right now! The wall is happening, Trump is president and there is nothing you can do about it
What a waste of resources. We're falling in education every single year and our healthcare system sucks, but hell, lets build a Soviet like wall. lol
You must be the stupidest dim to date. All that crap you say is failing is because illegals are overrunning the system! We're paying for them to go to school, we're paying for there health care. Pull you head out of your ass!
Has there been any legitimate news articles on this issue yet?
Kris Kobach, Sec of State KS, is part of the transition team. In an interview yesterday he said initial designs for the wall include a double layer 30ft tall wall with a high speed road between the two layers for border patrol. Similar to the wall protecting San Diego.
The wall idea is dumb. We need to go after the employers hiring illegals. As long as there are jobs they will come, a wall will not stop them.
EVeryone who says "go after the employers" is a douche bag who wants illegal immigration to continue. The wall is a smart idea. That's why countries all over the world are building them.
We already got the money from Mexico? Dang, why wasn't that in the news?


You must really have your panties in a bunch right now! The wall is happening, Trump is president and there is nothing you can do about it

So no dispute that Trump lied about the Mexican government paying for it.
Why do you insist on posting stupid shit? Just curious. Try to pay attention. This topic has been covered.
Has there been any legitimate news articles on this issue yet?
Kris Kobach, Sec of State KS, is part of the transition team. In an interview yesterday he said initial designs for the wall include a double layer 30ft tall wall with a high speed road between the two layers for border patrol. Similar to the wall protecting San Diego.

Duncan Hunter is blushing somewhere as we speak. lol
The wall idea is dumb. We need to go after the employers hiring illegals. As long as there are jobs they will come, a wall will not stop them.

TOo late for that crap. THe time for that type of discussion was 30 years ago.

NOw, we act. DO everything. Right now. Because the problem has grown to biblical proportions and needs to be solved immediately.

If 100 years from now historians come the conclusion that the wall was not needed considering the other steps taken, that will be fine.

Especially since those fucking mexicans will be paying of it.
I can't begin to imagine how the Mexicans are going to pay for it. If Mexico says no were not paying for it are we going to invade and raid their national bank? I'm a realist, I don't think a wall will work, I don't think we can force Mexico to pay for it and I certainly don't want to waste our resources on it. A concerted effort going after the employers is the best and only strategy I can think of.

Of course increased border security is needed but I fear building a wall will waste the very resources needed to accomplish that.

You'e not a realist. You're a douche bag. You have never been in favor of controlling immigration.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Yeah, but will Mexico pay America for the land it uses to build the wall? Will it use American labor? What of the water routes, will Mexico pay for the Coast Guard to police those entry points? America is gonna clean up on this deal.
I work often with 35-50 ft precast concrete slabs. An entire warehouse can be erected in a day. The slabs are shipped on flatbed trucks (my specialty) in order, hoisted into place by crane and welded at steel weld points cast into the slabs.

HIllary douche bags will be amazed at how fast the wall goes up.
The wall idea is dumb. We need to go after the employers hiring illegals. As long as there are jobs they will come, a wall will not stop them.
EVeryone who says "go after the employers" is a douche bag who wants illegal immigration to continue. The wall is a smart idea. That's why countries all over the world are building them.
They absolutely need to go after employers. I go out of my way to ensure I only hire citizens and I pay them well. My competition makes liberal use of illegals and pays them crap, which gives them an edge financially. The faces of my competitors are white pro American bullshitters, but the people doing the actual work are illegals.

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