Leaked UN Report Reveals Torture,Lynchings,& Abuse In Post-Gaddafi Libya...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
When will our new Puppets in Libya & Egypt turn on us too?

Thousands of people, including women and children, are being illegally detained by rebel militias in Libya, according to a report by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Many of the prisoners are suffering torture and systematic mistreatment while being held in private jails outside the control of the country's new government.

The document, seen by The Independent, states that while political prisoners being held by the Gaddafi regime have been released, their places have been taken by up to 7,000 new “enemies of the state”, "disappeared" in a dysfunctional system, with no recourse to the law.

The report will come as uncomfortable reading for the Western governments, including Britain, which backed the campaign to oust Gaddafi. A UN resolution was secured in March in order to protect civilians from abuses by the regime, which was at the time mercilessly suppressing the uprising against the Gaddafi regime.

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Prepare for lots of Blow-Back from both Egypt & Libya. We'll regret supporting these cretins at some point. Bet on that.
Anyone who actually spent 5 minutes thinking about this issue, rather than just bowing to their political masters, saw this coming.
Anyone who actually spent 5 minutes thinking about this issue, rather than just bowing to their political masters, saw this coming.

Yea so many Chickenhawk Warmongers in both parties these days. You nailed it. Thanks.
No more war. America has blood on our hands that we wouldn't have if we minded our own fucking business! Out of the middle east and africa.
When will our new Puppets in Libya & Egypt turn on us too?

Thousands of people, including women and children, are being illegally detained by rebel militias in Libya, according to a report by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Many of the prisoners are suffering torture and systematic mistreatment while being held in private jails outside the control of the country's new government.

The document, seen by The Independent, states that while political prisoners being held by the Gaddafi regime have been released, their places have been taken by up to 7,000 new “enemies of the state”, "disappeared" in a dysfunctional system, with no recourse to the law.

The report will come as uncomfortable reading for the Western governments, including Britain, which backed the campaign to oust Gaddafi. A UN resolution was secured in March in order to protect civilians from abuses by the regime, which was at the time mercilessly suppressing the uprising against the Gaddafi regime.

Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya - Africa - World - The Independent
Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya | The Daily Caller


Of course people are being lynched - that's what happens to those who support their oppressors..

The Libyans want a free democratic state - of course they're going to eradicate their enemies...
People want freedom and democracy in the new information world. You fox/rush/moonie/koch brainwashed/blindered coward/ fascists who love bloody dictators can shove it. LOL Hoping for your recovery.

Of course your sources are BS, btw.
Our new puppets in Egypt,Libya,and Iraq will turn on us at some point. It's inevitable.
Is obama gonna hurry up and take credit for this too!

He should be made to.

It's quite appropriate that many of those being murdered are just African migrants. It just keeps getting better and better.
Is obama gonna hurry up and take credit for this too!

He should be made to.

It's quite appropriate that many of those being murdered are just African migrants. It just keeps getting better and better.

He should,they're his buddies. They're not mine though.

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